Objects in GraphQL represent the resources you can access. An object can contain a list of fields, which are specifically typed.
API Site
A Relay edge containing a APIBrownout
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (APIBrownout) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a APIExceptionConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (APIExceptionType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8223: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-8201: Received an invalid quoteId.
- KT-CT-8224: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
goodsPurchase (GoodsPurchase) | Goods purchase created. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"goodsPurchase": GoodsPurchase
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountApplicationConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountApplicationConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountApplicationConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountApplicationType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountApplicationType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
coolingOffEndDate (Date) | Last day of the cooling off period. Barring changes or objections, the account will be gained on the next business day after this date. This value will only be returned for current applications. |
dateOfSale (Date) | Date at which this account decided to switch to us. |
isMigrated (Boolean) | Whether this account application represents a migration into the current system or a regular gain. |
migrationSource (String) | The source system for a migrated account. This could be the previous supplier or the previous account management system. |
preferredSsd (Date) | Preferred supply start date. If null, it means ASAP. |
salesChannel (String!) | |
salesSubchannel (String) | The sales subchannel used when signing up. This could for example be a price comparison site. |
status (AccountApplicationStatus!) |
"status": "CURRENT",
"salesChannel": "abc123",
"salesSubchannel": "abc123",
"dateOfSale": "2020-01-01",
"coolingOffEndDate": "2020-01-01",
"isMigrated": true,
"migrationSource": "abc123",
"preferredSsd": "2020-01-01"
Name | Description |
campaignExpiryDate (Date) | The date on which the associated campaign itself concludes. |
expiryDate (Date) | The date on which the account's participation in the campaign ends. |
name (String) | The name of the campaign. |
slug (String) | The slug of the campaign. |
startDate (Date) | The date that the account's link to the campaign started. |
"campaignExpiryDate": "2020-01-01",
"name": "abc123",
"slug": "abc123",
"expiryDate": "2020-01-01",
"startDate": "2020-01-01"
Name | Description |
data (JSONString) | A JSON object containing unstructured data about the account charge. |
updatedAt (DateTime) | The date and time the metadata was last updated. |
"data": {"key": "value"},
"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
cclAmount (BigInt) | The climate change levy amount of the charge. |
displayNote (String) | The display note for the charge. |
grossAmount (BigInt) | The gross amount of the charge. |
id (ID) | The ID of the account charge. |
metadata (AccountChargeMetadataType) | |
netAmount (BigInt) | The net amount of the charge. |
note (String) | The note for the charge. |
reason (String) | The reason for the charge. |
salesTaxAmount (BigInt) | The sales tax amount of the charge. |
"id": "abc123",
"netAmount": 1,
"grossAmount": 1,
"salesTaxAmount": 1,
"cclAmount": 1,
"reason": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"displayNote": "abc123",
"metadata": AccountChargeMetadataType
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
data (JSONString!) | |
updatedAt (DateTime!) |
"data": {"key": "value"},
"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
grossAmount (BigInt!) | |
id (ID!) | |
metadata (AccountCreditMetadataType) | |
netAmount (BigInt!) | |
note (String!) | |
reason (String!) | |
salesTaxAmount (BigInt!) |
"id": "abc123",
"grossAmount": 1,
"netAmount": 1,
"salesTaxAmount": 1,
"note": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123",
"metadata": AccountCreditMetadataType
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountEventConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountEventConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountEventConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountEvent) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": EmailEventType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
category (String!) | |
fetchUrl (String) | |
filename (String!) | |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
isReady (Boolean) | Is the file ready for use / downloadable? |
isUploaded (Boolean) | Is the file uploaded to S3? |
sizeInBytes (Int) |
"id": "abc123",
"filename": "abc123",
"category": "abc123",
"isUploaded": true,
"isReady": true,
"fetchUrl": "abc123",
"sizeInBytes": 1
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountFileAttachmentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountFileAttachment) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountFileAttachment,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
isEligibleForIo (Boolean) | Whether account is eligible to register devices with Intelligent Octopus or not. |
"isEligibleForIo": true
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountPaymentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountPaymentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountPaymentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountPaymentType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountPaymentType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (BigInt!) | Amount of payment in pence |
id (ID!) | |
paymentDate (Date!) | The date this payment is scheduled to be debited |
paymentInstruction (PaymentInstructionType) | The payment instruction that was used to make this payment. |
reference (String!) | |
status (AccountPaymentStatusOptions) | The current status of the payment. |
surchargeAmount (Int) | Surcharge amount generated by this payment. |
transactionType (AccountPaymentTransactionTypeChoices) | The transaction type of the payment. |
"id": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"reference": "abc123",
"transactionType": "DD_FIRST_COLLECTION",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"paymentInstruction": PaymentInstructionType,
"surchargeAmount": 1
Name | Description |
account (AccountType!) | |
createdAt (DateTime!) | |
namespace (String!) | |
updatedAt (DateTime!) | |
value (String!) |
"namespace": "abc123",
"value": "abc123",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"account": AccountType
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountRepaymentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountRepaymentType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountRepaymentType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (BigInt!) | Amount of payment in pence |
id (ID!) | |
paymentDate (Date!) | The date this payment is scheduled to be debited |
status (AccountRepaymentStatusOptions) | The current status of the repayment. |
"id": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"status": "REQUESTED"
Name | Description |
accountType (AccountTypeChoices) | The type of account. |
activeHardshipAgreements ([HardshipAgreementType]) | List of active hardship agreements for the user when isinhardship is True. |
activeReferralSchemes (ReferralSchemeTypes) | The referral schemes currently active for this account. |
address (RichAddressType) | The billing address of this account, stored in the new libaddressinput-based format. Note that |
allProperties ([PropertyType]) | All properties linked to the account - past, present and future. |
annualStatements (AnnualStatementConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch annual statements for the account. |
applications (AccountApplicationConnectionTypeConnection) | Applications by this account to become our customer. More recent applications will be listed first. Arguments
The account application status. |
assistanceAgreements ([AssistanceAgreementType]) | Assistance agreements for account. |
balance (Int!) | The current account balance. Arguments
If this variable is set to true, the balance will be calculated based on the sum of balances on all ledgers configured to contribute to this account's balance. Otherwise, only the main ledger's balance will be fetched (legacy behaviour). If you are unsure, set this value to true. |
bill (BillInterface) | Fetch a specific issued bill (invoice/statement) for the account. Arguments
The unique identifier of the bill.
The unique identifier of the bill. A pending billing document will not have an identifier yet. And not all finalized billing documents will have an identifier. Prefer using the id field unless advised by Kraken. |
billingAddress (String) | The billing address of the account. |
billingAddressLine1 (String) | |
billingAddressLine2 (String) | |
billingAddressLine3 (String) | |
billingAddressLine4 (String) | |
billingAddressLine5 (String) | |
billingAddressPostcode (String) | |
billingCountryCode (String) | |
billingDeliveryPointIdentifier (String) | |
billingEmail (String) | The billing email of the account. |
billingName (String) | The billing name of the account. |
billingOptions (BillingOptionsType) | Information about the account's billing cycle. |
billingSubName (String) | The billing sub name of the account. |
bills (BillConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch issued bills (invoices/statements) for the account. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the search results. This date value is inclusive.
Include bills without PDFs.
Include held statements within the results.
Include pre-Kraken / historical statements within the results.
Include open statements. This flag needs to be used along with includeBillsWithoutPDF=false otherwise results will prove unexpected.
Optional date representing the beginning of the search results based on issued date. This date value is inclusive.
Optional date representing the end of the search results based on issued date. This date value is exclusive.
Only include bills emailed to the current user's email.
The order in which to return the bills.
Optional date representing the end of the search results. This date value is exclusive. |
brand (String) | The brand of the account. |
business (BusinessType) | Business info related to a business account. |
businessType (BusinessTypeOptions) | The company type of a business account. Deprecated The 'businessType' field is deprecated. |
campaigns ([AccountCampaignType]) | The campaigns associated with an account. |
canRequestRefund (Boolean) | Whether the account can request a credit refund. |
commsDeliveryPreference (CommsDeliveryPreference) | The method the account has specified they prefer we contact them. |
communicationDeliveryPreference (String) | Deprecated The 'communicationDeliveryPreference' field is deprecated. |
consents ([ConsentType!]!) | Consents linked to this account. |
contributionAgreements ([ContributionAgreementType]) | Contribution agreements for account. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The datetime that the account was originally created. |
debtCollectionProceedings ([DebtCollectionProceedingType]) | Debt collection proceedings for account. |
directDebitInstructions (DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeConnection) | The direct debit instructions of the account Arguments
Filter the direct debit instructions by status |
documentAccessibility (DocumentAccessibilityChoices) | The document accessibility preference of the account. |
electricityBalance (String) | The latest balance of the electricity MaLo ledger. |
events (AccountEventConnectionTypeConnection) | The account events that were recorded for the account. Arguments
Filter the account events by their type.
fileAttachments ([AccountFileAttachment]) | Files attached to this account. |
gasBalance (String) | The latest balance of the gas MaLo ledger. |
id (ID!) | |
isInHardship (Boolean) | True if there is an active Hardship Agreement for this account. False otherwise. |
ledgers ([LedgerType]) | Ledgers provide the foundation of bookkeeping functionality. Similar to a bank account, they allow us to keep track of financial activity on a particular customer account. |
maximumRefund (MaximumRefundType) | The maximum amount a customer is allowed to request as a refund and the reason why that's the maximum amount. |
metadata ([Metadata]) | Metadata associated with the account. |
notes ([AccountNoteType]) | Notes for the account. |
number (String) | A code that uniquely identifies the account. |
overdueBalance (Int) | The current account overdue balance. |
paginatedFileAttachments (AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | Files attached to this account. |
paginatedPaymentForecast (PaymentForecastConnectionTypeConnection) | Paginated payment forecasts for an account. Starts from today's date (inclusive). The interface supports Arguments
The end date to retrieve forecasts for. This end date is inclusive.
The ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no ID is passed.
The number of the ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no number is passed. |
paymentForecast ([PaymentForecastType]) | A list displaying the payment forecast for an account. The list starts from today's date (inclusive). Deprecated The 'paymentForecast' field is deprecated. Arguments
The end date to retrieve forecasts for. This end date is inclusive.
The ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no ID is passed.
The number of the ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no number is passed. |
paymentPlans (PaymentPlanConnectionTypeConnection) | The payment plans that have been created for this account. |
paymentSchedules (PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeConnection) | The schedules that describe how we would expect to take payments for an account on a given month. Arguments
If false, we remove the currently valid schedule if it has already fulfilled its purpose and will have no further impact on customer payments, along with any schedules which are not valid from today.
The ledger id to return the payment schedules from.
The ledger number to return the payment schedules from.
The ledger to return transactions from.
payments (AccountPaymentConnectionTypeConnection) | The payments made into an account from a payment instruction. Arguments
Whether to include payment promises (of any kind: made, broken or fulfilled) or not. The default is to include them.
The id of the ledger to return payments from.
WARNING: Will be mandatory in future versions The number of the ledger to return payments from.
Filter for payments that were taken for a particular reason.
portfolio (PortfolioType) | The portfolio this account is linked to. |
preferredLanguageForComms (String) | The language that the account preferred for communications. |
properties ([PropertyType]) | Properties linked to the account now and in the future. Arguments
Returns properties that have an effective period that ends at or after the given activeFrom datetime. |
property (PropertyType) | Fetch a specific property linked to the account. Arguments
Property ID. |
provisionalTransactions (ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | |
references ([AccountReferenceType]) | Account references linked to this account. |
referrals (ReferralConnectionTypeConnection) | The referrals created by this account. Arguments
Only return referrals with the specified status. Return all referrals by default. |
referralsCreated (Int) | Number of referrals created by this account. |
repayments (AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeConnection) | The repayments that have been requested for this account. Arguments
Only return repayments whose status matches one of these statuses. |
requestRefundEligibility (RequestRefundEligibilityType) | Details about the eligibility status for requesting a refund. |
rewards ([RewardType]) | The rewards applied to this account. |
splitBillingAddress ([String]) | List of billing address lines. |
status (AccountStatus) | The current status of the account. |
transactions (TransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch transactions that have taken place on the account. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the postedDate range filter. This date value is inclusive.
In a multi-ledger scenario, include all ledgers' transactions if
The ledger to return transactions from.
The number of the ledger to return transactions from.
The order in which to return the transactions.
Optional date representing the end of the postedDate range filter. This date value is exclusive.
Include only these specific transaction types in the result.
Exclude these specific transaction types from the result. |
urn (String) | Unique reference number from a 3rd party enrolment. |
users ([AccountUserType!]!) |
"id": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"status": "PENDING",
"paymentSchedules": PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeConnection,
"users": AccountUserType,
"brand": "abc123",
"balance": 1,
"overdueBalance": 1,
"urn": "abc123",
"billingName": "abc123",
"billingSubName": "abc123",
"billingEmail": "abc123",
"billingAddress": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine1": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine2": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine3": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine4": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine5": "abc123",
"billingAddressPostcode": "abc123",
"billingCountryCode": "abc123",
"billingDeliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123",
"splitBillingAddress": ["abc123"],
"address": RichAddressType,
"portfolio": PortfolioType,
"ledgers": [LedgerType],
"metadata": [Metadata],
"canRequestRefund": true,
"requestRefundEligibility": RequestRefundEligibilityType,
"payments": AccountPaymentConnectionTypeConnection,
"repayments": AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentPlans": PaymentPlanConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentForecast": [PaymentForecastType],
"paginatedPaymentForecast": PaymentForecastConnectionTypeConnection,
"referrals": ReferralConnectionTypeConnection,
"referralsCreated": 1,
"rewards": [RewardType],
"activeReferralSchemes": ReferralSchemeTypes,
"transactions": TransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"provisionalTransactions": ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"annualStatements": AnnualStatementConnectionTypeConnection,
"bills": BillConnectionTypeConnection,
"billingOptions": BillingOptionsType,
"bill": BillInterface,
"directDebitInstructions": DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeConnection,
"events": AccountEventConnectionTypeConnection,
"applications": AccountApplicationConnectionTypeConnection,
"accountType": "BUSINESS",
"businessType": "SOLE_TRADER",
"business": BusinessType,
"commsDeliveryPreference": "EMAIL",
"communicationDeliveryPreference": "abc123",
"documentAccessibility": "LARGE_PRINT",
"references": [AccountReferenceType],
"fileAttachments": [AccountFileAttachment],
"paginatedFileAttachments": AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"maximumRefund": MaximumRefundType,
"campaigns": [AccountCampaignType],
"isInHardship": true,
"activeHardshipAgreements": [HardshipAgreementType],
"contributionAgreements": [ContributionAgreementType],
"assistanceAgreements": [AssistanceAgreementType],
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"preferredLanguageForComms": "abc123",
"consents": ConsentType,
"properties": [PropertyType],
"allProperties": [PropertyType],
"property": PropertyType,
"electricityBalance": "abc123",
"gasBalance": "abc123"
Information about the preferences set up for a user.
Name | Description |
emailFormat (EmailFormats) | What format the user would like to receive their emails in. |
fontSizeMultiplier (Float) | This setting allows the user to adjust the default font size of the communications sent to them. |
isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations (Boolean) | Whether the user has opted in to receive meter reading confirmation emails. |
isOptedInToClientMessages (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted in to receive messages from the client or client group. For example, for Octopus Energy this describes whether a user is opted in to offers from Octopus Investments. |
isOptedInToOfferMessages (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted in to receive messages offering discounts or other services not directly related to the services the client provides. |
isOptedInToRecommendedMessages (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted in to receive messages we recommend they read, but are not vital to the utilities the client provides. For example, these could be reminders that the client will take a payment. |
isOptedInToSmsMessages (Boolean) | Whether the user has opted in to receive SMS messages. |
isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted in to receive messages from the client's preferred third parties. |
isOptedInToUpdateMessages (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted in to receive messages updating them on client activities. |
isUsingInvertedEmailColours (Boolean) | Whether a user has opted to have inverted colours in their emails. This is currently only relevant to the Octopus Energy brand, whose emails have a dark background by default. |
preferredHoldMusic (Songs) | Song which will be used as hold music for the user. |
"isOptedInToClientMessages": true,
"isOptedInToOfferMessages": true,
"isOptedInToRecommendedMessages": true,
"isOptedInToUpdateMessages": true,
"isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages": true,
"emailFormat": "TEXT",
"isUsingInvertedEmailColours": true,
"fontSizeMultiplier": 1.0,
"isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations": true,
"isOptedInToSmsMessages": true,
"preferredHoldMusic": "NO_SONG_PREFERRED"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AccountUserConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AccountUserConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AccountUserConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AccountUserType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AccountUserType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Information about the consents for an account user.
Name | Description |
consents ([ConsentType!]!) | Consents linked to this user. |
"consents": ConsentType
Name | Description |
isSensitive (Boolean) | Whether the value is sensitive and encrypted. |
namespace (String) | The namespace for the property. |
value (String) | The property value. |
"namespace": "abc123",
"value": "abc123",
"isSensitive": true
The role a user has in association with one account.
Name | Description |
account (AccountType!) | |
id (ID!) | |
role (RoleString) | The account role. |
user (AccountUserType!) |
"id": "abc123",
"user": AccountUserType,
"account": AccountType,
"role": RoleString
User objects are the core of the authentication system. They typically represent a customer who manages a portfolio of one or more accounts.
Name | Description |
accountUserRoles ([AccountUserRoleType]) | List of roles a user has for each account they're linked to. Arguments
Optionally filter the user's account roles to only return those linked to specific accounts. |
accounts ([AccountInterface]) | List of accounts that the user is linked to either via portfolio role or account role. Arguments
Optionally filter the user's accounts to only return those linked to portfolios on the specified brands.
Optionally exclude accounts with any of the given account types.
Optionally exclude accounts that have never had an agreement.
Optionally restrict user accounts to only return those with the specified account numbers.
Optionally restrict user accounts to only return those linked to portfolios on public facing brands. |
alternativePhoneNumbers ([String]) | List of alternative phone numbers for the account user. |
consents ([ConsentType!]!) | Consents linked to this user. |
dateOfBirth (Date) | AccountUser's date of birth. |
details ([AccountUserDetailType]) | List of details linked to this user. |
displayName (String) | We recommend you use fullName instead of this field. Deprecated The 'displayName' field is deprecated. |
email (String!) | |
familyName (String!) | |
firstName (String) | We recommend you use preferredName or fullName instead of this field. Deprecated The 'firstName' field is deprecated. |
fullName (String) | The user's full name. |
givenName (String!) | |
hasFamilyIssues (Boolean) | Whether there are family issues. |
id (ID!) | |
isDeceased (Boolean!) | Designates whether this user is deceased. |
isInHardship (Boolean) | True if user is linked to an account with an active hardship agreement. |
landline (String!) | |
landlinePhoneNumber (String) | The user's landline phone number. Deprecated The 'landlinePhoneNumber' field is deprecated. |
lastName (String) | We recommend you use preferredName or fullName instead of this field. Deprecated The 'lastName' field is deprecated. |
liveSecretKey (String) | The user's secret key to access the Developer API. |
mobile (String!) | |
portfolioId (ID) | We recommend you use portfolioIds instead of this field. Deprecated The 'portfolioId' field is deprecated. |
portfolioIds ([ID]) | List of portfolio ids that the user is linked to via their portfolio roles. Arguments
Optionally filter the user's portfolios to only return those linked to specified brands.
Optionally restrict the user portfolios to only return those linked to public facing brands. |
portfolioUserRoles ([PortfolioUserRoleType]) | List of roles a user has for each portfolio they're linked to. |
portfolios (PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection) | List of portfolios that the user is linked to via their portfolio roles. Arguments
Optionally filter the user's portfolios to only return those linked to specified brands.
Optionally restrict the user portfolios to only return those linked to public facing brands. |
preferences (AccountUserCommsPreferences) | |
preferredName (String) | The user's preferred name. |
pronouns (String) | The user's pronouns e.g. 'she/her', 'he/him', 'they/them'. |
specialCircumstances (SpecialCircumstancesType) | |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"accounts": AccountInterface,
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"landline": "abc123",
"title": "abc123",
"pronouns": "abc123",
"isDeceased": true,
"liveSecretKey": "abc123",
"displayName": "abc123",
"firstName": "abc123",
"lastName": "abc123",
"fullName": "abc123",
"preferredName": "abc123",
"portfolioId": "abc123",
"portfolioIds": ["abc123"],
"portfolios": PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection,
"specialCircumstances": SpecialCircumstancesType,
"preferences": AccountUserCommsPreferences,
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"landlinePhoneNumber": "abc123",
"alternativePhoneNumbers": ["abc123"],
"hasFamilyIssues": true,
"isInHardship": true,
"accountUserRoles": [AccountUserRoleType],
"portfolioUserRoles": [PortfolioUserRoleType],
"details": [AccountUserDetailType],
"consents": ConsentType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
campaignAdded (Boolean) | Whether the campaign was successfully added. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"campaignAdded": true
Name | Description |
agreedAt (DateTime) | The datetime when the agreement was agreed. |
estimatedAnnualConsumption (Int) | The annual consumption given by the customer in kWh. |
estimatedMonthlyBillInEuros (Decimal) | The estimated monthly bill in €. |
id (Int) | |
isActive (Boolean) | Whether the agreement is active. |
isAffectedByPriceBrake (Boolean) | Whether the agreement is affected by the price brakes. |
isRevoked (Boolean) | Whether the agreement is revoked. |
isTerminated (Boolean) | Whether the agreement is terminated. |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | The monthly standing charge in €. Deprecated The 'monthlyStandingCharge' field is deprecated. |
netMonthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | The net monthly standing charge in €. |
product (Product) | |
standingChargeGrossRateInformation ([GrossRateInformation]) | A list of gross rate information which is relevant to the standing charge (€/month). |
unitRateGrossRateInformation ([GrossRateInformation]) | A list of the gross rate information which is relevant to the unit rate (ct/kWh). Deprecated The 'unitRateGrossRateInformation' field is deprecated. |
unitRateInformation (UnitRateInformation!) | The unit rate information. |
unitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | The unit rate per kWh in €. Deprecated The 'unitRatePerKwh' field is deprecated. |
validFrom (DateTime) | The datetime when the agreement is valid from. |
validTo (DateTime) | The datetime when the agreement is valid to. |
"id": 1,
"product": Product,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"netMonthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"standingChargeGrossRateInformation": [GrossRateInformation],
"unitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"unitRateGrossRateInformation": [GrossRateInformation],
"unitRateInformation": SimpleProductUnitRateInformation,
"estimatedMonthlyBillInEuros": 1.0,
"estimatedAnnualConsumption": 1,
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"validTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"agreedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isRevoked": true,
"isActive": true,
"isTerminated": true,
"isAffectedByPriceBrake": true
Returned when an account already has a LINE account linked to it.
Name | Description |
type (LineLinkErrorType!) | The type of error that occurred. |
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3924: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
payment (AccountPaymentType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"payment": AccountPaymentType
A media element containing an animation, such as a Lottie.
Name | Description |
accessibilityHidden (Boolean) | Whether the element is hidden from view. |
accessibilityLabel (String) | Accessible description of the element. |
horizontalAlignment (Alignment) | The horizontal alignment of the media. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
mediaUrl (String!) | The resource URL of the media. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
width (ItemSizeType) | The measurement of the element. |
"width": FractionSizeType,
"mediaUrl": "abc123",
"horizontalAlignment": "START",
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([AnnualStatementConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": AnnualStatementConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a AnnualStatementConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (AnnualStatementType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": AnnualStatementType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Annual statements that are sent to the account. They summarize important information about usage and tariffs.
"periodStartsAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"periodEndsAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"id": "abc123",
"pdfUrl": "abc123"
Annul an order before a supply start date exists and send confirmation email to the customer.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4923: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4922: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
orderAnnulled (Boolean) | Whether the order annulment was successful. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"orderAnnulled": true
An annulment is a billing document that annuls another billing document.
Name | Description |
annulledBillingDocumentId (Int!) | ID of the billing document annulled by this annulment. |
firstIssued (DateTime) | First time the annulment was issued. |
id (Int!) | |
pdfUrl (String) | URL to the PDF of the annulment. |
"id": 1,
"annulledBillingDocumentId": 1,
"firstIssued": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"pdfUrl": "abc123"
A single Assistance Agreement.
Name | Description |
activeFrom (Date) | The start datetime of the agreement. |
activeTo (Date) | The end datetime of the agreement, if any. |
assistanceType (String) | The type of assistance provided by the agreement. |
"assistanceType": "abc123",
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01"
A step where the user must complete an auth flow.
Name | Description |
authorizationUri (String) | The URL to redirect the user to for authorization. |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
redirectUri (String) | The URI where the auth flow is going to redirect back to at the end. |
"id": "abc123",
"redirectUri": "abc123",
"authorizationUri": "abc123"
Name | Description |
electricity (SupplyTypeSpecificSpinsType) | The remaining spins resulting from an electricity agreement. |
gas (SupplyTypeSpecificSpinsType) | The remaining spins resulting from an gas agreement. |
"electricity": SupplyTypeSpecificSpinsType,
"gas": SupplyTypeSpecificSpinsType
Returns an Action to perform, e.g. a screen to load.
BackendScreenEvents are specific types of Action which trigger a mutation in the Kraken backend. They return an action (any type), such as a ScreenActionType (which is then used to load the next screen). Any action registered in the registry should really be an "event" with some side-effect in the backend.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-8002: No event found.
- KT-CT-8003: Event has no execute function.
- KT-CT-8004: Error executing event in the backend.
- KT-CT-8007: Incorrect or missing parameters for backend screen event.
- KT-GB-9310: Account ineligible for joining Octoplus.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
action (ActionType) | An action to perform. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"action": DeeplinkActionType
An action which triggers some event in the Kraken backend.
Name | Description |
eventId (String!) | The ID of the event to trigger. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
params ([BackendScreenParam]!) | List of key-value pairs to pass as parameters to the event. |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"typeName": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"eventId": "abc123",
"params": BackendScreenParam
A key-value pair (both Strings) which is passed as a parameter to a screen.
"key": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
Name | Description |
accountHolder (String) | Get the account holder name of the client's bank account. |
bankName (String) | Get the name of the client's bank. |
bic (String) | Get the BIC/SWIFT code for the client's bank account. |
iban (String) | Get the IBAN of the client's bank account. |
paymentReference (BankTransferReference) | Get the payment reference the customer should use to transfer monies. |
"accountHolder": "abc123",
"iban": "abc123",
"bic": "abc123",
"bankName": "abc123",
"paymentReference": BankTransferReference
Name | Description |
reference (String) | Get bank transfer payment reference for customer, based on the ledger they transfer monies for. |
"reference": "abc123"
Name | Description |
meterId (Int) | The meter id this reading belongs to. |
origin (String) | |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
registerObisCode (String) | |
typeOfRead (String) | |
value (String!) |
"value": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"registerObisCode": "abc123",
"typeOfRead": "abc123",
"origin": "abc123",
"meterId": 1
Name | Description |
maximumSocPercentage (Int) | The maximum state of charge (soc) %. |
minimumSocPercentage (Int) | The minimum state of charge (soc) %. |
"minimumSocPercentage": 1,
"maximumSocPercentage": 1
Name | Description |
chargingPreferences (BatteryChargingPreferencesType) | The charging preferences of the battery (e.g. min / max state of charge %). |
deviceStatus (DeviceStatusType) | The current status of the battery (e.g. connected, state of charge, power). |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes) | Batteries. |
krakenflexDeviceId (ID) | ID of the device in KrakenFlex. |
params (BatteryParamsType) | Device specific parameters. |
provider (ProviderChoices) | Battery integration provider (make). |
"krakenflexDeviceId": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"params": BatteryParamsType,
"deviceStatus": DeviceStatusType,
"chargingPreferences": BatteryChargingPreferencesType
Name | Description |
variantId (ID) | ID of the battery variant. |
"variantId": "abc123"
Name | Description |
batteryCapacityInKwh (Decimal) | Usable capacity in kWh. |
couplingType (BatteryCouplingType) | Coupling type (AC/DC). |
isDeprecated (Boolean) | Whether a variant is deprecated. |
isIntegrationLive (Boolean) | Whether an integration/make is live, i.e. available. |
maxPowerInKw (Decimal) | Max import/export power in kW. |
model (String) | Model name of the battery. |
variantId (ID) | ID of the battery variant. |
"variantId": "abc123",
"model": "abc123",
"couplingType": "AC",
"batteryCapacityInKwh": 1.0,
"maxPowerInKw": 1.0,
"isIntegrationLive": true,
"isDeprecated": true
Name | Description |
make (String) | Make of the home battery. |
models ([BatteryVariantModelsType]) | List of home battery models per make. |
"make": "abc123",
"models": [BatteryVariantModelsType]
A charge to the customer from the energy retailer.
Name | Description |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
id (ID) | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | The date the transaction was posted. |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"title": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([BillConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": BillConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a BillConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (BillInterface) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": BillInterface,
"cursor": "abc123"
A credit to the customer from the energy retailer.
Name | Description |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
id (ID) | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | The date the transaction was posted. |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"title": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
A payment from the customer to the energy supplier.
Name | Description |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
id (ID) | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | The date the transaction was posted. |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"title": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
A refund to the customer from the energy supplier.
Name | Description |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
id (ID) | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | The date the transaction was posted. |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"title": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([BillTransactionConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": BillTransactionConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a BillTransactionConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (BillTransactionType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": BillTransactionType,
"cursor": "abc123"
A connection that can provide links to the attachments of the bill.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a BillingAttachmentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (BillingAttachmentType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": BillingAttachmentType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Attachments are associated with a bill files and can be used to provide additional information to the customer.
Name | Description |
filename (String) | The name of the file. |
temporaryUrl (String) | The |
temporaryUrlExpiresAt (DateTime) | The expiry datetime field of the temporary URL. |
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"temporaryUrlExpiresAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"filename": "abc123"
Information about an account's billing schedule.
Name | Description |
currentBillingPeriodEndDate (Date) | The date on which the current billing cycle will end. Null if the account is on flexible billing. |
currentBillingPeriodStartDate (Date) | The date on which the current billing cycle started. |
isFixed (Boolean!) | If true, this account is billed on specific day of a regular cycle. If false, the billing schedule is flexible, depending on when meter readings are submitted. |
nextBillingDate (Date) | The next date on which this account will next be billed. This is the same as the start date for their next bill cycle. Null if the account is on flexible billing. |
periodLength (AccountBillingOptionsPeriodLength) | |
periodLengthMultiplier (Int) | |
periodStartDay (Int) | The day of the month on which the account's billing period should start. |
"periodStartDay": 1,
"periodLength": "MONTHLY",
"periodLengthMultiplier": 1,
"isFixed": true,
"currentBillingPeriodStartDate": "2020-01-01",
"currentBillingPeriodEndDate": "2020-01-01",
"nextBillingDate": "2020-01-01"
Name | Description |
key (String!) | The key of the business detail. |
value (String) | The value of the business detail. |
"key": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
Name | Description |
businessType (BusinessTypeOptions) | The company type of a business account. |
details ([BusinessDetailType]) | The details of the business. |
linkedAccountNumber (ID!) | Account number linked to this business. Deprecated The 'linkedAccountNumber' field is deprecated. |
linkedAccountNumbers ([ID]!) | Account numbers linked to this business. |
name (String!) | The business' name |
number (String!) | The business' number |
segmentName (String) | The segment this business is assigned to |
"name": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"businessType": "SOLE_TRADER",
"details": [BusinessDetailType],
"linkedAccountNumber": "abc123",
"linkedAccountNumbers": "abc123",
"segmentName": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a CallTagConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (CallTagType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Cancelling a contract for a given supply point and send confirmation email to the customer.
Name | Description |
cancelledContract (Boolean) | Whether the contract cancellation was successful. |
lastDayOfSupply (Date) | The last day of supply. |
"cancelledContract": true,
"lastDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01"
Cancel a repayment or refund request.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4231: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3930: The repayment or refund request does not exist.
- KT-CT-3931: This repayment or refund request cannot be cancelled.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
repaymentRequest (CancelRepaymentRequestOutputType) | The cancelled repayment/refund request. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"repaymentRequest": CancelRepaymentRequestOutputType
Output from cancelling a repayment or refund request.
Name | Description |
requestId (String) | The ID of the cancelled request. |
status (RepaymentRequestStatus) | The current status of the cancelled request. |
"requestId": "abc123",
"status": "REQUESTED"
Cancel onboarding of a device with SmartFlex.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
A card containing a list of items
Name | Description |
accessibilityHidden (Boolean) | Whether the element is hidden from view. |
accessibilityLabel (String) | Accessible description of the element. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
items ([CardItemType]!) | The list of components. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"items": TextType
Name | Description |
cards ([CardComponentType]!) | The list of cards. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"cards": CardComponentType
A charge to the customer.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Unique identifier of the account the transaction belongs to. |
amount (Int) | Gross amount including tax (when payable). Refer to the Deprecated The 'amount' field is deprecated. |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
balanceCarriedForward (Int) | The customer's resulting balance after this transaction has been applied, in the smallest unit of currency. |
billingDocumentIdentifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the most recent billing document linked with the transaction.Note: a transaction may be linked with multiple documents, but this field will only return the identifier for the most recent billing document. |
consumption (Consumption) | If this charge is for consumption of a good or service, this field will contain details of how much was consumed. Omitted in cases where the charge is not for consumption, or where consumption information is not available (e.g. for some older records). |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
hasStatement (Boolean) | Returns True if the transaction is linked with a statement. |
id (ID) | |
isAccountCharge (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountCharge' field is deprecated. |
isAccountPayment (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountPayment' field is deprecated. |
isCredit (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isCredit' field is deprecated. |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether the statement this transaction is on has been held. A held statement is not sent to a customer automatically, but is instead marked for manual attention by operations staff. Returns False if a statement is not linked with the transaction. |
isIssued (Boolean) | Whether this transaction has been issued on any billing document.Note: Look for the most recently issued transaction instead of looking through all transactions as some accounts may have initial transactions that were not issued.This will return False if the transaction is not associated with any billing documents. |
isReversed (Boolean!) | |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
statementId (ID) | Returns None if a statement is not linked with the transaction. Deprecated The 'statementId' field is deprecated. |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"balanceCarriedForward": 1,
"isCredit": true,
"isAccountCharge": true,
"isAccountPayment": true,
"isHeld": true,
"isIssued": true,
"title": "abc123",
"billingDocumentIdentifier": "abc123",
"statementId": "abc123",
"isReversed": true,
"hasStatement": true,
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123",
"consumption": Consumption
Name | Description |
make (String) | |
models ([ChargePointModelsType]) |
"make": "abc123",
"models": [ChargePointModelsType]
"model": "abc123",
"powerInKw": ["abc123"]
Name | Description |
amperage (Int) | Supply amperage. Used in markets where customers are more familiar with amps than power output. |
integrationStatus (IntegrationStatus) | Shows the availability status of an integration. |
isIntegrationLive (Boolean) | |
model (String) | |
powerInKw (Decimal) | |
variantId (Int) |
"variantId": 1,
"model": "abc123",
"powerInKw": 1.0,
"amperage": 1,
"isIntegrationLive": true,
"integrationStatus": "TESTING"
Name | Description |
make (String) | |
models ([ChargePointVariantModelType]) |
"make": "abc123",
"models": [ChargePointVariantModelType]
Name | Description |
code (String) | The charge reason code. |
display (String) | The charge reason display text. |
group (String) | The group the charge reason belongs to (if applicable). |
isDeprecated (Boolean) | Whether the charge reason is deprecated. |
isHidden (Boolean) | Whether the charge reason is hidden. |
isTaxExempt (Boolean) | Whether the charge reason is sales tax exempt. |
"code": "abc123",
"display": "abc123",
"isDeprecated": true,
"isTaxExempt": true,
"isHidden": true,
"group": "abc123"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ChargesBreakdownConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ChargesBreakdownConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ChargesBreakdownConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ChargesBreakdownType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ChargesBreakdownType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
charge (Int) | Charge in minor currency. |
periodEnd (Date) | The end date of the period the charge is for (exclusive). |
periodStart (Date) | The start date of the period the charge is for (inclusive). |
"periodStart": "2020-01-01",
"periodEnd": "2020-01-01",
"charge": 1
Closes the screen.
Name | Description |
accessibilityHidden (Boolean) | Whether the element is hidden from view. |
accessibilityLabel (String) | Accessible description of the element. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"typeName": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3932: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-3821: Received neither ledger ID nor ledger number.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
payment (AccountPaymentType) | Details about the collected payment. Note that we might not be able to collect the payment (e.g. if there is no usable payment instruction), in which case the status of the returned payment might be failed or cancelled. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"payment": AccountPaymentType
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
constituents (ConstituentConnection) | Constituents of the bill. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered from. |
id (ID) | The ID of the bill. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered to. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"constituents": ConstituentConnection
Name | Description |
fieldSpecificRateLimits (FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeConnection!) | Information about the current state of the rate limiting for rate limited fields at the time of the request. |
pointsAllowanceRateLimit (PointsAllowanceRateLimitInformation) | Information about points-allowance rate limit for viewer. |
"pointsAllowanceRateLimit": PointsAllowanceRateLimitInformation,
"fieldSpecificRateLimits": FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeConnection
Complete the auth flow step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Complete the Tesla setup virtual key onboarding step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
A list of components which comprise a screen.
This is a legacy type; GenericBackendScreen should be preferred. This is because API clients
should not need to explicitly query for screen attributes like items
- these fields are
embedded in the screenData field.
Name | Description |
accessibilityHidden (Boolean) | Whether the element is hidden from view. |
accessibilityLabel (String) | Accessible description of the element. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
items ([ItemType]!) | The list of components. Deprecated The 'items' field is deprecated. |
name (String!) | The name of the screen. |
refreshFrequency (Int) | The refresh / polling frequency in milliseconds. |
screenData (String) | Serialized JSON representation of the screen. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"refreshFrequency": 1,
"screenData": "abc123",
"items": TextType
A consent given by a signing identity for a consent type.
Name | Description |
code (String!) | Unique code given to this consent type. |
id (BigInt!) | id of the consent. |
value (ConsentValue!) | Value of the consent. |
"id": 1,
"code": "abc123",
"value": "ACCEPTED"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ConstituentEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ConstituentEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a Constituent
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ConstituentInterface) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ConstituentInterface,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
endDate (Date) | |
quantity (Decimal) | |
startDate (Date) | |
supplyCharge (Int) | |
unit (ConsumptionUnit) | |
usageCost (Int) |
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"endDate": "2020-01-01",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unit": "kWh",
"usageCost": 1,
"supplyCharge": 1
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ConsumptionBreakdownConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ConsumptionBreakdownConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ConsumptionBreakdownConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ConsumptionBreakdownType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ConsumptionBreakdownType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
charges (ChargesBreakdownConnectionTypeConnection) | Charges grouped per displayed period. |
marketName (String) | Name of the market the charges are for. |
"marketName": "abc123",
"charges": ChargesBreakdownConnectionTypeConnection
A single Contribution Agreement.
Name | Description |
activeFrom (DateTime) | The start datetime of the agreement. |
activeTo (DateTime) | The end datetime of the agreement, if any. |
amount (Int) | The amount contributed per interval. Note, this is in the smallest domination that the currecy support. e.g. Pence, Cents, Yen, etc. |
contributionScheme (ContributionSchemeType) | The scheme to which the agreement contributes. |
id (ID!) | |
interval (Interval) | The frequency of contributions. |
periods (ContributionPeriodConnection) | The periods over which contributions have been made. |
"id": "abc123",
"contributionScheme": ContributionSchemeType,
"interval": "MONTHLY",
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amount": 1,
"periods": ContributionPeriodConnection
Pagination for contribution periods.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ContributionPeriodEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ContributionPeriodEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ContributionPeriod
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ContributionPeriodType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ContributionPeriodType,
"cursor": "abc123"
A single Contribution Period.
Name | Description |
agreement (ContributionAgreementType!) | |
fulfilledAt (DateTime) | When the contribution was fulfilled |
id (ID!) | |
periodFrom (DateTime) | The datetime the marks the beginning of the period. |
periodTo (DateTime) | The datetime the marks the end of the period. |
"id": "abc123",
"agreement": ContributionAgreementType,
"fulfilledAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"periodFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"periodTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
A single Contribution Scheme.
Name | Description |
acceptingContributions (Boolean!) | Is this scheme currently accepting contributions? |
code (String!) | |
displayName (String!) | |
id (ID!) | |
taxable (Boolean!) | Are contributions to this scheme taxable? |
"id": "abc123",
"code": "abc123",
"displayName": "abc123",
"taxable": true,
"acceptingContributions": true
"latitude": 1.0,
"longitude": 1.0
A Relay edge containing a CoreSiteworksRequestConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (CoreSiteworksRequestType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
costOfChargeId (String) | |
isSmartCharge (Boolean) | |
krakenflexDeviceId (String) | |
reportDate (Date) | |
totalConsumption (Float) | Consumption in kWh. |
totalCostExclTax (Float) | Cost in pence (excl. tax). |
totalCostInclTax (Float) | Cost in pence (incl. tax). |
"costOfChargeId": "abc123",
"krakenflexDeviceId": "abc123",
"reportDate": "2020-01-01",
"isSmartCharge": true,
"totalConsumption": 1.0,
"totalCostExclTax": 1.0,
"totalCostInclTax": 1.0
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3815: No active payment schedule found for this account.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3923: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3941: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-3942: An unexpected error occurred.
- KT-CT-3947: An unexpected error occurred.
- KT-CT-3960: Invalid value for payment day.
- KT-CT-3961: Cannot update plan-associated payment schedule.
- KT-CT-3962: No new value provided to update payment schedule.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
schedule (PaymentScheduleType!) | New payment schedule. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"schedule": PaymentScheduleType
Create an account reference.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-8310: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-8311: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
accountReference (AccountReferenceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"accountReference": AccountReferenceType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9601: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-9602: Unable to create contribution agreement.
- KT-CT-9605: Contribution amount cannot be 0 or negative.
- KT-CT-9606: Scheme is not accepting contributions at this time.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
contributionAgreement (ContributionAgreementType) | The created contribution agreement. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"contributionAgreement": ContributionAgreementType
Mutation to create a credit transfer permission.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3827: The ledger is not valid.
- KT-CT-3828: At least one of the provided ledgers must be a credit storage ledger.
- KT-CT-3829: The credit transfer permission already exists.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
validFrom (DateTime) | Datetime when the credit transfer permission is valid. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-DE-6414: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-6411: Meter has no MaLo.
- KT-DE-6412: Meter reading submission failed.
- KT-DE-6413: An internal error occurred.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
numberOfReadingsCreated (Int) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
readingDate (Date) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"readingDate": "2020-01-01",
"numberOfReadingsCreated": 1
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-DE-6414: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-6411: Meter has no MaLo.
- KT-DE-6412: Meter reading submission failed.
- KT-DE-6413: An internal error occurred.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
numberOfReadingsCreated (Int) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
readingDate (Date) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"readingDate": "2020-01-01",
"numberOfReadingsCreated": 1
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8206: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1131: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
goodsPurchase (GoodsPurchase) | Goods purchase created. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"goodsPurchase": GoodsPurchase
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8202: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-8205: Unable to create quote.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
goodsQuote (GoodsQuote) | Goods quote created for the customer. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"goodsQuote": GoodsQuote
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8202: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
goodsQuote (GoodsQuote) | Goods quote created for the customer. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"goodsQuote": GoodsQuote
"content": "abc123",
"id": "abc123"
Name | Description |
affiliateSessionId (ID) | The session id of the affiliate. |
code (UUID!) | Code of the quote request that was generated. |
electricityQuote (ElectricityQuote) | Details of the electricity quote. Deprecated The 'electricityQuote' field is deprecated. |
electricitySupplyPoint (QuotedSupplyPointType) | Details about the quoted electricity supply point. |
gasQuote (GasQuote) | Details of the gas quote. Deprecated The 'gasQuote' field is deprecated. |
gasSupplyPoint (QuotedSupplyPointType) | Details about the quoted gas supply point. |
requestedAt (DateTime!) | The date and time when this quote was requested. |
"code": "500c164d-38c7-4f74-9ac6-be210197e9e4",
"requestedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"affiliateSessionId": "abc123",
"electricitySupplyPoint": QuotedSupplyPointType,
"electricityQuote": ElectricityQuote,
"gasSupplyPoint": QuotedSupplyPointType,
"gasQuote": GasQuote
Use a referral code to create a referral and trigger a referral reward.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-6723: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-6710: Unable to create referral.
- KT-CT-6711: Accounts may not self-refer.
- KT-CT-6713: Referring and referred account brands do not match.
- KT-CT-6712: Invalid reference.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
referredAccountRewardAmount (Int) | The reward amount to be issued to the referred account, in smallest currency subunits. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"referredAccountRewardAmount": 1
A credit to the customer from the energy retailer.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Unique identifier of the account the transaction belongs to. |
amount (Int) | Gross amount including tax (when payable). Refer to the Deprecated The 'amount' field is deprecated. |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
balanceCarriedForward (Int) | The customer's resulting balance after this transaction has been applied, in the smallest unit of currency. |
billingDocumentIdentifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the most recent billing document linked with the transaction.Note: a transaction may be linked with multiple documents, but this field will only return the identifier for the most recent billing document. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
hasStatement (Boolean) | Returns True if the transaction is linked with a statement. |
id (ID) | |
isAccountCharge (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountCharge' field is deprecated. |
isAccountPayment (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountPayment' field is deprecated. |
isCredit (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isCredit' field is deprecated. |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether the statement this transaction is on has been held. A held statement is not sent to a customer automatically, but is instead marked for manual attention by operations staff. Returns False if a statement is not linked with the transaction. |
isIssued (Boolean) | Whether this transaction has been issued on any billing document.Note: Look for the most recently issued transaction instead of looking through all transactions as some accounts may have initial transactions that were not issued.This will return False if the transaction is not associated with any billing documents. |
isReversed (Boolean!) | |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
statementId (ID) | Returns None if a statement is not linked with the transaction. Deprecated The 'statementId' field is deprecated. |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"balanceCarriedForward": 1,
"isCredit": true,
"isAccountCharge": true,
"isAccountPayment": true,
"isHeld": true,
"isIssued": true,
"title": "abc123",
"billingDocumentIdentifier": "abc123",
"statementId": "abc123",
"isReversed": true,
"hasStatement": true,
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
Name | Description |
code (String) | The credit reason code. |
display (String) | The credit reason display text. |
group (String) | The group the credit reason belongs to (if applicable). |
isDeprecated (Boolean) | Whether the credit reason is deprecated. |
isHidden (Boolean) | Whether the credit reason is hidden. |
isTaxExempt (Boolean) | Whether the credit reason is sales tax exempt. |
"code": "abc123",
"display": "abc123",
"isDeprecated": true,
"isTaxExempt": true,
"isHidden": true,
"group": "abc123"
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | The number of the account linked to this permission. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger linked to this permission. |
validFrom (DateTime) | The datetime from which the permission is valid. |
validTo (DateTime) | The datetime to which the permission is valid. |
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"validTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | The number of the account linked to this permission. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger linked to this permission. |
validFrom (DateTime) | The datetime from which the permission is valid. |
validTo (DateTime) | The datetime to which the permission is valid. |
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"validTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
fromSourceLedgers ([CreditTransferPermissionFromSourceLedgerType]) | Permissions for credit transfers when the ledger is the target. |
toTargetLedgers ([CreditTransferPermissionToTargetLedgerType]) | Permissions for credit transfers when the ledger is the source. |
"fromSourceLedgers": [CreditTransferPermissionFromSourceLedgerType],
"toTargetLedgers": [CreditTransferPermissionToTargetLedgerType]
Name | Description |
id (ID!) | |
rawScore (Int) | The value attached to the source |
submittedAt (DateTime) | The datetime the feedback was submitted |
"id": "abc123",
"rawScore": 1,
"submittedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
A list of components which comprise a dashboard screen.
Name | Description |
dashboardItems ([SectionType]!) | The list of sections for a dashboard. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
serialisedDashboardItems (String!) | The serialised dashboard items. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"dashboardItems": SectionType,
"serialisedDashboardItems": "abc123"
De-authenticate a registered device.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4350: Unable to de-authenticate device.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (DeviceDetailsType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": DeviceDetailsType
An action which navigates to the URL of another backend screen.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
url (String!) | The URL to navigate to. |
"typeName": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"url": "abc123"
Name | Description |
annualStandingCharge (Decimal) | Annual standing charge in €. |
isGreen (Boolean) | Specifies whether this tariff is green. GetAG considers a tariff as green if - it consists completely of renewables or combined heat and power (CHP), or - it consists of at most 50% CHP and the remainder is at least 50% renewables. |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | Monthly standing charge in €. |
offeredFrom (Date) | The start of the offer period of this tariff. |
offeredTo (Date) | The end of the offer period of this tariff. |
tariffName (String!) | The name of the tariff. |
totalEstimatedAnnualBill (Decimal) | Total estimated annual bill in €. |
totalEstimatedMonthlyBill (Decimal) | Total estimated monthly bill in €. |
unitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | Unit rate per kWh in €. |
validFrom (Date) | The start of the validity period of this tariff. |
validTo (Date) | The end of the validity period of this tariff. |
"tariffName": "abc123",
"totalEstimatedAnnualBill": 1.0,
"totalEstimatedMonthlyBill": 1.0,
"annualStandingCharge": 1.0,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"unitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"isGreen": true,
"offeredFrom": "2020-01-01",
"offeredTo": "2020-01-01",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01",
"validTo": "2020-01-01"
Name | Description |
supplierName (String!) | The name of the default electricity supplier. |
supplierNumber (String!) | The BDEW-assigned ID of the default supplier. |
tariffs ([DefaultElectricitySupplierTariffType!]!) | Some of the tariffs that the default supplier offers. |
"supplierName": "abc123",
"supplierNumber": "abc123",
"tariffs": DefaultElectricitySupplierTariffType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4354: Unable to cancel boost charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-5411: Invalid token or no push notification binding found for the given account user.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
status (DeletePushNotificationBindingOutput) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"status": "SUCCESSFUL"
Name | Description |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes) | The type of device. |
krakenflexDeviceId (String) | |
provider (ProviderChoices) | The third party that provides control over this device. |
"krakenflexDeviceId": "abc123",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES"
Register a device for smart controlling.
Where device refers to batteries, electric vehicles, heat pumps or thermostats.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4324: Device already registered error.
- KT-CT-4321: Serializer validation error.
- KT-CT-4312: Unable to register device.
- KT-CT-4363: No capable devices found.
- KT-CT-4364: Multiple devices found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
registeredDeviceIds ([String]) | Device ID(s) of the registered device(s). |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"registeredDeviceIds": ["abc123"]
Name | Description |
timestamp (DateTime!) | Timestamp of the reading. |
value (Float!) | Value of the reading. |
"value": 1.0,
"timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
activePowerInKw (DeviceStatusReadingType) | Device charging power in kilowatts (kW) - negative for import, positive for export. |
energyInKwh (DeviceStatusReadingType) | Energy stored in the device in kilowatt-hours (kWh). |
socPercentage (DeviceStatusReadingType) | State of charge of the battery in % (may not be a whole number). |
"activePowerInKw": DeviceStatusReadingType,
"energyInKwh": DeviceStatusReadingType,
"socPercentage": DeviceStatusReadingType
Name | Description |
maxExportInKw (Float) | The maximum export power of the device in kilowatts. |
maxImportInKw (Float) | The maximum import power of the device in kilowatts. |
pluggedIn (Boolean) | Whether device is connected. |
readings (DeviceStatusReadingsType) | Device status telemetry readings. |
status (KrakenFlexDeviceStatusChoices) | The lifecycle status of the device. Deprecated The 'status' field is deprecated. |
suspended (Boolean) | Whether control of the device has been temporarily suspended. |
"status": "ONBOARDING",
"suspended": true,
"maxImportInKw": 1.0,
"maxExportInKw": 1.0,
"pluggedIn": true,
"readings": DeviceStatusReadingsType
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a DirectDebitInstructionConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (DirectDebitInstructionType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": DirectDebitInstructionType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Direct Debit Instructions
Name | Description |
accountHolder (String!) | |
cardExpiryMonth (Int) | |
cardExpiryYear (Int) | |
cardPaymentNetwork (String) | |
iban (String!) | |
id (ID!) | |
instructionType (String!) | |
lastFourDigitsOfAccountNumber (String) | The last four digits of the account number. Deprecated The 'lastFourDigitsOfAccountNumber' field is deprecated. |
maskedAccountIdentifier (String) | A masked reference to a recurring payment method. |
maskedIban (String) | A masked version of the IBAN. |
owners ([PaymentInstructionOwnerType]) | The owners of the financial account this instruction represents. |
sortCode (String!) | |
status (String!) |
"id": "abc123",
"status": "abc123",
"sortCode": "abc123",
"iban": "abc123",
"accountHolder": "abc123",
"instructionType": "abc123",
"cardPaymentNetwork": "abc123",
"cardExpiryMonth": 1,
"cardExpiryYear": 1,
"lastFourDigitsOfAccountNumber": "abc123",
"maskedAccountIdentifier": "abc123",
"maskedIban": "abc123",
"owners": [PaymentInstructionOwnerType]
Name | Description |
discount (Decimal!) | The discount as a decimal between 0 and 1. |
metaData (FanClubMetadataOutput) | This type will return additional market specific information. For example, some markets support wind direction, fan speed, wind speed, etc. while others do not. |
startAt (DateTime!) | Timestamp for the discount. |
"startAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"discount": 1.0,
"metaData": FanClubMetadataOutput
Name | Description |
baseTime (DateTime!) | The start time that the ensemble forecast simulation. |
data ([ForecastData]!) | Discount forecast data-points. |
"baseTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"data": ForecastData
Name | Description |
availableFrom (Int) | This field is replacing |
availableTo (Int) | |
batterySize (Decimal) | |
integrationStatus (IntegrationStatus) | Shows the availability status of an integration. |
isIntegrationLive (Boolean) | |
model (String) | |
supportedProviders ([String]) | |
vehicleId (Int) | |
year (Int) |
"vehicleId": 1,
"model": "abc123",
"year": 1,
"availableFrom": 1,
"availableTo": 1,
"batterySize": 1.0,
"supportedProviders": ["abc123"],
"isIntegrationLive": true,
"integrationStatus": "TESTING"
Name | Description |
make (String) | |
models ([ElectricVehicleModelType]) |
"make": "abc123",
"models": [ElectricVehicleModelType]
Name | Description |
deviceId (String) | |
marketSupplyPointId (String) | |
readingDirection (ReadingDirectionType) | Reading direction is based on the utility generated or consumed by the customer. |
readingFrequencyType (ReadingFrequencyType) | The frequency of the reading. |
readingQuality (ReadingQualityType) | |
registerId (String) |
"readingDirection": "CONSUMPTION",
"registerId": "abc123",
"readingQuality": "ACTUAL",
"readingFrequencyType": "RAW_INTERVAL",
"marketSupplyPointId": "abc123",
"deviceId": "abc123"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ElectricityMeterConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ElectricityMeterConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ElectricityMeterConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ElectricityMeterType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ElectricityMeterType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
registers ([ElectricityRegisterForReadingType]) | All registers relevant for billing for the meter. |
"registers": [ElectricityRegisterForReadingType]
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ElectricityMeterReadingConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ElectricityMeterReadingConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ElectricityMeterReadingConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ElectricityRegisterReadingType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ElectricityRegisterReadingType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
activeFrom (DateTime!) | The datetime when the meter was active from. |
activeTo (DateTime) | The datetime when the meter stops being active. This should be null if it is still active. |
conversionFactor (String) | The conversion factor/Wandlerfaktor of the meter. |
id (Int!) | The meter ID. |
meloNumber (String) | The MeLo number associated with the meter. |
meteringDirection (String) | The metering direction of the meter. |
number (String!) | The meter number. |
readingTransmissionType (String) | The reading transmission type of the meter. |
tariffCount (String) | The tariff count of the meter. |
"id": 1,
"number": "abc123",
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"meteringDirection": "abc123",
"readingTransmissionType": "abc123",
"tariffCount": "abc123",
"meloNumber": "abc123",
"conversionFactor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
breakdownChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
eegChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridBillingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridConcessionChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridConcessionChargeAnnualNt (Decimal) | |
gridMeterOperationChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridMeterReadingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridStandingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridUnitRateHtChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridUnitRateNtChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
kwkChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
offshoreChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
section19ChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
totalNetworkChargesPerYear (Decimal) |
"kwkChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"breakdownChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"eegChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridBillingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridMeterOperationChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridMeterReadingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"totalNetworkChargesPerYear": 1.0,
"gridStandingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridConcessionChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridConcessionChargeAnnualNt": 1.0,
"offshoreChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"section19ChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridUnitRateHtChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridUnitRateNtChargeAnnual": 1.0
Name | Description |
affiliateSessionId (String) | The session id of the affiliate. |
annualConsumption (Int) | |
annualNighttimeConsumption (Int) | |
energyType (String) | |
generatedOn (Date) | |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | |
netMonthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | The net monthly standing charge in €. |
networkCharges (ElectricityNetworkCharges) | |
networkOperatorNumber (String) | |
nighttimeUnitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | |
productCode (String) | The code of the Electricity product. |
productIsTimeOfUse (Boolean) | Whether the product is a time-of-use product. |
totalEstimatedAnnualBill (Decimal) | |
unitRateInformation (UnitRateInformation!) | The unit rate information. |
unitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | The unit rate per kWh in €. Deprecated The 'unitRatePerKwh' field is deprecated. |
"totalEstimatedAnnualBill": 1.0,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"unitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"nighttimeUnitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"annualConsumption": 1,
"annualNighttimeConsumption": 1,
"energyType": "abc123",
"affiliateSessionId": "abc123",
"networkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"generatedOn": "2020-01-01",
"networkCharges": ElectricityNetworkCharges,
"productCode": "abc123",
"netMonthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"productIsTimeOfUse": true,
"unitRateInformation": SimpleProductUnitRateInformation
Name | Description |
activeFrom (Date) | The date from when the register is active. |
activeTo (Date) | The date until when the register is active. |
decimalPlaces (Int) | The number of decimal places on the register. |
digits (Int) | The number of digits on the register. |
obisCode (String) | The OBIS code of the register. |
readings (RegisterReadingConnectionTypeConnection) | The readings for a given register, in reverse order (latest first). This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination. This field requires the |
registerType (String) |
"obisCode": "abc123",
"digits": 1,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01",
"readings": RegisterReadingConnectionTypeConnection,
"registerType": "abc123"
Name | Description |
meterId (Int) | The meter id this reading belongs to. |
origin (String) | |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
registerObisCode (String) | |
registerType (String) | |
typeOfRead (String) | |
value (String!) |
"value": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"registerObisCode": "abc123",
"typeOfRead": "abc123",
"origin": "abc123",
"meterId": 1,
"registerType": "abc123"
Represents a file to attach to a email message.
Name | Description |
filename (String!) | |
id (ID!) | |
temporaryUrl (String) | Temporary URL at which the attachment is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). |
"id": "abc123",
"filename": "abc123",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123"
Name | Description |
eventType (String!) | |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
message (EmailType) | Email message of the email event. Returns null for message's sent/received by other user's on the account. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) |
"id": "abc123",
"eventType": "abc123",
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"message": EmailType
Represents an email communication
Name | Description |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentType]) | Attachments of the email message. |
channel (MessageChannel!) | |
createdAt (DateTime!) | |
fromEmail (String!) | |
fromNumber (String!) | |
htmlBody (String) | |
id (ID!) | |
recipient (String) | Email recipient. |
sender (String) | Email sender. |
sentAt (DateTime) | |
subject (String) | Subject line of the email message. |
templateCode (String!) | |
textBody (String) | |
toAddress (String!) | |
toNumber (String!) |
"id": "abc123",
"channel": "EMAIL",
"toAddress": "abc123",
"fromEmail": "abc123",
"toNumber": "abc123",
"fromNumber": "abc123",
"templateCode": "abc123",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"sentAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"attachments": [EmailAttachmentType],
"subject": "abc123",
"textBody": "abc123",
"htmlBody": "abc123",
"sender": "abc123",
"recipient": "abc123"
Name | Description |
deviceId (String) | |
marketSupplyPointId (String) | |
readingDirection (ReadingDirectionType) | Reading direction is based on the utility generated or consumed by the customer. |
readingFrequencyType (ReadingFrequencyType) | The frequency of the reading. |
readingQuality (ReadingQualityType) | |
registerId (String) |
"readingDirection": "CONSUMPTION",
"registerId": "abc123",
"readingQuality": "ACTUAL",
"readingFrequencyType": "RAW_INTERVAL",
"marketSupplyPointId": "abc123",
"deviceId": "abc123"
Represents an embedded network that holds multiple embedded properties.
Name | Description |
embeddedProperties ([EmbeddedPropertyType]) | Get details about properties in an embedded network. |
id (ID!) | |
name (String!) | A unique name/code for the network |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-9603: Unable to find contribution agreement.
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9604: Unable to end contribution agreement.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
contributionAgreement (ContributionAgreementType) | The created contribution agreement. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"contributionAgreement": ContributionAgreementType
Energy mix data can include the latest carbon intensity index in a region.
Name | Description |
carbonIntensityIndex (String) | Current carbon intensity index. |
"carbonIntensityIndex": "abc123"
"linkState": "abc123",
"linkUrl": "abc123"
Name | Description |
field (String!) | |
messages ([String!]!) |
"field": "abc123",
"messages": "abc123"
Name | Description |
costCurrency (String!) | Monetary currency of the statistic in ISO-4217 format. |
estimatedAmount (Decimal!) |
pricePerUnit (PricePerUnit) | Net price per unit of the statistic if applicable. |
"estimatedAmount": 1.0,
"costCurrency": "abc123",
"pricePerUnit": PricePerUnit
Name | Description |
power (Decimal) | The instantaneous turbine output power in kW. |
rotorSpeed (Decimal) | The turbine's rotor speed in revolutions per minute. |
totalPowerOnGrid (Decimal) | The total amount of electricity grid-wide from all sources in megawatts. |
windDirection (Decimal) | A decimal in degrees representing the direction from which the wind is blowing. 360.0 degrees indicates the wind blows from the north. Read more here: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=133262398 |
windPowerOnGrid (Decimal) | The total amount of electricity grid-wide from wind in megawatts. |
windPowerProportion (Decimal) | The proportion of electricity on the grid coming from wind. Ranges from 0.0 - 1.0. |
windSpeed (Decimal) | The wind speed in m/s. |
"power": 1.0,
"windSpeed": 1.0,
"windDirection": 1.0,
"rotorSpeed": 1.0,
"windPowerOnGrid": 1.0,
"totalPowerOnGrid": 1.0,
"windPowerProportion": 1.0
Name | Description |
accountNumbers ([String]!) | The list of account numbers for the source and account user. |
catchments ([String]!) | The list of catchments that this discount source applies to. |
current (DiscountData!) | The current or 'live' status of discounts for this source. |
discountSource (String!) | The source for the discount, e.g. 'Fan 1' for a wind turbine in UK, or an ERCOT Load Zone for US. |
forecast (DiscountForecast) | The forecasted discount probabilities for this source. |
historic ([DiscountData]!) | The historic discounts for this source. |
location (String) | The location of the discount source. |
name (String!) | The name of the discount source. |
propertyIds ([Int]!) | The list of property IDs for the source and account user. |
thresholds ([Threshold]!) | The details of Fan Club thresholds for the discount source. |
windFarm (String) | The wind farm that the discount source is part of. |
"discountSource": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"location": "abc123",
"windFarm": "abc123",
"accountNumbers": "abc123",
"propertyIds": 1,
"catchments": "abc123",
"thresholds": Threshold,
"current": DiscountData,
"historic": DiscountData,
"forecast": DiscountForecast
Name | Description |
field (String) | The name of the GraphQL field for which the rate is limited. |
isBlocked (Boolean) | Whether the viewer is currently blocked from making requests to this field due to exceeding the allowed request rate. |
rate (String) | Indicates the rate limit allowed for this field (e.g. 10/m). |
ttl (Int) | Time to live: The time remaining before the user is unblocked from making requests to this field. |
"field": "abc123",
"rate": "abc123",
"ttl": 1,
"isBlocked": true
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (FieldSpecificRateLimitInformation) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": FieldSpecificRateLimitInformation,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
effectiveAt (DateTime!) | The time at which forced reauthentication is effective. Kraken and refresh tokens issued before this time will be invalid. |
tokensInvalidated (Boolean!) | Reports whether the mutation applied successfully. Should always be 'true'. |
"tokensInvalidated": true,
"effectiveAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
powerLowerBound (Decimal!) | Lower confidence interval bound for forecasted power (kW). |
powerMedian (Decimal!) | The best guess for forecasted power (kW). |
powerUpperBound (Decimal!) | Upper confidence interval bound for forecasted power (kW). |
projectedDiscount (Decimal!) | Projected discount based on ensemble forecast data. |
validTime (DateTime!) | Timestamp for the data-point. |
"validTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"projectedDiscount": 1.0,
"powerMedian": 1.0,
"powerLowerBound": 1.0,
"powerUpperBound": 1.0
Name | Description |
content (JSONString) | |
errors ([SerializerFieldErrorsType]) | |
id (Int) |
"id": 1,
"content": {"key": "value"},
"errors": [SerializerFieldErrorsType]
A fractional measurement.
Name | Description |
fraction (Decimal!) | The fractional value. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"fraction": 1.0
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([FundingSourceAmountConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": FundingSourceAmountConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a FundingSourceAmountConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (FundingSourceAmountType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": FundingSourceAmountType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | Amount used from a funding source in minor currency. |
reason (String) | Reason why the funding source was used. |
"reason": "abc123",
"amount": 1
Filter measurements by gas parameters.
Name | Description |
deviceId (String) | |
marketSupplyPointId (String) | |
readingFrequencyType (ReadingFrequencyType) | The frequency of the reading. |
registerId (String) |
"registerId": "abc123",
"readingFrequencyType": "RAW_INTERVAL",
"marketSupplyPointId": "abc123",
"deviceId": "abc123"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([GasMeterConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": GasMeterConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a GasMeterConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (GasMeterType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": GasMeterType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
registers ([GasRegisterForReadingType]) | All registers relevant for billing for the meter. |
"registers": [GasRegisterForReadingType]
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([GasMeterReadingConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": GasMeterReadingConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a GasMeterReadingConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (GasRegisterReadingType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": GasRegisterReadingType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
activeFrom (DateTime!) | The datetime when the meter was active from. |
activeTo (DateTime) | The datetime when the meter stops being active. This should be null if it is still active. |
id (Int!) | The meter ID. |
meloNumber (String) | The MeLo number associated with the meter. |
meteringDirection (String) | The metering direction of the meter. |
number (String!) | The meter number. |
readingTransmissionType (String) | The reading transmission type of the meter. |
tariffCount (String) | The tariff count of the meter. |
"id": 1,
"number": "abc123",
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"meteringDirection": "abc123",
"readingTransmissionType": "abc123",
"tariffCount": "abc123",
"meloNumber": "abc123"
Name | Description |
accountingFee (Decimal) | |
gridBillingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridConcessionChargePerKwh (Decimal) | |
gridMeterOperationChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridMeterReadingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridPowerChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridStandingChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
gridUnitRateChargeAnnual (Decimal) | |
totalNetworkChargesPerYear (Decimal) |
"totalNetworkChargesPerYear": 1.0,
"gridStandingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridConcessionChargePerKwh": 1.0,
"gridPowerChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridUnitRateChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridBillingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridMeterOperationChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"gridMeterReadingChargeAnnual": 1.0,
"accountingFee": 1.0
Name | Description |
affiliateSessionId (String) | The session id of the affiliate. |
annualConsumption (Int) | |
energyType (String) | |
generatedOn (Date) | |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | |
netMonthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | The net monthly standing charge in €. |
networkCharges (GasNetworkCharges) | |
networkOperatorNumber (String) | |
productCode (String) | The code of the Gas product. |
productIsTimeOfUse (Boolean) | Whether the product is a time-of-use product. |
totalEstimatedAnnualBill (Decimal) | |
unitRateInformation (UnitRateInformation!) | The unit rate information. |
unitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | The unit rate per kWh in €. Deprecated The 'unitRatePerKwh' field is deprecated. |
"affiliateSessionId": "abc123",
"totalEstimatedAnnualBill": 1.0,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"unitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"annualConsumption": 1,
"networkCharges": GasNetworkCharges,
"energyType": "abc123",
"networkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"generatedOn": "2020-01-01",
"productCode": "abc123",
"netMonthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"productIsTimeOfUse": true,
"unitRateInformation": SimpleProductUnitRateInformation
Name | Description |
activeFrom (Date) | The date from when the register is active. |
activeTo (Date) | The date until when the register is active. |
decimalPlaces (Int) | The number of decimal places on the register. |
digits (Int) | The number of digits on the register. |
obisCode (String) | The OBIS code of the register. |
readings (RegisterReadingConnectionTypeConnection) | The readings for a given register, in reverse order (latest first). This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination. This field requires the |
"obisCode": "abc123",
"digits": 1,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01",
"readings": RegisterReadingConnectionTypeConnection
Name | Description |
meterId (Int) | The meter id this reading belongs to. |
origin (String) | |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
registerObisCode (String) | |
typeOfRead (String) | |
value (String!) |
"value": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"registerObisCode": "abc123",
"typeOfRead": "abc123",
"origin": "abc123",
"meterId": 1
A generic backend screen that can be used to define any type of screen.
Name | Description |
name (String!) | The name of the screen. |
refreshFrequency (Int) | The refresh / polling frequency in milliseconds. |
screenData (String) | Serialized JSON representation of the screen. |
"name": "abc123",
"refreshFrequency": 1,
"screenData": "abc123"
Get the client secret needed to create a new payment instruction using an embedded form.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4177: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
secretKey (String) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"secretKey": "abc123"
Get the client secret needed to create a new stored payment instruction using an embedded form.
This mutation is specifically for saving payment methods for future use, without immediately creating a payment instruction tied to a specific ledger or account.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
secretKey (String) | The client secret needed to create a new stored payment instruction. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"secretKey": "abc123"
Get external URL where the user can set up a payment instruction.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1128: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
url (String) | URL at which payment instruction can be set up. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"url": "abc123"
Name | Description |
currency (String) | Currency. |
grossAmount (Float) | Gross amount. |
netAmount (Float) | Net amount. |
type (String) | Grant type. |
"type": "abc123",
"netAmount": 1.0,
"grossAmount": 1.0,
"currency": "abc123"
Name | Description |
availableFrom (Date) | Product available from. |
availableTo (Date) | Product available to. |
code (String) | Product code. |
currency (String) | Currency. |
customerName (String) | Product customer name. |
description (String) | Product description. |
grossPricePerUnit (Float) | Gross price per unit. |
id (Int) | Product ID. |
internalName (String) | Product internal name. |
marketName (String) | Market of the product. |
notes (String) | Product notes. |
pricePerUnit (Float) | Price per unit. |
productType (GoodsProductType) | Type of the product. |
"id": 1,
"marketName": "abc123",
"productType": GoodsProductType,
"code": "abc123",
"internalName": "abc123",
"customerName": "abc123",
"notes": "abc123",
"description": "abc123",
"availableFrom": "2020-01-01",
"availableTo": "2020-01-01",
"pricePerUnit": 1.0,
"grossPricePerUnit": 1.0,
"currency": "abc123"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([GoodsProductConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": GoodsProductConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a GoodsProductConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (GoodsProduct) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": GoodsProduct,
"cursor": "abc123"
"code": "abc123",
"internalName": "abc123"
Name | Description |
clientParams (JSONString) | Client parameters of the purchase. |
code (String) | Purchase code. |
goodsGrants ([GoodsGrant]) | Grants that apply in this purchase. |
goodsSaleItems ([GoodsSaleItem]) | Sale items in this purchase. |
ledgerId (ID) | Ledger ID associated to the purchase. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The ledger number associated to the purchase. |
marketParams (JSONString) | Market parameters of the purchase. |
"code": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"goodsSaleItems": [GoodsSaleItem],
"goodsGrants": [GoodsGrant],
"marketParams": {"key": "value"},
"clientParams": {"key": "value"}
Name | Description |
code (String) | Code of the quote. |
goodsQuotedProducts ([GoodsQuotedProduct]) | Products of this quote. |
hasQuoteExpired (Boolean) | Indicates whether or not the quote is expired. |
id (ID) | ID of the quote. |
quotedAt (DateTime) | Date and time when the quote was created. |
totalNetAmount (Int) | Total net amount of the quote in cents. |
"id": "abc123",
"code": "abc123",
"totalNetAmount": 1,
"quotedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"goodsQuotedProducts": [GoodsQuotedProduct],
"hasQuoteExpired": true
Name | Description |
currency (String) | Currency. |
netAmount (Int) | Net amount. |
numberOfUnits (Int) | Number of units. |
pricePerUnit (Int) | Price per unit. |
product (String) | Product code. |
"product": "abc123",
"numberOfUnits": 1,
"pricePerUnit": 1,
"netAmount": 1,
"currency": "abc123"
Name | Description |
currency (String) | Currency. |
grossAmount (Float) | Gross amount. |
netAmount (Float) | Net amount. |
numberOfUnits (Int) | Number of units. |
pricePerUnit (Float) | Price per unit. |
product (String) | Product code. |
"product": "abc123",
"numberOfUnits": 1,
"pricePerUnit": 1.0,
"netAmount": 1.0,
"grossAmount": 1.0,
"currency": "abc123"
Name | Description |
date (Date!) | The date when the VAT rate starts being active from. |
grossRate (Decimal!) | The rate after the VAT rate is applied to the net rate. |
rateValidToDate (Date) | The date until which the VAT rate is active (exclusive). |
vatRate (Decimal!) | The VAT rate percentage. |
"date": "2020-01-01",
"vatRate": 1.0,
"grossRate": 1.0,
"rateValidToDate": "2020-01-01"
Represents a Hardship Agreement for a particular Account.
Name | Description |
hardshipDetails (String!) | These are internal notes detailing the hardship. |
hardshipEntryReason (HardshipAgreementHardshipEntryReason) | |
hardshipType (HardshipAgreementHardshipType!) | |
id (ID!) | |
paymentPlanDetails (String!) | |
startDate (Date!) |
"id": "abc123",
"hardshipType": "DEATH_IN_FAMILY",
"hardshipDetails": "abc123",
"hardshipEntryReason": "SELF_IDENTIFIED",
"paymentPlanDetails": "abc123",
"startDate": "2020-01-01"
Name | Description |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether a statement is currently held. |
reason (String) | Reason for statement being held. |
"isHeld": true,
"reason": "abc123"
A media element containing an image.
Name | Description |
accessibilityHidden (Boolean) | Whether the element is hidden from view. |
accessibilityLabel (String) | Accessible description of the element. |
horizontalAlignment (Alignment) | The horizontal alignment of the media. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
mediaUrl (String!) | The resource URL of the media. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
width (ItemSizeType) | The measurement of the element. |
"width": FractionSizeType,
"mediaUrl": "abc123",
"horizontalAlignment": "START",
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123"
Initiate a standalone payment and return the client secret required to complete it.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1128: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3943: Invalid ledger.
- KT-CT-3957: No collection method provided.
- KT-CT-3958: Provide either ledger ID or ledger number.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
payment (InitiateHostedStandalonePaymentOutput) | The details required to refer to and complete a hosted payment. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"payment": InitiateHostedStandalonePaymentOutput
Tokens required to collect and retrieve a standalone payment.
Name | Description |
retrievalToken (String!) | The retrieval token for this standalone payment. |
url (String!) | The url for the customer to complete the payment. |
"retrievalToken": "abc123",
"url": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4619: Quote with given code not found.
- KT-CT-4624: Unable to accept the given product code.
- KT-CT-4626: No product selected for the given quote code.
- KT-CT-4719: No supply point found for identifier provided.
- KT-CT-4922: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1507: Agreement product switch date is not within the acceptable range.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
productCode (String!) | The selected product for a specific product switch. |
switchDate (Date!) | The date at which the product switch becomes effective. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"productCode": "abc123",
"switchDate": "2020-01-01"
Initiate a standalone payment and return the client secret required to complete it.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-4177: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3943: Invalid ledger.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
payment (InitiateStandalonePaymentOutput) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"payment": InitiateStandalonePaymentOutput
Tokens required to collect and retrieve a standalone payment.
Name | Description |
retrievalToken (String!) | The retrieval token for this standalone payment. |
secretToken (String!) | The secret used to collect the payment. |
"retrievalToken": "abc123",
"secretToken": "abc123"
Name | Description |
all ([InkContactChannelIdentity!]!) | All contacts for this conversation. |
default (InkContactChannelIdentity) | The default contact for this conversation. |
"default": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"all": InkContactChannelIdentity
Name | Description |
channel (InkCommunicationChannel!) | The channel of the contact. |
displayName (String!) | The name to display to the user. |
handle (String!) | The handle. |
"channel": "EMAIL",
"handle": "abc123",
"displayName": "abc123"
Name | Description |
accountUsers ([AccountUserType!]) | The account users on the conversation. |
buckets ([InkBucket!]) | The buckets the conversation is currently in. |
contactChannelIdentities (InkContactChannelIdentities!) | The contact channel identities associated with this conversation. |
events (InkConversationEventsConnection!) | Conversation events. |
id (ID!) | |
status (InkConversationStatus!) | The status of the conversation. |
"id": "abc123",
"status": "OPEN",
"contactChannelIdentities": InkContactChannelIdentities,
"accountUsers": [AccountUserType],
"events": InkConversationEventsConnection
Name | Description |
edges ([InkConversationEventsEdge!]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": InkConversationEventsEdge
A Relay edge containing a InkConversationEvents
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (InkConversationEvent!) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": InkNewMessage,
"cursor": "abc123"
This type wraps around the Message
type for emails.
Name | Description |
attachments ([InkMessageAttachment!]!) | Attachments on the message. |
cc ([String!]!) | CC recipients on the message. |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | The contact channel identity. |
delivery (InkMessageDelivery!) | The delivery status of the message. |
direction (InkMessageDirection!) | The direction of the email. |
displayContent (String!) | The content of the message. |
fromHandle (String!) | From email address. |
isChannelEmail (Boolean!) | Is this an message an email. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the message was sent/received. |
subject (String!) | The email subject. |
tags ([InkTag!]!) | All Tags associated with a message. |
toHandles ([String!]) | The addresses that the message was sent to. |
"direction": "INBOUND",
"toHandles": ["abc123"],
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"delivery": InkMessageDelivery,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"subject": "abc123",
"displayContent": "abc123",
"attachments": InkMessageAttachment,
"cc": "abc123",
"isChannelEmail": true
This message type is used for messages that belong to contact channels without a more granular message type.
Name | Description |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | The contact channel identity. |
delivery (InkMessageDelivery!) | The delivery status. |
direction (InkMessageDirection!) | The direction of the message. |
displayContent (String!) | The content of the message. |
fromHandle (String!) | The identity the message was sent from. |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the message was sent/received at. |
toHandle (String!) | The identity the message was sent to. |
"id": "abc123",
"direction": "INBOUND",
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123",
"delivery": InkMessageDelivery,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"displayContent": "abc123"
This type wraps around the Message
type for LINE message.
Name | Description |
attachments ([InkMessageAttachment!]!) | Attachments on the LINE message. |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | The contact channel identity. |
delivery (InkMessageDelivery!) | The delivery status of the message. |
direction (InkMessageDirection!) | The direction of the message. |
fromHandle (String!) | From LINE id. |
isChannelLine (Boolean!) | Is this a LINE message. |
lineMessage (LineMessage!) | The line message content. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the message was sent/received. |
tags ([InkTag!]!) | All Tags associated with a message. |
toHandle (String!) | To LINE id. |
"direction": "INBOUND",
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123",
"delivery": InkMessageDelivery,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"lineMessage": LineTextMessage,
"isChannelLine": true,
"attachments": InkMessageAttachment
Name | Description |
fetchUrl (String) | The url for fetching the attachment. |
filename (String!) | The filename. |
sizeInBytes (Int) | The size in bytes. |
"filename": "abc123",
"fetchUrl": "abc123",
"sizeInBytes": 1
Name | Description |
status (InkMessageDeliveryStatus!) | Message delivery status. |
"status": "PENDING"
This types is used for both the message-received and message-sent conversation events.
Name | Description |
message (InkMessage!) | The message. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the conversation event occurred. |
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"message": InkEmail
This type wraps around the Message
type for Post.
Name | Description |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | The contact channel identity. |
displayContent (String!) | The notes left when a message was uploaded. |
fromHandle (String!) | The from property id. |
isChannelPost (Boolean!) | Determine if the message is a post message. |
rawPlainTextContent (String!) | The content of the message. |
toHandle (String!) | The to property id. |
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123",
"displayContent": "abc123",
"rawPlainTextContent": "abc123",
"isChannelPost": true,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity
This type wraps around the Message
type for SMS.
Name | Description |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | The contact channel identity. |
delivery (InkMessageDelivery!) | The delivery status. |
direction (InkMessageDirection!) | The direction of the message. |
displayContent (String!) | The content of the message. |
fromHandle (String!) | The phone number the message was sent from. |
isChannelSms (Boolean!) | Is this an SMS message. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the message was sent/received at. |
tags ([InkTag!]!) | All Tags associated with a message. |
toHandle (String!) | The phone number the message was sent to. |
"direction": "INBOUND",
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123",
"delivery": InkMessageDelivery,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"displayContent": "abc123",
"isChannelSms": true
This type wraps around the Message
type for WhatsApp message.
Name | Description |
contactChannelIdentity (InkContactChannelIdentity!) | Whatsapp message contact channel identity. |
delivery (InkMessageDelivery!) | Whatsapp message delivery status. |
direction (InkMessageDirection!) | The direction of the message. |
fromHandle (String!) | From WhatsApp phone number. |
isChannelWhatsapp (Boolean!) | Whether or not the message is a whatsapp message. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | Date when the conversation event was created. |
tags ([InkTag!]!) | All Tags associated with a message. |
toHandle (String!) | Whatsapp contact phone number. |
vendorId (String) | The vendor id. |
whatsappContent (WhatsAppTextMessage!) | Whatsapp message content. |
"direction": "INBOUND",
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123",
"delivery": InkMessageDelivery,
"contactChannelIdentity": InkContactChannelIdentity,
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"vendorId": "abc123",
"whatsappContent": WhatsAppTextMessage,
"isChannelWhatsapp": true
Name | Description |
accumulation (Decimal) | Deprecated The 'accumulation' field is deprecated. |
durationInSeconds (Int!) | |
endAt (DateTime!) | |
metaData (MeasurementsMetadataOutput) | This type will return more granular data about the measurement. |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
source (String!) | |
startAt (DateTime!) | |
unit (String!) | |
value (Decimal!) |
"source": "abc123",
"metaData": MeasurementsMetadataOutput,
"value": 1.0,
"unit": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"startAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"endAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"durationInSeconds": 1,
"accumulation": 1.0
Invalidates a payment instruction.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3926: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
instruction (InvalidatePaymentInstructionOutput) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"instruction": InvalidatePaymentInstructionOutput
Output for invalidating an arbitrary payment instruction.
Name | Description |
id (Int) |
"id": 1
Invalidate a previously issued expiring/pre-signed token.
This mutation can be used to invalidate the token itself.
To invalidate tokens issued to a particular user, use InvalidatePreSignedTokensForUser mutation.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1129: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
token (PreSignedToken) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"token": PreSignedToken
An invoice is a bill that contains individual transactions (i.e. charges, credits, payments, and repayments). These may come from any period of time.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (InvoiceBillingDocumentType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": InvoiceBillingDocumentType,
"cursor": "abc123"
An invoice is a bill that contains individual transactions (i.e. charges, credits, payments, and repayments). These may come from any period of time.
Name | Description |
annulledBy (AnnulmentBillingDocumentType) | Billing document that annuls this invoice. |
billingFrom (DateTime) | Start date of billing period. |
billingTo (DateTime) | End date of billing period. |
firstIssued (DateTime) | First time the invoice was issued. |
id (Int) | |
invoicedAmount (Int) | The invoiced amount of the billing document. |
number (String) | The unique billing document's reference that can be used for identifying it externally. |
pdfUrl (String) | URL to the PDF of the Invoice. |
"id": 1,
"firstIssued": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"pdfUrl": "abc123",
"annulledBy": AnnulmentBillingDocumentType,
"number": "abc123",
"invoicedAmount": 1,
"billingFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"billingTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered from. |
grossAmount (Int) | This field returns the total gross amount of the bill in pence. |
id (ID) | The ID of the bill. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered to. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"grossAmount": 1
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4501: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
success (Boolean) | Indicator that the mutation has completed successfully. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"success": true
A Relay edge containing a JoinSupplierProcessConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (JoinSupplierProcessType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
chargePointMake (String) | |
chargePointModel (String) | |
chargePointPowerInKw (Decimal) | |
createdAt (DateTime) | |
hasToken (Boolean) | |
krakenflexDeviceId (String) | |
provider (ProviderChoices) | The third party that provides control over this device. |
stateOfChargeLimit (StateOfChargeLimit) | Maximum state of charge (SoC) limit telemetry. |
status (String) | |
suspended (Boolean) | |
testDispatchFailureReason (TestDispatchAssessmentFailureReason) | The reason for the most recent failed test dispatch (if any). |
vehicleBatterySizeInKwh (Decimal) | |
vehicleMake (String) | |
vehicleModel (String) |
"krakenflexDeviceId": "abc123",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"vehicleMake": "abc123",
"vehicleModel": "abc123",
"vehicleBatterySizeInKwh": 1.0,
"chargePointMake": "abc123",
"chargePointModel": "abc123",
"chargePointPowerInKw": 1.0,
"status": "abc123",
"suspended": true,
"hasToken": true,
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"stateOfChargeLimit": StateOfChargeLimit,
"testDispatchFailureReason": "NONE"
Information about what version of Kraken is being executed by this service.
Name | Description |
SHA (String) | The git commit SHA that is being executed. |
number (String) | The version number that is being executed. |
"number": "abc123",
"SHA": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a LeavePropertyProcessConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (LeavePropertyProcessType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a LeaveSupplierProcessConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (LeaveSupplierProcessType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Ledgers provide the foundation of Kraken’s bookkeeping functionality. Similar to a bank account, they allow us to keep track of financial activity on a particular Kraken account.
Name | Description |
affectsAccountBalance (Boolean) | Whether this ledger's balance contributes to the account's balance. |
amountOwedByCustomer (Int) | The amount owed from the customer perspective. A positive value implies the customer owes the business, while a negative amount implies the customer is in credit. |
balance (Int) | The current balance on the ledger in minor units of currency. |
creditTransferPermissionsData (CreditTransferPermissionsDataType) | Permissions data for credit transfers involving the given ledger. |
id (ID) | Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
invoices (InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection) | An invoice is a bill that contains individual transactions (i.e. charges, credits, payments, and repayments). These may come from any period of time. |
ledgerType (String) | The ledger type code. |
name (String) | The display name of the ledger. |
number (String) | The canonical name of the ledger. |
paymentAdequacy (PaymentAdequacyDetailsType) | |
refundRequests (RefundRequestConnectionTypeConnection) | Refund requests for a given ledger. |
repaymentRequests (RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection) | Repayment requests for a given ledger. |
statements (StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection) | A statement is a billing document that contains all entries on a ledger during a period of time. A customer can understand how their ledger's balance has changed by looking at each statement in series. |
transactions (TransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Transactions on the given ledger. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the postedDate range filter. This date value is inclusive.
The order in which to return the transactions.
Optional date representing the end of the postedDate range filter. This date value is exclusive.
Include only these specific transaction types in the result. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"ledgerType": "abc123",
"balance": 1,
"amountOwedByCustomer": 1,
"affectsAccountBalance": true,
"statements": StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection,
"invoices": InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection,
"transactions": TransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"repaymentRequests": RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection,
"refundRequests": RefundRequestConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentAdequacy": PaymentAdequacyDetailsType,
"creditTransferPermissionsData": CreditTransferPermissionsDataType
A base error type. Should be used for general application or lower level errors.
Name | Description |
field (String) | The field that for which this error should be associated. |
message (String!) | The error message to display to the user. |
"message": "abc123",
"field": "abc123"
A LINE specific emoji object. refs: https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message
Name | Description |
emojiId (String!) | The emoji id. |
index (Int!) | The location of the emoji in the message. |
length (Int) | The length of the emoji string placeholder. |
productId (String!) | The product id. |
"index": 1,
"length": 1,
"productId": "abc123",
"emojiId": "abc123"
Link Successful. Complete link process with LINE.
Name | Description |
redirectUrl (String!) |
"redirectUrl": "abc123"
Name | Description |
keywords ([String!]!) | Keywords describing the sticker. |
packageId (String!) | Sticker package id. |
resourceType (String!) | Sticker resource type. |
stickerId (String!) | Sticker id. |
text (String!) | Text used to customize some stickers. |
"packageId": "abc123",
"stickerId": "abc123",
"resourceType": "abc123",
"keywords": "abc123",
"text": "abc123"
Name | Description |
displayContent (String!) | The display content. |
emojis ([LineEmoji!]) | The emojis in the message. |
"displayContent": "abc123",
"emojis": [LineEmoji]
An action which navigates to any URL.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
url (String!) | The URL to navigate to. |
"typeName": "abc123",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"url": "abc123"
Returned when no LineAccountLink record matching the parameters exists.
Name | Description |
type (LineLinkErrorType!) | The type of error that occurred. |
Name | Description |
averageMonthlyCharge (Int) | The combined average montly cost for all markets based on usage. |
balanceAdjustment (Int) | Suggested temporary adjustment to ongoing usage amount to cover debt or overpayment. |
consumption (ConsumptionBreakdownConnectionTypeConnection) | Breakdown of customer's estimated or real usage per market and per month. |
currentBalance (Int) | The balance the ledger has at the time of review. |
existingMonthlyAmount (Int) | The amount the customer is paying monthly at the time of the review. |
reviewedOn (Date) | The date that we used to calculate the review of the ledger. |
suggestedNewMonthlyAmount (Int) | The suggested monthly payment amount in minor currency following the payment adequacy review. |
targetBalance (Int) | The balance we expect the ledger to have at the end period of the review. |
"suggestedNewMonthlyAmount": 1,
"consumption": ConsumptionBreakdownConnectionTypeConnection,
"averageMonthlyCharge": 1,
"existingMonthlyAmount": 1,
"balanceAdjustment": 1,
"currentBalance": 1,
"targetBalance": 1,
"reviewedOn": "2020-01-01"
A Loyalty Point ledger entry.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | The account number associated with the entry. |
balanceBroughtForward (String) | Equal to the |
balanceCarriedForward (String) | Equal to the |
id (ID!) | |
ledgerType (String) | The |
postedAt (DateTime) | The date the points were added to the ledger. |
reasonCode (String) | The reason the entry was being added. |
value (String) | The value of the charge or credit. |
"id": "abc123",
"ledgerType": "abc123",
"value": "abc123",
"balanceBroughtForward": "abc123",
"balanceCarriedForward": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123",
"postedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123"
Name | Description |
agreements ([Agreement]) | |
canBeAnnulled (Boolean) | Whether the MaLo's supply point can currently be annulled. |
canBeCancelled (Boolean) | Whether the MaLo's supply point can currently be cancelled. |
canBeRevoked (Boolean) | Whether the MaLo's supply point can currently be revoked. |
canBeSpeciallyCancelled (Boolean) | Whether the MaLo's supply point can currently be specially cancelled. |
firstDayOfSupply (Date) | The first day on which we supply this MaLo. Also known as the supply start date. This is the first day of the currently active supply period, a future supply period, or a past supply period. The date is returned in the local timezone. Null if no supply period is available. |
id (ID) | |
lastDayOfSupply (Date) | The last day (inclusive) on which we supply this MaLo. Also known as the supply end date. This is the last day of the currently active supply period, a future supply period, or a past supply period. The date is returned in the local timezone. Null if there is no supply period or if the supply period is open-ended. |
maloNumber (String) | The MaLo number. |
meloNumber (String) | The MeLo number. |
meter (Meter) | The currently active meter. |
referenceConsumption (Int) | The reference consumption related to energy price brake. |
status (String) | |
supplyPointId (ID) | ID of the supply point. |
supplyStartDate (Date) | The supply start date, either of the currently active supply period, a future supply period, or a past supply period. The date is returned in the local timezone. Null if no supply period is available. Deprecated The 'supplyStartDate' field is deprecated. |
"id": "abc123",
"status": "abc123",
"maloNumber": "abc123",
"meloNumber": "abc123",
"meter": Meter,
"agreements": [Agreement],
"supplyStartDate": "2020-01-01",
"firstDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01",
"lastDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01",
"supplyPointId": "abc123",
"canBeAnnulled": true,
"canBeRevoked": true,
"canBeCancelled": true,
"canBeSpeciallyCancelled": true,
"referenceConsumption": 1
Name | Description |
errors ([ErrorType]) | A list of any errors that occurred while running this mutation. |
token (String) | A Kraken Token that can be used to authenticate to the API, masquerading as the desired user. |
"token": "abc123",
"errors": [ErrorType]
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | The maximum amount available to be requested as a refund. |
reasonToRecommendAmount (MaximumRefundReasonChoices) | The reason why a specific amount is the maximum available to be requested as a refund. |
recommendedBalance (Int) | The recommended minimum balance an account should have when asking for a refund. |
"amount": 1,
"reasonToRecommendAmount": "MAX_AVAILABLE_AMOUNT",
"recommendedBalance": 1
Pagination for measurements.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([MeasurementEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": MeasurementEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a Measurement
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (MeasurementInterface) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": MeasurementInterface,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
metaData (MeasurementsMetadataOutput) | This type will return more granular data about the measurement. |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
source (String!) | |
unit (String!) | |
value (Decimal!) |
"source": "abc123",
"metaData": MeasurementsMetadataOutput,
"value": 1.0,
"unit": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
statistics ([StatisticOutput]) | Statistics relating to the parent measurement node. |
utilityFilters (UtilityFiltersOutput) | The source information relating to the parent measurement node. |
"utilityFilters": ElectricityFiltersOutput,
"statistics": [StatisticOutput]
Name | Description |
key (String!) | The key for the metadata. |
value (JSONString) | The metadata value. |
"key": "abc123",
"value": {"key": "value"}
Name | Description |
id (ID) | |
meterType (String) | |
number (String) | |
shouldReceiveSmartMeterData (Boolean) | Whether the meter should receive smart meter data. |
submitMeterReadingUrl (String) | A tokenized url for submitting meter readings. |
"id": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"meterType": "abc123",
"submitMeterReadingUrl": "abc123",
"shouldReceiveSmartMeterData": true
Cancelling a contract because of a Move Out for a given supply point and send confirmation email to the customer.
Name | Description |
cancelledContract (Boolean) | Whether the contract cancellation was successful. |
lastDayOfSupply (Date) | The last day of supply. |
"cancelledContract": true,
"lastDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01"
Represents an application that can receive push notifications.
Name | Description |
bundleId (String!) | Bundle ID or package name of the app. |
description (String!) | |
externalProjectId (String!) | Project ID used in push notification delivery service. (Currently: AWS Pinpoint) |
externalProvider (NotifiableApplicationExternalProvider!) | |
id (ID!) | |
name (String!) | Human readable name for the app. |
pushNotificationBindings ([PushNotificationBindingType!]!) | |
service (NotifiableApplicationService!) |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"bundleId": "abc123",
"service": "GCM",
"externalProvider": "PINPOINT",
"externalProjectId": "abc123",
"description": "abc123",
"pushNotificationBindings": PushNotificationBindingType
Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) authentication.
Take the given OCPP authentication details and trigger OCPP authentication.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4310: Unable to register OCPP authentication details.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
"url": "abc123",
"username": "abc123"
Name | Description |
brandCode (String) | |
createdAt (DateTime!) | |
effectiveFrom (DateTime) | |
html (String) | The html of the terms and conditions document rendered as a JSON string. |
markdown (String) | The markdown text of the terms and conditions. |
name (String) | |
pdfUrl (String) | |
text (String!) | |
version (String) |
"text": "abc123",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"name": "abc123",
"pdfUrl": "abc123",
"brandCode": "abc123",
"markdown": "abc123",
"html": "abc123",
"version": "abc123",
"effectiveFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
The unifying approach used to get a Kraken token (JWT: JSON Web Token) with different types of input.
The currently supported inputs are: - account user email/password combination - account user API key - organization live secret key - pre-signed key - refresh token
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1135: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1134: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
payload (GenericScalar!) | The body payload of the Kraken Token. The same information can be obtained by using JWT decoding tools on the value of the |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
refreshExpiresIn (Int) | A Unix timestamp representing the point in time at which the refresh token will expire. |
refreshToken (String) | A token that can be used in a subsequent call to |
token (String!) | The Kraken Token. Can be used in the |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"token": "abc123",
"payload": "abc123" | 1 | 1.0 | true | ["abc123"] | AccountType,
"refreshToken": "abc123",
"refreshExpiresIn": 1
An occupancy period for a property.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Account number associated with this occupancy period. |
effectiveFrom (DateTime) | Date the occupancy period is effective from. |
effectiveTo (DateTime) | Date the occupancy period is effective to. |
id (ID) | |
isOccupier (Boolean) | Whether the account associated with the occupancy period is an occupier account type. |
"id": "abc123",
"effectiveFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"effectiveTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isOccupier": true,
"accountNumber": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a OccupyPropertyProcessConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (OccupyPropertyProcessType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
The Relay compliant PageInfo
type, containing data necessary to paginate this connection.
Name | Description |
endCursor (String) | When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. |
hasNextPage (Boolean!) | When paginating forwards, are there more items? |
hasPreviousPage (Boolean!) | When paginating backwards, are there more items? |
startCursor (String) | When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. |
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": true,
"startCursor": "abc123",
"endCursor": "abc123"
A payment from the customer to the energy supplier.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Unique identifier of the account the transaction belongs to. |
amount (Int) | Gross amount including tax (when payable). Refer to the Deprecated The 'amount' field is deprecated. |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
balanceCarriedForward (Int) | The customer's resulting balance after this transaction has been applied, in the smallest unit of currency. |
billingDocumentIdentifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the most recent billing document linked with the transaction.Note: a transaction may be linked with multiple documents, but this field will only return the identifier for the most recent billing document. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
hasStatement (Boolean) | Returns True if the transaction is linked with a statement. |
id (ID) | |
isAccountCharge (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountCharge' field is deprecated. |
isAccountPayment (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountPayment' field is deprecated. |
isCredit (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isCredit' field is deprecated. |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether the statement this transaction is on has been held. A held statement is not sent to a customer automatically, but is instead marked for manual attention by operations staff. Returns False if a statement is not linked with the transaction. |
isIssued (Boolean) | Whether this transaction has been issued on any billing document.Note: Look for the most recently issued transaction instead of looking through all transactions as some accounts may have initial transactions that were not issued.This will return False if the transaction is not associated with any billing documents. |
isReversed (Boolean!) | |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
statementId (ID) | Returns None if a statement is not linked with the transaction. Deprecated The 'statementId' field is deprecated. |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"balanceCarriedForward": 1,
"isCredit": true,
"isAccountCharge": true,
"isAccountPayment": true,
"isHeld": true,
"isIssued": true,
"title": "abc123",
"billingDocumentIdentifier": "abc123",
"statementId": "abc123",
"isReversed": true,
"hasStatement": true,
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
Payment adequacy adjusts fixed payment schedules to maintain a healthy ledger balance over a year.
Name | Description |
isCurrentlyExempt (Boolean) | This ledger will be exempt from default Payment Adequacy. This may mean that it is completely exempt, or handled with special rules. |
"isCurrentlyExempt": true
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PaymentForecastConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PaymentForecastConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PaymentForecastConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PaymentForecastType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PaymentForecastType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | |
date (Date) | |
method (ScheduleType) | The payment method used for the forecasted payment. |
paymentNumber (Int) |
"paymentNumber": 1,
"date": "2020-01-01",
"amount": 1,
"method": "BACS_TRANSFER"
Name | Description |
accountUser (AccountUserType) | The account user who is an owner of this payment instruction. |
business (BusinessType) | The business who is an owner of this payment instruction. |
"accountUser": AccountUserType,
"business": BusinessType
Payment Instructions
Name | Description |
accountHolder (String!) | |
accountType (String) | |
bankCode (String) | |
cardExpiryMonth (Int) | |
cardExpiryYear (Int) | |
cardNumber (String!) | |
cardPaymentNetwork (String) | |
cardType (String) | |
iban (String!) | |
id (ID!) | |
instructionType (String!) | |
maskedAccountIdentifier (String) | A masked reference to a recurring payment method. |
owners ([PaymentInstructionOwnerType]) | The owners of the financial account this instruction represents. |
sortCode (String!) | |
status (String!) | |
validFrom (DateTime!) | |
vendor (String!) |
"id": "abc123",
"status": "abc123",
"sortCode": "abc123",
"iban": "abc123",
"accountHolder": "abc123",
"instructionType": "abc123",
"cardPaymentNetwork": "abc123",
"cardExpiryMonth": 1,
"cardExpiryYear": 1,
"bankCode": "abc123",
"accountType": "abc123",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"vendor": "abc123",
"cardNumber": "abc123",
"cardType": "abc123",
"maskedAccountIdentifier": "abc123",
"owners": [PaymentInstructionOwnerType]
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PaymentPlanConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PaymentPlanConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PaymentPlanConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PaymentPlanType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PaymentPlanType,
"cursor": "abc123"
An object that represents a planned payment for a payment plan.
"payableDate": "2020-01-01",
"amount": 1,
"paymentType": "abc123"
An object that represents a payment plan.
Name | Description |
acceptedAt (DateTime) | |
account (AccountType!) | |
id (ID!) | |
initialScheduleType (String!) | |
nextPayment (PaymentPlanPaymentType) | The next planned payment for this payment plan. |
offerExpiresAt (DateTime) | |
offeredAt (DateTime) | |
payments ([PaymentPlanPaymentType!]!) | |
status (String!) | |
strategyDisplayName (String) | The display name of the strategy used for this payment plan or None if one does not exist. |
strategyName (String!) |
"id": "abc123",
"account": AccountType,
"initialScheduleType": "abc123",
"strategyName": "abc123",
"status": "abc123",
"offeredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"offerExpiresAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"acceptedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"payments": PaymentPlanPaymentType,
"nextPayment": PaymentPlanPaymentType,
"strategyDisplayName": "abc123"
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PaymentRequestConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PaymentRequestConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PaymentRequestConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PaymentRequestType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PaymentRequestType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
customerAmount (Int) | The amount the customer is expected to pay in minor currency. |
expectedPaymentDate (Date) | The date the payment is expected to be made. |
fundingSourceAmounts (FundingSourceAmountConnectionTypeConnection) | The amount that was funded by each funding source. |
paymentStatus (String) | The status of the payment. |
totalAmount (Int) | The total amount of the payment in minor currency. |
"expectedPaymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"paymentStatus": "abc123",
"totalAmount": 1,
"customerAmount": 1,
"fundingSourceAmounts": FundingSourceAmountConnectionTypeConnection
Name | Description |
paymentRequest (PaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection) | A list of payment requests for a given ledger. |
"paymentRequest": PaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PaymentScheduleConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PaymentScheduleType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PaymentScheduleType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
args (JSONString) | The arguments of the delay configuration. |
code (String) | The code of the delay configuration. |
"code": "abc123",
"args": {"key": "value"}
Name | Description |
description (String) | A human-readable description of the value. |
direction (PaymentDayDirectionType) | Direction of payment day. |
"direction": "OF_MONTH",
"description": "abc123"
An object that represents when we have agreed to take payments from a payment instruction.
Name | Description |
delayConfiguration (PaymentScheduleDelayConfigurationType) | The delay configuration for this payment schedule. |
id (ID!) | |
isPaymentHoliday (Boolean) | |
isVariablePaymentAmount (Boolean!) | |
paymentAdequacyAdjustment (Int) | |
paymentAdequacyAdjustmentExpiryDate (Date) | |
paymentAmount (Int!) | |
paymentDay (Int) | |
paymentDayDetails (PaymentSchedulePaymentDayDetailsType) | Details of the payment_day value. |
paymentFrequency (PaymentFrequencyOptions) | The frequency of the payment schedule. |
paymentFrequencyMultiplier (Int!) | |
paymentHolidayReason (String!) | |
reason (PaymentScheduleReasonOptions) | The reason the payment schedule was created. |
scheduleType (ScheduleType) | The method of payment for the schedule. |
supplementaryLedger (SupplementaryLedgerType) | The supplementary ledger for this payment schedule, if it is on one. |
totalDebtAmount (Int) | The sum of the payment adequacy contributions on the payment schedule that are expected to be taken before the debt repayment is complete. |
validFrom (Date!) | |
validTo (Date) |
"id": "abc123",
"supplementaryLedger": SupplementaryLedgerType,
"validFrom": "2020-01-01",
"validTo": "2020-01-01",
"paymentHolidayReason": "abc123",
"paymentDay": 1,
"paymentFrequency": "Weekly",
"paymentFrequencyMultiplier": 1,
"paymentAmount": 1,
"paymentAdequacyAdjustment": 1,
"paymentAdequacyAdjustmentExpiryDate": "2020-01-01",
"isVariablePaymentAmount": true,
"totalDebtAmount": 1,
"isPaymentHoliday": true,
"scheduleType": "BACS_TRANSFER",
"paymentDayDetails": PaymentSchedulePaymentDayDetailsType,
"delayConfiguration": PaymentScheduleDelayConfigurationType
Initiate a boost charge for an electric vehicle (EV).
This will start charging the EV and will not stop until the battery reaches 100% charged.
If it is not possible to initiate a boost charge, a KT-CT-4357 error will be returned.
It may have a boostChargeRefusalReasons
extension which lists the reasons why the boost
charge was refused. Possible reasons include:
(device is not yet live)BC_DEVICE_RETIRED
(device is retired)BC_DEVICE_SUSPENDED
(device is suspended)BC_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED
(device is disconnected)BC_DEVICE_NOT_AT_HOME
(device is not at home)BC_BOOST_CHARGE_IN_PROGRESS
(boost charge already in progress)BC_DEVICE_FULLY_CHARGED
(device is already fully charged)
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4356: A boost charge cannot currently be performed.
- KT-CT-4357: Unable to trigger boost charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
Performs a house move.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4178: No account found with given account number.
- KT-CT-4410: Invalid postcode.
- KT-CT-3811: Invalid IBAN.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-DE-4903: Unable to proceed.
- KT-DE-3920: No active or pending agreement found.
- KT-DE-3921: Unable to proceed.
- KT-DE-4904: Unable to proceed.
- KT-DE-4905: Unable to proceed.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType]
Initiate a test charge of an electric vehicle (EV).
This is to ensure that the EV or EVSE (charge point) can be controlled remotely and successfully charged for a short period.
If it is not possible to initiate a test charge, a KT-CT-4355 error will be returned. It may have a
extension which lists the reasons why the test charge was refused. Possible reasons
(device is already live)TC_DEVICE_ONBOARDING_IN_PROGRESS
(test dispatch already in progress)TC_DEVICE_RETIRED
(device is retired)TC_DEVICE_SUSPENDED
(device is suspended)TC_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED
(device is disconnected)TC_DEVICE_ALREADY_CHARGING
(device is already charging)TC_DEVICE_AWAY_FROM_HOME
(device is away from home)TC_DEVICE_NO_LOCATION_CONFIGURED
(device has no location configured)TC_DEVICE_LOCATION_UNABLE_TO_IDENTIFY
(unable to identify device location)TC_DEVICE_LOCATION_MISSING
(device location is missing)
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4355: Unable to trigger charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the constituent bill covered from. |
id (ID) | The ID of the constituent bill. |
identifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the billing document. Note: a pending billing document will not have an identifier yet; and not all finalized billing documents will have an identifier assigned to them, in which case this will be null. |
isAnnulled (Boolean!) | Whether the billing document has been annulled. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the constituent bill covered to. |
totalCharges (StatementTotalType) | The total amounts for all charges on the billing document. |
totalCredits (StatementTotalType) | The total amounts for all credits on the statement. |
transactions (BillTransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Transactions on the given ledger. Arguments
The order in which to return the transactions.
Include only these specific transaction types in the result. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"identifier": "abc123",
"totalCharges": StatementTotalType,
"totalCredits": StatementTotalType,
"isAnnulled": true,
"transactions": BillTransactionConnectionTypeConnection
Name | Description |
buttonAction (ActionType!) | The action to perform when the button is pressed. |
buttonStyle (ButtonStyle) | The button style. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
title (String!) | Title text of the button. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"buttonStyle": "PRIMARY",
"title": "abc123",
"buttonAction": DeeplinkActionType,
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123"
Name | Description |
isBlocked (Boolean) | Whether the viewer has been blocked due to spending all its allowed points. |
limit (Int) | The maximum number of points the viewer gets for requests per hour. |
remainingPoints (Int) | The remaining points for the viewer in one hour time limit. |
ttl (Int) | Time To Live: UNIX timestamp when the viewer will get a new allowance of points. |
usedPoints (Int) | The points used so far in one hour time limit. |
"limit": 1,
"remainingPoints": 1,
"usedPoints": 1,
"ttl": 1,
"isBlocked": true
A measurement in points.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
points (Int!) | The points value. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"points": 1
Paginator of Operations Team
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PortfolioConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PortfolioConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PortfolioConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PortfolioType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PortfolioType,
"cursor": "abc123"
An object that represents a portfolio.
Some fields are only available when the portfolio is part of an enterprise hierarchy:
- name
- depth
- parent
- ancestors
- descendants
Name | Description |
accounts (AccountConnectionTypeConnection) | The accounts associated with this portfolio. |
ancestors (PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection) | The ancestors of the given portfolio. |
billingName (String) | |
brand (String) | The brand code associated with the portfolio. |
collectiveBilling (Boolean!) | |
createdAt (DateTime!) | |
depth (Int) | The depth of the portfolio in the hierarchy. |
descendants (PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection) | The descendants of the given portfolio. |
id (ID!) | |
leadAccountNumber (String) | The lead account for this portfolio. |
name (String) | The name of the portfolio. |
number (String!) | |
operationsTeam (OperationsTeamType) | Operations team for this portfolio. |
parent (PortfolioType) | The parent portfolio of the given portfolio, if any. |
updatedAt (DateTime!) |
"id": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"billingName": "abc123",
"collectiveBilling": true,
"leadAccountNumber": "abc123",
"brand": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"depth": 1,
"parent": PortfolioType,
"ancestors": PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection,
"descendants": PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection,
"accounts": AccountConnectionTypeConnection
The role a user has in association with one portfolio.
Name | Description |
id (ID!) | |
portfolio (PortfolioType!) | Portfolio object. |
role (RoleString) | The portfolio role. |
user (AccountUserType!) |
"id": "abc123",
"user": AccountUserType,
"role": RoleString,
"portfolio": PortfolioType
The GraphQL error type for displaying information about GraphQL errors that might be raised from the API.
Name | Description |
code (String) | The error code that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
description (String) | The error description that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
message (String) | The error message that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
type (String) | The error type that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
"message": "abc123",
"code": "abc123",
"type": "abc123",
"description": "abc123"
Information and possible errors of the requested query/mutation.
Name | Description |
authErrors (Boolean) | Whether the possible authentication errors are included. |
name (String) | Name of the query/mutation whose possible errors are returned. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | List of the errors the query/mutation is susceptible of raising. |
type (query_type) | Type of the query (query or mutation). |
"name": "abc123",
"type": "query",
"authErrors": true,
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType]
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered from. |
grossAmount (BigInt) | The gross amount of the historical bill. |
id (ID) | The ID of the bill. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
params (JSONString) | The params associated with the historical bill. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered to. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"params": {"key": "value"},
"grossAmount": 1
A pre-signed, expiring and opaque tokens that can be swapped for a limited scope JWT (Kraken Token).
Name | Description |
isValid (Boolean) | |
key (String!) | |
scope (ExpiringTokenScope!) | The scope that the token will grant to the account user. |
"key": "abc123",
"isValid": true
Name | Description |
amount (Decimal!) |
unit (Unit) | Unit that monetary amount relates to eg. 27 cents per kwh. |
"amount": 1.0,
Represents a print attachment
Name | Description |
filename (String!) | |
id (ID!) | |
s3Bucket (String!) | |
s3Key (String!) | |
temporaryUrl (String) | Temporary URL at which the attachment is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). |
"id": "abc123",
"filename": "abc123",
"s3Bucket": "abc123",
"s3Key": "abc123",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123"
Name | Description |
eventType (String!) | |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
message (PrintMessageType) | Print message of the print event. |
occurredAt (DateTime!) |
"id": "abc123",
"eventType": "abc123",
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"message": PrintMessageType
Represents a print communication.
Name | Description |
account (AccountType) | |
attachments ([PrintAttachmentType]) | Attachments of the message. |
highPriority (Boolean) | Comms that are marked as high priority. |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
templateCode (String!) |
"id": "abc123",
"templateCode": "abc123",
"account": AccountType,
"attachments": [PrintAttachmentType],
"highPriority": true
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([PrintMessageTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": PrintMessageTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a PrintMessageType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (PrintMessageType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": PrintMessageType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
availabilityStatus (ProductAvailabilityStatus!) | |
availableFrom (DateTime!) | |
availableTo (DateTime) | |
code (String!) | |
description (String!) | This will be shown to customers during sign-up |
displayName (String!) | This name will be shown to customers during sign-up |
endsAt (DateTime) | This is when end-dated products expire |
fullName (String!) | |
hasMinimumTerm (Boolean) | Whether the product has a minimum term (contract binding). |
isHidden (Boolean!) | Use this field to temporarily make a product unavailable |
isTimeOfUse (Boolean!) | Whether the product is a time of use product. |
marketName (String!) | |
minimumTerm (Int) | The minimum term (contract binding) in months. 0 means no minimum term. |
params (JSONString!) | |
term (Int) | Duration of agreements using this product in months |
termsContractType (String!) |
"marketName": "abc123",
"code": "abc123",
"fullName": "abc123",
"displayName": "abc123",
"description": "abc123",
"availableFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"availableTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isHidden": true,
"term": 1,
"endsAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"availabilityStatus": "PUBLIC",
"termsContractType": "abc123",
"params": {"key": "value"},
"hasMinimumTerm": true,
"minimumTerm": 1,
"isTimeOfUse": true
Confirm a product switch (self-serve).
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-DE-4901: Feature is unavailable.
- KT-DE-4902: Unable to proceed.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
productSwitched (Boolean) | Whether the product switch was successful. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"productSwitched": true
Name | Description |
administrativeArea (String) | Top-level administrative subdivision, e.g. US state, AU state/territory, IT region, JP prefecture.
country (String) | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country this address belongs
to, e.g. |
deliveryPointIdentifier (String) | Identifier used by the local postal service for this address, e.g. AU DPID, GB postcode + Delivery Point Suffix, US Zip-9 + Delivery Point. This is the value that gets encoded in the barcode printed on the envelope by large-volume bulk mail providers. |
dependentLocality (String) | UK dependent localities, or neighbourhoods or boroughs in some other locations. |
locality (String) | City or town portion of an address, e.g. US city, AU suburb/town, IT comune, UK post town. |
name (String) | A personal name. |
organization (String) | The name of a business or organisation. |
postalCode (String) | Postal code (ZIP code in the US). |
sortingCode (String) | Sorting code, e.g. FR CEDEX code. This field is not used in many countries. |
streetAddress (String) | The 'street address' component. This value can (and often will) contain newline characters when appropriate. In some cases, data may appear in this field instead of the
below fields; e.g. a UK post town name may appear here
instead of in the If |
structuredStreetAddress (GenericScalar) | The 'street address' component, in a structured format. This field stores the same value as The exact structure of this value depends on the country of the address, which is not necessarily the same as the country this Kraken is configured to serve. For addresses outside of the countries listed below, this field will be left blank.
"name": "abc123",
"organization": "abc123",
"streetAddress": "abc123",
"structuredStreetAddress": "abc123" | 1 | 1.0 | true | ["abc123"] | AccountType,
"dependentLocality": "abc123",
"locality": "abc123",
"administrativeArea": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"sortingCode": "abc123",
"country": "abc123",
"deliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123"
Name | Description |
property (PropertyType!) | The matched property. |
score (Decimal!) | A score representing the degree of confidence for a match. |
"score": 1.0,
"property": PropertyType
Name | Description |
address (String) | The address of the property, formatted into a single string. |
coordinates (CoordinatesType) | Coordinates for the property, useful for displaying the property on a map. |
electricityMalos ([MaLo]) | All the electricity supply points at this property. |
embeddedNetwork (EmbeddedNetworkType) | The embedded network this property belongs to, if any. |
gasMalos ([MaLo]) | All the gas supply points at this property. |
id (String) | |
label (String) | An optional label for the property. |
measurements (MeasurementConnection) | Measurements at a property Arguments
Defaults to the far future which will return the most recent readings.
Latest date to return measurements for (inclusive).
Defaults to the far past which will return the oldest readings.
Earliest date to return measurements from.
Timezone to use for grouping. Defaults to Kraken localtime.
Filters for each utility being measured |
occupancyPeriods ([OccupancyPeriodType]) | Time periods during which the property is associated with an account. Useful to display information about house-moves, as performing a move out of a property will set the end date for the occupancy period. |
postcode (String) | The postcode of the property. |
richAddress (PropertyRichAddressType) | Property rich address. |
splitAddress ([String]) | List of address lines. |
"id": "abc123",
"address": "abc123",
"richAddress": PropertyRichAddressType,
"splitAddress": ["abc123"],
"label": "abc123",
"occupancyPeriods": [OccupancyPeriodType],
"coordinates": CoordinatesType,
"embeddedNetwork": EmbeddedNetworkType,
"measurements": MeasurementConnection,
"postcode": "abc123",
"electricityMalos": [MaLo],
"gasMalos": [MaLo]
Name | Description |
oauthUri (String!) | OAuth 2.0 URI for the provider. |
"oauthUri": "abc123"
Details of a public key that can be added to devices for end-to-end authentication or encryption.
E.g. for Tesla the user visits a URL and the name can be used to show what the key is called. https://github.com/teslamotors/vehicle-command#distributing-your-public-key
Name | Description |
virtualKeyName (String!) | Friendly human-readable name for the virtual key. |
virtualKeyUri (String!) | URI for the virtual key. |
"virtualKeyName": "abc123",
"virtualKeyUri": "abc123"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ProvisionalTransactionConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ProvisionalTransactionType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ProvisionalTransactionType,
"cursor": "abc123"
A provisional transaction represents some debit or credit to or from a customer's account which we cannot yet finalise for some reason, but which is still useful to keep a note of, and display to the customer. Provisional transactions are purely to give guidance in the absence of finalised information. We therefore only return provisional transactions that have not been finalised. When a transaction is finalised, it is available through the transactions
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | The amount in pence for this provisional transaction. It will be negative for charges, positive for credits. |
date (Date) | The date at which the charge should be applied to the account. |
id (ID!) | |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"title": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"date": "2020-01-01"
Represents a pairing of a single app installation to an account user.
Name | Description |
application (NotifiableApplicationType!) | |
expiresAt (DateTime!) | |
id (ID!) | |
messages (PrintMessageTypeConnection!) | |
registeredAt (DateTime!) | |
token (String!) | |
user (AccountUserType!) |
"id": "abc123",
"messages": PrintMessageTypeConnection,
"user": AccountUserType,
"token": "abc123",
"application": NotifiableApplicationType,
"registeredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"expiresAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
city (String) | |
electricityNetworkOperatorId (String) | |
electricityNetworkOperatorName (String) | |
electricityNetworkOperatorNumber (String) | |
gasNetworkOperatorId (String) | |
gasNetworkOperatorName (String) | |
gasNetworkOperatorNumber (String) | |
houseNumber (String) | |
postcode (String) | |
street (String) | |
supplierId (String) | |
tariffId (String) |
"postcode": "abc123",
"city": "abc123",
"street": "abc123",
"houseNumber": "abc123",
"gasNetworkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"gasNetworkOperatorId": "abc123",
"gasNetworkOperatorName": "abc123",
"electricityNetworkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"electricityNetworkOperatorId": "abc123",
"electricityNetworkOperatorName": "abc123",
"supplierId": "abc123",
"tariffId": "abc123"
Name | Description |
clientParams (QuotedProductClientParams) | The client parameters used to generate the quoted product. Deprecated The 'clientParams' field is deprecated. |
id (Int!) | The quoted product ID. |
isValidForRetentionProductSwitch (Boolean) | Whether the quoted product is still valid for the (retention) product switch. |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal!) | Monthly standing charge in €. |
netMonthlyStandingCharge (Decimal!) | Net monthly standing charge in €. |
product (Product!) | The product associated with the quoted product. |
retentionNumberOfValidDays (Int) | Number of days the retention offer for the quoted product is valid for. |
retentionOfferGenerationDate (Date) | The date the retention offer was generated and sent to the customer. |
totalEstimatedAnnualBill (Decimal) | Total estimated annual bill in €. |
unitRateInformation (UnitRateInformation!) | The unit rate information. |
wasSelected (Boolean!) | Whether the quoted product was selected by the user. |
"id": 1,
"product": Product,
"wasSelected": true,
"clientParams": QuotedProductClientParams,
"totalEstimatedAnnualBill": 1.0,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"netMonthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"unitRateInformation": SimpleProductUnitRateInformation,
"retentionNumberOfValidDays": 1,
"retentionOfferGenerationDate": "2020-01-01",
"isValidForRetentionProductSwitch": true
Name | Description |
annualConsumption (Int) | Annual consumption in kWh. |
monthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | Monthly standing charge in €. |
netMonthlyStandingCharge (Decimal) | Net monthly standing charge in €. |
netUnitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | Net unit rate per kWh in €. |
totalEstimatedAnnualBill (Decimal) | Total estimated annual bill in €. |
unitRatePerKwh (Decimal) | Unit rate per kWh in €. |
"annualConsumption": 1,
"monthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"netMonthlyStandingCharge": 1.0,
"unitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"netUnitRatePerKwh": 1.0,
"totalEstimatedAnnualBill": 1.0
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([QuotedProductEdge!]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": QuotedProductEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a QuotedProduct
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (QuotedProduct!) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": QuotedProduct,
"cursor": "abc123"
Information about a quoted supply point.
Name | Description |
annualConsumption (Int!) | Annual consumption in kWh. |
annualNighttimeConsumption (Int) | Annual nighttime consumption in kWh. |
networkOperatorNumber (String!) | The BDEW-assigned ID of the network operator. |
quotedProducts (QuotedProductConnection!) | The products that have been quoted for this supply point. You must specify at least one the |
supplyType (SupplyType!) | The supply type of this supply point. |
"supplyType": "ELECTRICITY",
"annualConsumption": 1,
"annualNighttimeConsumption": 1,
"networkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"quotedProducts": QuotedProductConnection
Name | Description |
limit (Int) | The maximum number of points the viewer gets for requests per hour. |
remainingPoints (Int) | The remaining points for the viewer in one hour time limit. |
usedPoints (Int) | The points used so far in one hour time limit. |
"limit": 1,
"remainingPoints": 1,
"usedPoints": 1
Re-authenticate a device. The authentication details provided must be for the same device as was previously authenticated.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4313: Could not find KrakenFlex device.
- KT-CT-4314: Unable to get provider details.
- KT-CT-4315: Unable to re-authenticate device.
- KT-CT-4363: No capable devices found.
- KT-CT-4364: Multiple devices found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
Name | Description |
buttonAction (ActionType!) | The action to perform when the button is pressed. |
buttonStyle (ButtonStyle) | The button style. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
title (String!) | Title text of the button. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
variant (ButtonVariance) | Colour style of button eg. filled, outlined, text_only. |
"buttonStyle": "PRIMARY",
"title": "abc123",
"buttonAction": DeeplinkActionType,
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"variant": "FILLED"
Redeem Loyalty Points as account credit.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9201: No Loyalty Point ledger found for the user.
- KT-CT-9202: Loyalty Points adapter not configured.
- KT-CT-9203: No ledger entries for the ledger.
- KT-CT-9205: Insufficient Loyalty Points.
- KT-CT-9206: Indivisible points.
- KT-CT-9204: Negative or zero points set.
- KT-CT-9208: Invalid posted at datetime.
- KT-CT-9209: Negative Loyalty Points balance.
- KT-CT-9210: Unhandled Loyalty Points exception.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
pointsRedeemed (Int) | The number of OctoPoints that were redeemed. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"pointsRedeemed": 1
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-6723: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-6724: Referral claim code not found.
- KT-CT-6725: Referral claim code redeeming error.
- KT-CT-6726: Referral claim code has already been redeemed.
- KT-CT-6727: Referral claim code is not available.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
success (Boolean!) | Whether or not the request was successful. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"success": true
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([ReferralConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": ReferralConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a ReferralConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (ReferralType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": ReferralType,
"cursor": "abc123"
A referral scheme is a way for one account to earn a reward for referring another. This is achieved by the referred account using a url (provided by the referring account) to sign up.
Name | Description |
canBeReferred (Boolean) | Whether the current account is eligible to be referred under this scheme. |
code (String) | The unique code for the scheme. |
combinedRewardAmount (Int) | The reward amount received by the referrer and the referee combined. |
isUsageAtCapacity (Boolean) | True if the the scheme has limit of uses, and if the usage is at capacity. |
loyaltyPointsBonus (Int) | The number of loyalty points to be awarded to the referrer in addition to the reward amount. |
referralDisplayUrl (String) | A referral url for display purposes. |
referralUrl (String) | A fully qualified url give people to create accounts referred by this scheme. |
referredRewardAmount (Int) | The reward amount received by the referred party. |
referrerFamilyName (String) | The family name of the person making the referral. Deprecated The 'referringFamilyName' field is deprecated. |
referrerGivenName (String) | The given name of the person making the referral. |
referrerRewardAmount (Int) | The reward amount received by the referrer. |
schemeType (String) | Scheme type of the referral scheme. |
"referralUrl": "abc123",
"referralDisplayUrl": "abc123",
"referrerRewardAmount": 1,
"referredRewardAmount": 1,
"combinedRewardAmount": 1,
"loyaltyPointsBonus": 1,
"canBeReferred": true,
"code": "abc123",
"referrerGivenName": "abc123",
"referrerFamilyName": "abc123",
"schemeType": "abc123",
"isUsageAtCapacity": true
Name | Description |
business (ReferralSchemeType) | |
domestic (ReferralSchemeType) | |
friendsAndFamily (ReferralSchemeType) | Deprecated The 'friendsAndFamily' field is deprecated. |
"domestic": ReferralSchemeType,
"business": ReferralSchemeType,
"friendsAndFamily": ReferralSchemeType
Details of an account referral
Name | Description |
code (String) | |
combinedPaymentAmount (Int) | The payment amount in cents received by the referrer and the referee combined. |
id (ID!) | |
ledgerId (Int) | The ID of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. |
paymentDate (Date) | |
paymentStatus (String) | |
referredUserJoinDate (DateTime) | |
referredUserName (String) | |
referredUserPaymentAmount (Int) | Payment amount given to the referred account in cents. |
referringUserPaymentAmount (Int) | Payment amount given to the referring account in cents. |
schemeType (ReferralSchemeTypeChoices) | The type of reward scheme. |
"id": "abc123",
"ledgerId": 1,
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"schemeType": "REFERRAL_REWARD",
"referredUserName": "abc123",
"paymentStatus": "abc123",
"referredUserJoinDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"code": "abc123",
"referredUserPaymentAmount": 1,
"referringUserPaymentAmount": 1,
"combinedPaymentAmount": 1
A refund to the customer from the energy supplier.
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Unique identifier of the account the transaction belongs to. |
amount (Int) | Gross amount including tax (when payable). Refer to the Deprecated The 'amount' field is deprecated. |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
balanceCarriedForward (Int) | The customer's resulting balance after this transaction has been applied, in the smallest unit of currency. |
billingDocumentIdentifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the most recent billing document linked with the transaction.Note: a transaction may be linked with multiple documents, but this field will only return the identifier for the most recent billing document. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
hasStatement (Boolean) | Returns True if the transaction is linked with a statement. |
id (ID) | |
isAccountCharge (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountCharge' field is deprecated. |
isAccountPayment (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountPayment' field is deprecated. |
isCredit (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isCredit' field is deprecated. |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether the statement this transaction is on has been held. A held statement is not sent to a customer automatically, but is instead marked for manual attention by operations staff. Returns False if a statement is not linked with the transaction. |
isIssued (Boolean) | Whether this transaction has been issued on any billing document.Note: Look for the most recently issued transaction instead of looking through all transactions as some accounts may have initial transactions that were not issued.This will return False if the transaction is not associated with any billing documents. |
isReversed (Boolean!) | |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
statementId (ID) | Returns None if a statement is not linked with the transaction. Deprecated The 'statementId' field is deprecated. |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"balanceCarriedForward": 1,
"isCredit": true,
"isAccountCharge": true,
"isAccountPayment": true,
"isHeld": true,
"isIssued": true,
"title": "abc123",
"billingDocumentIdentifier": "abc123",
"statementId": "abc123",
"isReversed": true,
"hasStatement": true,
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | The amount of money requested. |
payment (AccountPaymentType) | The payment which is being refunded. |
reasonCode (String) | Internal code for the reason the refund is being requested. |
requestId (ID) | The ID of the refund request. |
status (RepaymentRequestStatus) | The current status of the refund request. |
"requestId": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"payment": AccountPaymentType,
"reasonCode": "abc123",
"status": "REQUESTED"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([RefundRequestConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": RefundRequestConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a RefundRequestConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (RefundPaymentRequestType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": RefundPaymentRequestType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Regenerate the user's API key.
Name | Description |
key (String!) | The generated key value, which is only ever available once (here). |
viewer (AccountUserType) | The currently authenticated user. |
"key": "abc123",
"viewer": AccountUserType
Name | Description |
pushNotificationBinding (PushNotificationBindingType) |
"pushNotificationBinding": PushNotificationBindingType
This field is a connection type. Connections are used to implement cursor based pagination.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([RegisterReadingConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": RegisterReadingConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a RegisterReadingConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (BaseRegisterReadingType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": BaseRegisterReadingType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a RepaymentRequestConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (RepaymentRequestType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": RepaymentRequestType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
amount (Int) | The amount of money requested. |
instruction (PaymentInstructionType) | The payment instruction, if any, associated with the repayment request. |
method (RepaymentMethod) | The method by which the money will be transferred to the customer. |
reasonCode (String) | Classifier code for repayment reason. |
requestId (String) | The ID of the repayment request. |
status (RepaymentRequestStatus) | The current status of the repayment request. |
"requestId": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"reasonCode": "abc123",
"method": "BANK_TRANSFER",
"instruction": PaymentInstructionType,
"status": "REQUESTED"
Name | Description |
email (String) | The email that requested a password reset email. |
"email": "abc123"
Request an issued bill to be printed and (re)posted to billing address of the account.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3824: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9705: The billing document has not been issued.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
success (Boolean) | Whether the request was successful. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"success": true
Name | Description |
canRequestRefund (Boolean!) | Whether the account can request a refund. |
reason (String) | The reason why a refund cannot be requested. |
"canRequestRefund": true,
"reason": "abc123"
Output for creating a repayment request.
Name | Description |
requestId (String) | The ID of the repayment request. |
status (RepaymentRequestStatus) | The current status of the repayment request. |
"requestId": "abc123",
"status": "REQUESTED"
Name | Description |
clientMutationId (String) | |
errors ([SerializerFieldErrorsType]) |
"errors": [SerializerFieldErrorsType],
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Name | Description |
failureCodes ([String]) | A list of codes of which password validation the new password failed against if applicable.
One of:
- |
failureReasons ([String]) | A list of messages of which password validations the new password failed against if applicable. |
passwordUpdated (Boolean) | True if the password update was successful, false otherwise. |
"passwordUpdated": true,
"failureReasons": ["abc123"],
"failureCodes": ["abc123"]
Resume control of a device after having been away from home.
This is so that the device can be charged again according to the set preferences.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4359: Unable to resume device control.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
Name | Description |
quotedProductIds ([String]) | A list of the quoted product ids that were offered in the retention offer sent to the customer. |
quotedProductSwitchExpiryDate (String) | The date on which the retention offer expires. |
quotedProductSwitchUrl (String) | A tokenized url for viewing retention offer quoted products. |
"quotedProductIds": ["abc123"],
"quotedProductSwitchUrl": "abc123",
"quotedProductSwitchExpiryDate": "abc123"
Revoke a contract for a given supply point and send confirmation email to the customer.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4923: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4922: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
contractRevoked (Boolean) | Whether the contract revocation was successful. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"contractRevoked": true
A reward is based on a scheme that an account has applied for in order to be
eligible for a discount. Examples can include signup, promo, or partner codes that
were applied to an account.
Name | Description |
id (ID!) | |
ledgerId (Int) | The ID of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. |
paymentDate (Date) | |
paymentStatus (ReferralStatusChoices) | The status of the reward payment. |
rewardAmount (Int) | Reward amount given to the account in cents. |
schemeType (ReferralSchemeTypeChoices) | The type of reward scheme. |
"id": "abc123",
"ledgerId": 1,
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"schemeType": "REFERRAL_REWARD",
"rewardAmount": 1,
"paymentStatus": "Pending"
A postal address.
This data model is based on the structure used by Google's libaddressinput library—so you can use it, or other libraries that use its data model and reference data, to accept input.
All fields can be blank, except for country
which must
always be supplied.
Name | Description |
administrativeArea (String) | Top-level administrative subdivision, e.g. US state, AU state/territory, IT region, JP prefecture.
country (String) | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country this address belongs
to, e.g. |
deliveryPointIdentifier (String) | Identifier used by the local postal service for this address, e.g. AU DPID, GB postcode + Delivery Point Suffix, US Zip-9 + Delivery Point. This is the value that gets encoded in the barcode printed on the envelope by large-volume bulk mail providers. |
dependentLocality (String) | UK dependent localities, or neighbourhoods or boroughs in some other locations. |
locality (String) | City or town portion of an address, e.g. US city, AU suburb/town, IT comune, UK post town. |
name (String) | A personal name. |
organization (String) | The name of a business or organisation. |
postalCode (String) | Postal code (ZIP code in the US). |
sortingCode (String) | Sorting code, e.g. FR CEDEX code. This field is not used in many countries. |
streetAddress (String) | The 'street address' component. This value can (and often will) contain newline characters when appropriate. In some cases, data may appear in this field instead of the
below fields; e.g. a UK post town name may appear here
instead of in the If |
structuredStreetAddress (GenericScalar) | The 'street address' component, in a structured format. This field stores the same value as The exact structure of this value depends on the country of the address, which is not necessarily the same as the country this Kraken is configured to serve. For addresses outside of the countries listed below, this field will be left blank.
"name": "abc123",
"organization": "abc123",
"streetAddress": "abc123",
"structuredStreetAddress": "abc123" | 1 | 1.0 | true | ["abc123"] | AccountType,
"dependentLocality": "abc123",
"locality": "abc123",
"administrativeArea": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"sortingCode": "abc123",
"country": "abc123",
"deliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123"
Schedule a quote follow up message to the provided recipient.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4619: Quote with given code not found.
- KT-CT-4632: Invalid recipient information.
- KT-CT-4633: Mutation not enabled in this environment.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
success (Boolean!) | Whether the message was scheduled successfully. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"success": true
An action which calls another backend screen via its screen id.
Name | Description |
allowBack (Boolean!) | Whether to allow returning to the original caller screen. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
params ([BackendScreenParam]!) | Map of the parameters (key-value pairs) to pass to the next backend screen. |
screenId (String!) | The ID of the screen to navigate to. |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"typeName": "abc123",
"screenId": "abc123",
"params": BackendScreenParam,
"allowBack": true
A section containing a list of cards or carousel items
Name | Description |
content (SectionContent!) | The content of the section. |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
order (Int!) | The order of the section. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123",
"content": CardComponentType,
"order": 1
Options for selecting a charge point's make from a list of options.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Complete the select charge point make step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
chargePointMake (ChargePointVariantType) | The make of the charge point, e.g. myenergi. |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
"id": "abc123",
"chargePointMake": ChargePointVariantType
Options for selecting a charge point's variant from a list of options.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Complete the select charge point variant step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
chargePointVariant (ChargePointVariantType) | The model variant of the charge point, e.g. Zappi. |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
"id": "abc123",
"chargePointVariant": ChargePointVariantType
A type where the user must select the type of device to onboard.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Select the type of device to start the onboarding process.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
label (String) | The device type, e.g. Electric Vehicle. |
"id": "abc123",
"label": "abc123"
Options for selecting a user's vehicle from a list of options.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Complete the select user vehicle step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
userVehicle (ElectricVehicleType) | The selected electric vehicle when multiple vehicles were available. |
"id": "abc123",
"userVehicle": ElectricVehicleType
Options for selecting a vehicle's make from a list of options.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Complete the select vehicle make step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
vehicleMake (ElectricVehicleType) | The make of the electric vehicle make, e.g. Tesla. |
"id": "abc123",
"vehicleMake": ElectricVehicleType
Options for selecting a vehicle's variant from a list of options.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Complete the select vehicle variant step.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
vehicleVariant (ElectricVehicleType) | The model variant of the electric vehicle, e.g. Model Y. |
"id": "abc123",
"vehicleVariant": ElectricVehicleType
"message": "abc123",
"code": "abc123"
Name | Description |
errors ([ErrorTypeUnion!]) | |
field (String) |
"field": "abc123",
"errors": SerializerErrorType
Allow customers to set/update their battery's charging preferences.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4321: Serializer validation error.
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4353: An error occurred while trying to update your charging preferences.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (BatteryDeviceType) | The battery device updated, with the ID of the device in KrakenFlex. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": BatteryDeviceType
Set the Loyalty Points user for the account.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9210: Unhandled Loyalty Points exception.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
newLoyaltyPointsUserId (String) | ID of the new Loyalty Points user. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"newLoyaltyPointsUserId": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-3821: Received neither ledger ID nor ledger number.
- KT-CT-3940: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-5415: Account user not found.
- KT-CT-11103: Business not found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
paymentInstruction (DirectDebitInstructionType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"paymentInstruction": DirectDebitInstructionType
Allow customers to set/update their vehicle's charging preferences.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4321: Serializer validation error.
- KT-CT-4353: An error occurred while trying to update your charging preferences.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4122: Invalid email.
- KT-CT-8203: Received an invalid quote code.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
share (GoodsQuoteShare) | Goods quote shared. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"share": GoodsQuoteShare
Name | Description |
grossRateInformation ([GrossRateInformation]!) | A list of gross rate information. |
latestGrossUnitRateCentsPerKwh (Decimal!) | The latest value of the gross unit rate, in ct/kWh. |
netUnitRateCentsPerKwh (Decimal!) | The net unit rate, in ct/kWh. |
"netUnitRateCentsPerKwh": 1.0,
"latestGrossUnitRateCentsPerKwh": 1.0,
"grossRateInformation": GrossRateInformation
Name | Description |
alerts ([SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface]) | Active alert message(s) for a device, showing the latest first. |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes!) | The type of device. |
id (ID!) | A UUID that identifies this device registration. Re-registering this device will result in a different ID. |
integrationDeviceId (String) | The third-party integration device ID. |
make (String) | Make of the battery. |
model (String) | Model of the battery. |
name (String) | The user-friendly name for the device. |
onboardingWizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The current onboarding wizard for a device. |
preferences (SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface) | The device's preference details. |
provider (ProviderChoices!) | The third-party that enables control of this device. |
status (SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface!) | Information about the current status of this device. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"integrationDeviceId": "abc123",
"status": SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface,
"alerts": SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface,
"onboardingWizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard,
"preferences": SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface,
"make": "abc123",
"model": "abc123"
Information about a charge point that has been registered with Kraken Flex.
Name | Description |
alerts ([SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface]) | Active alert message(s) for a device, showing the latest first. |
chargePointVariant (ChargePointVariantModelType) | This contains more detail about the variant of the charge point model. |
chargingPreferences (SmartFlexVehicleChargingPreferences) | The user's preferences for charging using this charge point. |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes!) | The type of device. |
id (ID!) | A UUID that identifies this device registration. Re-registering this device will result in a different ID. |
integrationDeviceId (String) | The third-party integration device ID. |
make (String) | The make of the charge point, e.g. myenergi. |
model (String) | The model of the charge point, e.g. Zappi. |
name (String) | The user-friendly name for the device. |
onboardingWizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The current onboarding wizard for a device. |
preferences (SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface) | The device's preference details. |
provider (ProviderChoices!) | The third-party that enables control of this device. |
status (SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface!) | Information about the current status of this device. |
vehicleVariant (ElectricVehicleModelType) | This contains more detail about the variant of the vehicle model. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"integrationDeviceId": "abc123",
"status": SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface,
"alerts": SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface,
"onboardingWizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard,
"preferences": SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface,
"make": "abc123",
"model": "abc123",
"vehicleVariant": ElectricVehicleModelType,
"chargePointVariant": ChargePointVariantModelType,
"chargingPreferences": SmartFlexVehicleChargingPreferences
The current status of a registered charge point.
Name | Description |
current (SmartFlexDeviceLifecycleStatus) | The current status of the device. |
currentState (SmartFlexDeviceState) | The current state of this SmartFlex device state machine. |
isSuspended (Boolean) | Whether control of the device is currently disabled. |
stateOfChargeLimit (StateOfChargeLimit) | Information about the limits for the SoC. |
testDispatchFailureReason (TestDispatchAssessmentFailureReason) | The reason for the most recent failed test dispatch (if any). |
"current": "ONBOARDING",
"isSuspended": true,
"stateOfChargeLimit": StateOfChargeLimit,
"testDispatchFailureReason": "NONE"
Information about a device that has been registered for Smart Flex.
Name | Description |
alerts ([SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface]) | Active alert message(s) for a device, showing the latest first. |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes!) | The type of device. |
id (ID!) | A UUID that identifies this device registration. Re-registering this device will result in a different ID. |
integrationDeviceId (String) | The third-party integration device ID. |
name (String) | The user-friendly name for the device. |
onboardingWizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The current onboarding wizard for a device. |
preferences (SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface) | The device's preference details. |
provider (ProviderChoices!) | The third-party that enables control of this device. |
status (SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface!) | Information about the current status of this device. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"integrationDeviceId": "abc123",
"status": SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface,
"alerts": SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface,
"onboardingWizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard,
"preferences": SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface
Information about an alert relevant to a device registered for Smart Flex.
Name | Description |
message (String) | A device alert message. |
publishedAt (DateTime) | When a device alert message is published. |
"message": "abc123",
"publishedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
dayOfWeek (DayOfWeek!) | Day of week schedule applies to. |
max (Float!) | Maximum value set for the schedule. |
min (Float) | Minimum value set for the schedule. |
time (Time!) | Time of day the preference applies. |
"dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
"time": "00:00:00.000Z",
"min": 1.0,
"max": 1.0
Name | Description |
mode (PreferencesModeChoices!) | The device's preference mode. |
schedules ([SmartFlexDevicePreferenceSchedule]) | The schedules of the device's preference. |
targetType (PreferencesTargetType!) | The target type of the preference. |
unit (PreferencesUnitChoices!) | The unit of the preference schedules' min and max values. |
"unit": "CELSIUS",
"mode": "CHARGE",
"schedules": [SmartFlexDevicePreferenceSchedule]
Information about the current status of a device registered for Smart Flex.
Name | Description |
current (SmartFlexDeviceLifecycleStatus) | The current status of the device. |
currentState (SmartFlexDeviceState) | The current state of this SmartFlex device state machine. |
isSuspended (Boolean) | Whether control of the device is currently disabled. |
"current": "ONBOARDING",
"isSuspended": true,
A type that returns True if the device(s) were successfully registered.
Name | Description |
deviceRegistered (Boolean) | Returns true if the device(s) were successfully registered. |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
"id": "abc123",
"deviceRegistered": true
Name | Description |
backendScreen (BackendScreenType) | A Backend Screen that renders the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. Arguments
The maximum version of Backend Screens supported by the client. |
completedSteps ([SmartFlexOnboardingStepInterface]) | The completed steps for all onboarding wizards that are currently in progress. Note: - The last step is the most recent one. - If an onboarding journey is completed, it will not be included in this list. |
currentStep (SmartFlexOnboardingStepInterface) | The next step of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. Returns |
id (ID!) | A unique identifier for this SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"id": "abc123",
"backendScreen": ComponentListType,
"currentStep": SmartFlexOnboardingStepInterface,
"completedSteps": SmartFlexOnboardingStepInterface
Information about a vehicle that has been registered with Kraken Flex.
Name | Description |
alerts ([SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface]) | Active alert message(s) for a device, showing the latest first. |
chargePointVariant (ChargePointVariantModelType) | This contains more detail about the variant of the charge point model. |
chargingPreferences (SmartFlexVehicleChargingPreferences) | The user's preferences for charging this vehicle. Deprecated The 'chargingPreferences' field is deprecated. |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes!) | The type of device. |
id (ID!) | A UUID that identifies this device registration. Re-registering this device will result in a different ID. |
integrationDeviceId (String) | The third-party integration device ID. |
make (String) | The make of the vehicle, e.g. Tesla. |
model (String) | The model of the vehicle, e.g. Model 3. |
name (String) | The user-friendly name for the device. |
onboardingWizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The current onboarding wizard for a device. |
preferences (SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface) | The device's preference details. |
provider (ProviderChoices!) | The third-party that enables control of this device. |
status (SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface!) | Information about the current status of this device. |
vehicleVariant (ElectricVehicleModelType) | This contains more detail about the variant of the vehicle model. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"integrationDeviceId": "abc123",
"status": SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface,
"alerts": SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface,
"onboardingWizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard,
"preferences": SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface,
"make": "abc123",
"model": "abc123",
"vehicleVariant": ElectricVehicleModelType,
"chargePointVariant": ChargePointVariantModelType,
"chargingPreferences": SmartFlexVehicleChargingPreferences
The user's preferences for charging, e.g. target SoC (State of Charge).
Name | Description |
maximumSoc (Int) | The maximum SoC (percentage). |
minimumSoc (Int) | The minimum SoC (percentage). |
weekdayTargetSoc (Int!) | The target SoC to achieve on a weekday (percentage). |
weekdayTargetTime (Time!) | The time at which the target SoC should be achieved on a weekday. |
weekendTargetSoc (Int!) | The target SoC to achieve on a weekend (percentage). |
weekendTargetTime (Time!) | The time at which the target SoC should be achieved on a weekend. |
"weekdayTargetTime": "00:00:00.000Z",
"weekdayTargetSoc": 1,
"weekendTargetTime": "00:00:00.000Z",
"weekendTargetSoc": 1,
"minimumSoc": 1,
"maximumSoc": 1
The current status of a registered vehicle.
Name | Description |
current (SmartFlexDeviceLifecycleStatus) | The current status of the device. |
currentState (SmartFlexDeviceState) | The current state of this SmartFlex device state machine. |
isSuspended (Boolean) | Whether control of the device is currently disabled. |
stateOfChargeLimit (StateOfChargeLimit) | Information about the limits for the SoC. |
testDispatchFailureReason (TestDispatchAssessmentFailureReason) | The reason for the most recent failed test dispatch (if any). |
"current": "ONBOARDING",
"isSuspended": true,
"stateOfChargeLimit": StateOfChargeLimit,
"testDispatchFailureReason": "NONE"
Perform special cancellation for a given supply point and send confirmation email to the customer.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4923: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4922: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
cancelledContract (Boolean) | Whether the special contract cancellation was successful. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"cancelledContract": true
Any special circumstances that the user has notified us about, which may entitle them to some specialist services.
"id": "abc123",
"summary": "abc123",
"internalCode": "abc123"
Information about the special circumstances that relate to a user.
Name | Description |
isSharingConsentGiven (Boolean) | Whether the user has consented for their data to be given to the appropriate industry or regulatory bodies. We typically only ask for this once, so this field can be used to decide whether to ask the user for their initial consent. |
records ([SpecialCircumstanceRecordUnion]) |
"isSharingConsentGiven": true,
"records": SpecialCircumstanceRecordType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-7011: Terms must be accepted.
- KT-CT-7023: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-7010: The account does not have any available submissions.
- KT-CT-7012: Wheel of Fortune submission error.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
spinResult (WheelOfFortuneSpinResultType) | The result of the Wheel of Fortune spin. This field requires the |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"spinResult": WheelOfFortuneSpinResultType
Create a wizard for onboarding a device with SmartFlex.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4321: Serializer validation error.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Attempt to start a test charge.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4371: Onboarding wizard ID is invalid.
- KT-CT-4372: Simultaneous attempts to update onboarding process.
- KT-CT-4375: Incorrect or missing parameters for SmartFlex onboarding step.
- KT-CT-4376: Unable to complete onboarding step. Please try agan later.
- KT-CT-4377: Invalid onboarding step ID.
- KT-CT-4378: Invalid input or step id. Please make sure you are using the correct step id and providing the expected input params.
- KT-CT-4379: Vehicle is not ready for a test charge.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
wizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The wizard created for onboarding the device with SmartFlex. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"wizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard
Name | Description |
isLimitViolated (Boolean) | Whether or not target SoC exceeds upper SoC limit. |
timestamp (String) | Time of the latest SoC limit reading. |
upperSocLimit (Int) | Maximum level of charge allowed by the battery relative to its capacity (in percent). |
"upperSocLimit": 1,
"timestamp": "abc123",
"isLimitViolated": true
A statement is a billing document that contains all entries on a ledger during a period of time. A customer can understand how their ledger's balance has changed by looking at each statement in series.
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a StatementBillingDocumentConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (StatementBillingDocumentType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": StatementBillingDocumentType,
"cursor": "abc123"
A statement is a billing document that contains all entries on a ledger during a period of time. A customer can understand how their ledger's balance has changed by looking at each statement in series.
Name | Description |
annulledBy (AnnulmentBillingDocumentType) | Billing document that annuls this statement. |
earliestChargeAt (DateTime) | The earliest charge date of the statement. |
endAt (DateTime!) | The end of the statement's period. |
firstIssuedAt (DateTime) | The date and time the statement was sent to the customer. |
id (Int) | |
identifier (String) | The unique reference of the statement that can be used for identifying the statement externally. |
latestChargeAt (DateTime) | The latest charge date of the statement. |
pdfUrl (String) | URL to the PDF of the statement. |
startAt (DateTime!) | The start of the statement's period. |
"id": 1,
"identifier": "abc123",
"startAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"endAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"firstIssuedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"earliestChargeAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"latestChargeAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"pdfUrl": "abc123",
"annulledBy": AnnulmentBillingDocumentType
Name | Description |
grossTotal (Int) | The gross total amount for the statement (in minor currency units). |
netTotal (Int) | The net total amount for the statement (in minor currency units). |
taxTotal (Int) | The total amount of tax on the statement (in minor currency units). |
"netTotal": 1,
"taxTotal": 1,
"grossTotal": 1
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
closingBalance (Int) | This field returns the closing balance of an issued statement. |
consumptionEndDate (Date) | The last day of consumption that this statement includes. |
consumptionStartDate (Date) | The first day of consumption that this statement includes. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the constituent bill covered from. |
heldStatus (HeldStatus) | Retrieve the held status of a account statement. |
id (ID) | The ID of the constituent bill. |
isExternalBill (Boolean) | Whether the bill originated in Kraken or externally. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
openingBalance (Int) | This field returns the opening balance of a statement. |
paymentDueDate (Date) | The date the bill is due to be paid. |
reversalsAfterClose (StatementReversalsAfterClose!) | How many charges have been reversed after the close date. |
status (AccountStatementStatus) | Current status of the associated statement. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toAddress (String) | Email recipient address. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the constituent bill covered to. |
totalCharges (StatementTotalType) | The total amounts for all charges on the statement. |
totalCredits (StatementTotalType) | The total amounts for all credits on the statement. |
transactions (TransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Transactions on the bill. |
userId (Int) | Email recipient user ID. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"closingBalance": 1,
"openingBalance": 1,
"isExternalBill": true,
"transactions": TransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"userId": 1,
"toAddress": "abc123",
"paymentDueDate": "2020-01-01",
"consumptionStartDate": "2020-01-01",
"consumptionEndDate": "2020-01-01",
"reversalsAfterClose": "ALL",
"status": "OPEN",
"heldStatus": HeldStatus,
"totalCharges": StatementTotalType,
"totalCredits": StatementTotalType
Name | Description |
costExclTax (EstimatedMoneyType) | Monetary cost of the statistic (excluding tax), if applicable. |
costInclTax (EstimatedMoneyType) | Monetary cost of the statistic (including tax), if applicable. |
description (String) | Description of the statistic for the parent node. |
label (String) | Display label of the statistic for the parent node. |
type (ReadingStatisticTypeEnum) | The type of statistic being measured for the parent node. |
value (Decimal) | Consumption / generation value of the statistic, if applicable. |
"label": "abc123",
"description": "abc123",
"costExclTax": EstimatedMoneyType,
"costInclTax": EstimatedMoneyType,
"value": 1.0
Store a new payment instruction created through the embedded process.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-4177: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
paymentInstruction (PaymentInstructionType) | The stored payment instruction. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"paymentInstruction": PaymentInstructionType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-5514: Unable to submit feedback.
- KT-CT-5511: The feedback_id should be provided for feedback source.
- KT-CT-5512: The feedback doesn't match the account.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
customerFeedback (CustomerFeedbackType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"customerFeedback": CustomerFeedbackType
Mutation for executing the repayment request use case.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1132: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-3821: Received neither ledger ID nor ledger number.
- KT-CT-3927: Invalid Amount.
- KT-CT-3928: Idempotency key used for another repayment request.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
repaymentRequest (RequestRepaymentOutputType) | The newly created repayment request. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"repaymentRequest": RequestRepaymentOutputType
Ledgers provide the foundation of Kraken’s bookkeeping functionality. Similar to a bank account, they allow us to keep track of financial activity on a particular Kraken account.
Name | Description |
currentBalance (Int) | The current final balance of the ledger in pence. |
id (ID) | Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerType (String) | |
name (String) | The display name of the ledger. |
number (String) | The canonical name of the ledger. |
paymentAdequacy (PaymentAdequacyDetailsType) |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"ledgerType": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"currentBalance": 1,
"paymentAdequacy": PaymentAdequacyDetailsType
"brandId": 1,
"supplierId": 1,
"supplierName": "abc123",
"supplierNumber": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a SupplyPointConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (SupplyPointType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Name | Description |
available (Int) | The remaining spins at this moment. |
availableWithSubmittedReadings (Int) | The remaining spins assuming all required readings were submitted. |
"available": 1,
"availableWithSubmittedReadings": 1
Suspend control of a device while away from home, e.g. on holiday.
This is to prevent charging during that period.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4301: Unable to find device for given account.
- KT-CT-4358: Unable to suspend device control.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
krakenflexDevice (KrakenFlexDeviceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"krakenflexDevice": KrakenFlexDeviceType
Name | Description |
error (String) | The error message if the task failed. |
result (JSONString) | The result of the task. |
status (TaskStatusEnum) | The status of the task. |
"status": "STARTED",
"result": {"key": "value"},
"error": "abc123"
Any special circumstances that the user has notified us about, which may entitle them to some specialist services. These circumstances have an end date, after which they will not longer apply. Having young children is an example of this in the UK.
"id": "abc123",
"summary": "abc123",
"internalCode": "abc123",
"expiryDate": "2020-01-01"
Mutation to terminate a credit transfer permission.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-3825: Credit transfer permission not found.
- KT-CT-3827: The ledger is not valid.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
validTo (DateTime) | Datetime when the credit transfer permission ends. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"validTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
brandCode (String) | |
effectiveFrom (DateTime) | |
html (String) | The html of the terms and conditions document rendered as a JSON string. |
markdown (String) | The markdown text of the terms and conditions. |
name (String) | |
pdfUrl (String) | |
version (String) |
"name": "abc123",
"pdfUrl": "abc123",
"brandCode": "abc123",
"markdown": "abc123",
"html": "abc123",
"version": "abc123",
"effectiveFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
A step which indicates that the Tesla permission scopes need to be granted by the user in order to register their vehicle.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
modifyScopesUri (String) | Returns the URI to update the permission scopes. |
redirectUri (String) | The redirect URI to return to after updating the permission scopes. |
"id": "abc123",
"modifyScopesUri": "abc123",
"redirectUri": "abc123"
A step which indicates that the Tesla registration failed and the user must re-grant permission scopes to register their vehicle.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
modifyScopesSelected (Boolean) | Returns:- |
"id": "abc123",
"modifyScopesSelected": true
A step which indicates that the user must add the given URI as a virtual key in their Tesla account.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
key (String) | The name of the key to add. |
uri (String) | The URI to add as a virtual key in the user's Tesla account. |
"id": "abc123",
"key": "abc123",
"uri": "abc123"
A step which indicates if we're able to test charge the user's vehicle(s).
Name | Description |
error (TestChargeError) | Returns the error raised from a failed test charge. |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
isReady (Boolean) | Returns |
isStarted (Boolean) | Returns |
status (TestDispatchStatus) | Returns the dispatch status of test charge. Deprecated The 'status' field is deprecated. |
"id": "abc123",
"error": TestChargeError,
"isReady": true,
"status": "TRIGGERED",
"isStarted": true
Errors can be of two kinds (assuming the user is querying this type with message
, errorType
, and descriptions
If we were unable to start a test charge, the response will be:
{ "message": "TestChargeRefused", "reasons": [Returns a list of values from `TestChargeRefusalReason`], "errorType": "UNABLE_TO_INITIATE_TEST_CHARGE", "descriptions": [Returns a list of descriptions for the refusal reasons] }
can be: -DEVICE_LIVE
: "device is already live" -DEVICE_ONBOARDING_IN_PROGRESS
: "test dispatch already in progress" -DEVICE_RETIRED
: "device is retired" -DEVICE_SUSPENDED
: "device is suspended" -DEVICE_DISCONNECTED
: "device is disconnected" -DEVICE_ALREADY_CHARGING
: "device is already charging" -DEVICE_AWAY_FROM_HOME
: "device is away from home" -DEVICE_NO_LOCATION_CONFIGURED
: "device has no location configured" -DEVICE_LOCATION_UNABLE_TO_IDENTIFY
: "unable to identify device location" -DEVICE_LOCATION_MISSING
: "device location is missing"If an error occurred during a test charge, the response will be:
{ "message": "Test dispatch failed", "reasons": [Returns a list of values from `TestDispatchAssessmentFailureReason`], "errorType": "UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_TEST_CHARGE", "descriptions": [Returns a list of descriptions for the refusal reasons] }
: "Both power-based and charge status-based assessments failed" -NOT_AT_HOME
: "Device location not at home" -UNKNOWN
: "Unknown failure" -UNABLE_TO_COMMUNICATE
: "Unable to communicate with device" -DEVICE_DISCONNECTED
: "Device disconnected" -SOC_LIMIT_REACHED
: "State of charge limit reached" -ERROR
: "Could not fetch the test charge failure reason" -NONE
: "No failure reason"
Name | Description |
descriptions ([String]) | A list of error descriptions for a failed test charge attempt. |
errorType (TestChargeErrorType) | The type of test charge error. |
message (String) | A human readable error message. |
reasons ([String]) | A list of reasons for a failed test charge attempt. |
refusalReasons ([TestChargeRefusalReason]) | A list of refusal reasons from the failed test charge attempt. Deprecated The 'refusalReasons' field is deprecated. |
"message": "abc123",
"refusalReasons": "DEVICE_LIVE",
"reasons": ["abc123"],
"descriptions": ["abc123"]
A block of text.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | Unique identifier of the object. |
textAlignment (Alignment) | The text alignment. |
textStyle (TextStyleV1) | The text style, i.e. header, body. |
typename (String) | The name of the object's type. |
value (String!) | The text content. |
"value": "abc123",
"textStyle": "TITLE1",
"textAlignment": "START",
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123"
Name | Description |
discount (Decimal) | The discount that is rewarded when the power crosses the corresponding threshold. Ranges from 0.0 - 1.0. |
power (Decimal) | The power (kW) that must be surpassed to achieve the corresponding discount. |
windSpeed (Decimal) | The wind speed (m/s) that corresponds to the power cut-off for this threshold. |
"power": 1.0,
"discount": 1.0,
"windSpeed": 1.0
Name | Description |
rates ([TimeOfUseTimeslotUnitRate]!) | The time of use unit rates. |
"rates": TimeOfUseTimeslotUnitRate
Name | Description |
activeFromTime (Time!) | The time from which the timeslot is active. |
activeToTime (Time!) | The time until which the timeslot is active. |
"activeFromTime": "00:00:00.000Z",
"activeToTime": "00:00:00.000Z"
Name | Description |
grossRateInformation ([GrossRateInformation]!) | A list of gross rate information. |
latestGrossUnitRateCentsPerKwh (Decimal!) | The latest value of the gross unit rate, in ct/kWh. |
netUnitRateCentsPerKwh (Decimal!) | The net unit rate, in ct/kWh. |
timeslotActivationRules ([TimeOfUseTimeslotActivationRule]!) | Activation rules that describe the timeslot within which this rate applies. |
timeslotName (String!) | The name of the timeslot for this unit rate. |
"timeslotName": "abc123",
"timeslotActivationRules": TimeOfUseTimeslotActivationRule,
"netUnitRateCentsPerKwh": 1.0,
"latestGrossUnitRateCentsPerKwh": 1.0,
"grossRateInformation": GrossRateInformation
Name | Description |
gross (Int) | The gross amount (in minor currency units). |
net (Int) | The net amount (in minor currency units). |
tax (Int) | The amount of tax (in minor currency units). |
"net": 1,
"tax": 1,
"gross": 1
Name | Description |
edgeCount (Int!) | Number of nodes in the edge. |
edges ([TransactionConnectionTypeEdge]!) | Contains the nodes in this connection. |
pageInfo (PageInfo!) | Pagination data for this connection. |
totalCount (Int!) | Total number of nodes. |
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"edges": TransactionConnectionTypeEdge,
"totalCount": 1,
"edgeCount": 1
A Relay edge containing a TransactionConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (TransactionType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"node": TransactionType,
"cursor": "abc123"
Transfer Loyalty Points between users.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-9205: Insufficient Loyalty Points.
- KT-CT-9204: Negative or zero points set.
- KT-CT-9208: Invalid posted at datetime.
- KT-CT-9209: Negative Loyalty Points balance.
- KT-CT-9210: Unhandled Loyalty Points exception.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
pointsTransferred (Int) | The number of OctoPoints that were transferred. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"pointsTransferred": 1
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4145: Invalid address.
- KT-CT-7123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
account (AccountType) | The updated account. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"account": AccountType
Update the billing email for the input account number to the received email value.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4122: Invalid email.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
account (AccountInterface) | Account that was changed. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"account": AccountInterface
Update the consents for an account using consent management system
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-9014: Duplicate consent.
- KT-CT-9016: Consent management not enabled.
- KT-CT-9017: Consent type not found.
- KT-CT-9018: Account not found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
consents ([ConsentType!]!) | Consents linked to this account. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"consents": ConsentType
Update a reference for a particular account and namespace.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-8310: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-8311: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
accountReference (AccountReferenceType) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"accountReference": AccountReferenceType
Update the account user comms preferences.
Name | Description |
clientMutationId (String) | |
commsPreferences (AccountUserCommsPreferences) | |
emailFormat (String) | |
errors ([ErrorType]) | |
fontSizeMultiplier (Float) | |
isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToClientMessages (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToOfferMessages (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToRecommendedMessages (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToSmsMessages (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages (Boolean) | |
isOptedInToUpdateMessages (Boolean) | |
isUsingInvertedEmailColours (Boolean) | |
preferredHoldMusic (String) |
"isOptedInToClientMessages": true,
"isOptedInToOfferMessages": true,
"isOptedInToRecommendedMessages": true,
"isOptedInToUpdateMessages": true,
"isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages": true,
"isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations": true,
"isOptedInToSmsMessages": true,
"isUsingInvertedEmailColours": true,
"fontSizeMultiplier": 1.0,
"emailFormat": "abc123",
"preferredHoldMusic": "abc123",
"errors": [ErrorType],
"commsPreferences": AccountUserCommsPreferences,
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Update the consents from an account user using consent management system
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-9014: Duplicate consent.
- KT-CT-9016: Consent management not enabled.
- KT-CT-9017: Consent type not found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
accountUserConsents (AccountUserConsents) | All the consents for an account user. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"accountUserConsents": AccountUserConsents
Name | Description |
clientMutationId (String) | |
dateOfBirth (Date) | |
email (String) | |
errors ([ErrorType]) | |
familyName (String) | |
givenName (String) | |
landline (String) | |
mobile (String) | |
pronouns (String) |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"pronouns": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"landline": "abc123",
"errors": [ErrorType],
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8225: Received an invalid purchaseId.
- KT-CT-8226: The provided purchase is not active.
- KT-CT-8206: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-8227: Available grants could not be applied.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
goodsPurchase (GoodsPurchase) | Goods purchase updated. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"goodsPurchase": GoodsPurchase
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-3815: No active payment schedule found for this account.
- KT-CT-3941: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-3942: An unexpected error occurred.
- KT-CT-3947: An unexpected error occurred.
- KT-CT-3953: The payment schedule is not a balance triggered schedule.
- KT-CT-3820: Received both ledger ID and number.
- KT-CT-3821: Received neither ledger ID nor ledger number.
- KT-CT-3822: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
schedule (PaymentScheduleType) | The new schedule created. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"schedule": PaymentScheduleType
Update the comms delivery preference for the input account number to the received commsDeliveryPreference value.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-4123: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-4136: Cannot set comms preference to email when account has no email.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
account (AccountInterface) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"account": AccountInterface
Update existing metadata on an object.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-8413: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
metadata (Metadata) | |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"metadata": Metadata
Update user's password.
Name | Description |
viewer (AccountUserType) | The currently authenticated user. This field requires the |
"viewer": AccountUserType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-DE-3910: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3915: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3901: Failed while checking if the ledger has existing schedules and the amount can be updated.
- KT-DE-3917: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3918: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3916: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3902: Updating the payment amount on the ledger failed.
- KT-DE-3912: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3919: A payment schedule for a time-of-use tariff cannot be updated.
- KT-DE-3920: No active or pending agreement found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
paymentSchedule (PaymentScheduleType) | The payment schedule that is being updated. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"paymentSchedule": PaymentScheduleType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-DE-3910: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3913: Invalid data.
- KT-DE-3919: A payment schedule for a time-of-use tariff cannot be updated.
- KT-DE-3920: No active or pending agreement found.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
paymentSchedule (PaymentScheduleType) | The payment schedule that is being updated. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"paymentSchedule": PaymentScheduleType
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-5413: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-5414: Invalid data.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
- KT-CT-1111: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1112: 'Authorization' header not provided.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
viewer (AccountUserType) |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"viewer": AccountUserType
Name | Description |
location (String) | Present for completed dispatches, otherwise |
source (String) | Present for planned dispatches, otherwise |
"source": "abc123",
"location": "abc123"
Name | Description |
delta (Decimal) | Energy in kWh (import has a negative value). |
deltaKwh (Int) | This field has been replaced by Deprecated The 'delta_kwh' field is deprecated. |
end (DateTime!) | The end time of the dispatch. |
endDt (String) | This field has been replaced by Deprecated The 'end_dt' field is deprecated. |
meta (UpsideDispatchMetaType) | |
start (DateTime!) | The start time of the dispatch. |
startDt (String) | This field has been replaced by Deprecated The 'start_dt' field is deprecated. |
"start": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"end": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"startDt": "abc123",
"endDt": "abc123",
"deltaKwh": 1,
"delta": 1.0,
"meta": UpsideDispatchMetaType
Name | Description |
information (VehicleInformationType) | |
vehicleId (String) |
"vehicleId": "abc123",
"information": VehicleInformationType
Name | Description |
maximumSocPercentage (Int) | The maximum state of charge (soc) %, if available. |
minimumSocPercentage (Int) | The minimum state of charge (soc) %, if available. |
weekdayTargetSoc (Int) | |
weekdayTargetTime (String) | |
weekendTargetSoc (Int) | |
weekendTargetTime (String) |
"weekdayTargetTime": "abc123",
"weekdayTargetSoc": 1,
"weekendTargetTime": "abc123",
"weekendTargetSoc": 1,
"minimumSocPercentage": 1,
"maximumSocPercentage": 1
Name | Description |
brand (String) | |
displayName (String) | The (user chosen) display name of the vehicle, if available. |
model (String) | The model name of the vehicle, if available (e.g. i3s 120). |
vin (String) | |
year (Int) | The year of the vehicle model, if available. |
"vin": "abc123",
"brand": "abc123",
"model": "abc123",
"year": 1,
"displayName": "abc123"
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1145: Account/user details do not match.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
token (String!) | An expiring token that can be used to request to update the user's email address. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"token": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a VoiceCampaignConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (VoiceCampaignType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
A Relay edge containing a VoiceCampaignItemConnectionType
and its cursor.
Name | Description |
cursor (String!) | A cursor for use in pagination |
node (VoiceCampaignItemType) | The item at the end of the edge |
"cursor": "abc123"
Indicates a step where the integration is pending activation.
Progress to the next onboarding step is blocked until the integration becomes active.
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
isLive (Boolean) | Returns |
"id": "abc123",
"isLive": true
Name | Description |
body (String!) | Whatsapp text message body. |
"body": "abc123"
Name | Description |
prizeAmount (Int) | The amount won in cents. |
"prizeAmount": 1
Name | Description |
segments ([Int]) | The integer values that make up the WoF segments. |
"segments": [1]
Gas savings during the Winter Workout.
Name | Description |
actualConsumption (Float) | The actual gas consumption in kWh during this period. |
actualSavingsRatio (Float) | The actual gas savings ratio during this period. |
expectedConsumption (Float!) | The expected gas consumption in kWh during this period. |
hasSubmittedMeterReading (Boolean!) | Specifies whether there was at least one meter reading submitted during this period. |
periodEnd (Date!) | The last day (inclusive) of the period to which this summary data applies. |
periodStart (Date!) | The first day of the period to which this summary data applies. |
targetSavingsRatio (Float!) | The planned gas savings ratio during this period. |
"periodStart": "2020-01-01",
"periodEnd": "2020-01-01",
"hasSubmittedMeterReading": true,
"targetSavingsRatio": 1.0,
"actualSavingsRatio": 1.0,
"expectedConsumption": 1.0,
"actualConsumption": 1.0
Weekly and total gas savings during the Winter Workout.
Name | Description |
total (WinterWorkoutPeriodType) | Gas savings over the entire Winter Workout period. |
weeks ([WinterWorkoutPeriodType!]!) | Gas savings data for individual weeks during the Winter Workout. Weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday. |
"weeks": WinterWorkoutPeriodType,
"total": WinterWorkoutPeriodType
Authentication Server
Name | Description |
clientId (String) | The client ID of the application. |
name (String) | The name of the application. |
"name": "abc123",
"clientId": "abc123"
Create a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device for user.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1128: Unauthorized.
- KT-CT-1153: Unable to create MFA device.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
deviceEmail (String) | Email address to send the MFA code by default. |
devicePhone (String) | Phone number to send the MFA code by default. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
totpSecret (String) | Secret to setup Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) in your authenticator or password manager manually. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"deviceEmail": "abc123",
"devicePhone": "abc123",
"totpSecret": "abc123"
Delete a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device for the authenticated user.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1150: MFA device not found.
- KT-CT-1154: Unable to delete MFA device.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
deviceDeleted (Boolean) | Flag to indicate if the MFA device has been successfully deleted. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"deviceDeleted": true
Information about what version of Kraken is being executed by this service.
Name | Description |
SHA (String) | The git commit SHA that is being executed. |
number (String) | The version number that is being executed. |
"number": "abc123",
"SHA": "abc123"
Name | Description |
deviceType (String) | The type of MFA device. |
isConfirmed (Boolean) | Whether the MFA device is confirmed or not. |
"deviceType": "abc123",
"isConfirmed": true
The GraphQL error type for displaying information about GraphQL errors that might be raised from the API.
Name | Description |
code (String) | The error code that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
description (String) | The error description that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
message (String) | The error message that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
type (String) | The error type that might be returned from the query/mutation. |
"message": "abc123",
"code": "abc123",
"type": "abc123",
"description": "abc123"
Validate multi-factor authentication (MFA) devices for user.
The possible errors that can be raised are:
- KT-CT-1150: MFA device not found.
- KT-CT-1151: MFA device not found.
- KT-CT-1152: Invalid MFA token.
- KT-CT-1155: Enabled backup device is needed.
- KT-CT-1113: Disabled GraphQL field requested.
Name | Description |
deviceIsValid (Boolean) | Flag to indicate if the device has been verified, so it can be used for MFA. |
possibleErrors ([PossibleErrorType]) | Field with the possible errors of the query/mutation. Deprecated The 'possibleErrors' field is deprecated. |
"possibleErrors": [PossibleErrorType],
"deviceIsValid": true