About Interfaces
Interfaces are abstract types that can be implemented by other objects. They are useful for defining a common set of fields that objects can implement.
Interface for all lifecycle journey processes that inherit from AbstractSupplyPointProcess.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
id (ID) | The ID or the primary key of the lifecycle process. |
status (LifecycleSupplyPointProcessStatus) | The status of the process. |
supplyPoints (SupplyPointConnectionTypeConnection!) | The supply points associated with the process. |
"id": "abc123",
"status": "COMPLETED"
Properties relating to the accessibility of features.
Implemented by
"accessibilityHidden": true,
"accessibilityLabel": "abc123"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
accountType (AccountTypeChoices) | The type of account. |
activeHardshipAgreements ([HardshipAgreementType]) | List of active hardship agreements for the user when isinhardship is True. |
activeReferralSchemes (ReferralSchemeTypes) | The referral schemes currently active for this account. |
address (RichAddressType) | The billing address of this account, stored in the new libaddressinput-based format. Note that |
annualStatements (AnnualStatementConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch annual statements for the account. |
applications (AccountApplicationConnectionTypeConnection) | Applications by this account to become our customer. More recent applications will be listed first. Arguments
The account application status. |
assistanceAgreements ([AssistanceAgreementType]) | Assistance agreements for account. |
balance (Int!) | The current account balance. Arguments
If this variable is set to true, the balance will be calculated based on the sum of balances on all ledgers configured to contribute to this account's balance. Otherwise, only the main ledger's balance will be fetched (legacy behaviour). If you are unsure, set this value to true. |
bill (BillInterface) | Fetch a specific issued bill (invoice/statement) for the account. Arguments
The unique identifier of the bill.
The unique identifier of the bill. A pending billing document will not have an identifier yet. And not all finalized billing documents will have an identifier. Prefer using the id field unless advised by Kraken. |
billingAddress (String) | The billing address of the account. |
billingAddressLine1 (String) | |
billingAddressLine2 (String) | |
billingAddressLine3 (String) | |
billingAddressLine4 (String) | |
billingAddressLine5 (String) | |
billingAddressPostcode (String) | |
billingCountryCode (String) | |
billingDeliveryPointIdentifier (String) | |
billingEmail (String) | The billing email of the account. |
billingName (String) | The billing name of the account. |
billingOptions (BillingOptionsType) | Information about the account's billing cycle. |
billingSubName (String) | The billing sub name of the account. |
bills (BillConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch issued bills (invoices/statements) for the account. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the search results. This date value is inclusive.
Include bills without PDFs.
Include held statements within the results.
Include pre-Kraken / historical statements within the results.
Include open statements. This flag needs to be used along with includeBillsWithoutPDF=false otherwise results will prove unexpected.
Optional date representing the beginning of the search results based on issued date. This date value is inclusive.
Optional date representing the end of the search results based on issued date. This date value is exclusive.
Only include bills emailed to the current user's email.
The order in which to return the bills.
Optional date representing the end of the search results. This date value is exclusive. |
brand (String) | The brand of the account. |
business (BusinessType) | Business info related to a business account. |
businessType (BusinessTypeOptions) | The company type of a business account. Deprecated The 'businessType' field is deprecated. |
campaigns ([AccountCampaignType]) | The campaigns associated with an account. |
canRequestRefund (Boolean) | Whether the account can request a credit refund. |
commsDeliveryPreference (CommsDeliveryPreference) | The method the account has specified they prefer we contact them. |
communicationDeliveryPreference (String) | Deprecated The 'communicationDeliveryPreference' field is deprecated. |
consents ([ConsentType!]!) | Consents linked to this account. |
contributionAgreements ([ContributionAgreementType]) | Contribution agreements for account. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The datetime that the account was originally created. |
debtCollectionProceedings ([DebtCollectionProceedingType]) | Debt collection proceedings for account. |
directDebitInstructions (DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeConnection) | The direct debit instructions of the account Arguments
Filter the direct debit instructions by status |
documentAccessibility (DocumentAccessibilityChoices) | The document accessibility preference of the account. |
events (AccountEventConnectionTypeConnection) | The account events that were recorded for the account. Arguments
Filter the account events by their type.
fileAttachments ([AccountFileAttachment]) | Files attached to this account. |
isInHardship (Boolean) | True if there is an active Hardship Agreement for this account. False otherwise. |
ledgers ([LedgerType]) | Ledgers provide the foundation of bookkeeping functionality. Similar to a bank account, they allow us to keep track of financial activity on a particular customer account. |
maximumRefund (MaximumRefundType) | The maximum amount a customer is allowed to request as a refund and the reason why that's the maximum amount. |
metadata ([Metadata]) | Metadata associated with the account. |
notes ([AccountNoteType]) | Notes for the account. |
number (String) | A code that uniquely identifies the account. |
overdueBalance (Int) | The current account overdue balance. |
paginatedFileAttachments (AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | Files attached to this account. |
paginatedPaymentForecast (PaymentForecastConnectionTypeConnection) | Paginated payment forecasts for an account. Starts from today's date (inclusive). The interface supports Arguments
The end date to retrieve forecasts for. This end date is inclusive.
The ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no ID is passed.
The number of the ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no number is passed. |
paymentForecast ([PaymentForecastType]) | A list displaying the payment forecast for an account. The list starts from today's date (inclusive). Deprecated The 'paymentForecast' field is deprecated. Arguments
The end date to retrieve forecasts for. This end date is inclusive.
The ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no ID is passed.
The number of the ledger to return payment forecasts from. Defaults to the main ledger when no number is passed. |
paymentPlans (PaymentPlanConnectionTypeConnection) | The payment plans that have been created for this account. |
paymentSchedules (PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeConnection) | The schedules that describe how we would expect to take payments for an account on a given month. Arguments
If false, we remove the currently valid schedule if it has already fulfilled its purpose and will have no further impact on customer payments, along with any schedules which are not valid from today.
The ledger id to return the payment schedules from.
The ledger number to return the payment schedules from.
The ledger to return transactions from.
payments (AccountPaymentConnectionTypeConnection) | The payments made into an account from a payment instruction. Arguments
Whether to include payment promises (of any kind: made, broken or fulfilled) or not. The default is to include them.
The id of the ledger to return payments from.
WARNING: Will be mandatory in future versions The number of the ledger to return payments from.
Filter for payments that were taken for a particular reason.
portfolio (PortfolioType) | The portfolio this account is linked to. |
preferredLanguageForComms (String) | The language that the account preferred for communications. |
provisionalTransactions (ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | |
references ([AccountReferenceType]) | Account references linked to this account. |
referrals (ReferralConnectionTypeConnection) | The referrals created by this account. Arguments
Only return referrals with the specified status. Return all referrals by default. |
referralsCreated (Int) | Number of referrals created by this account. |
repayments (AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeConnection) | The repayments that have been requested for this account. Arguments
Only return repayments whose status matches one of these statuses. |
requestRefundEligibility (RequestRefundEligibilityType) | Details about the eligibility status for requesting a refund. |
rewards ([RewardType]) | The rewards applied to this account. |
splitBillingAddress ([String]) | List of billing address lines. |
status (AccountStatus) | The current status of the account. |
transactions (TransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Fetch transactions that have taken place on the account. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the postedDate range filter. This date value is inclusive.
In a multi-ledger scenario, include all ledgers' transactions if
The ledger to return transactions from.
The number of the ledger to return transactions from.
The order in which to return the transactions.
Optional date representing the end of the postedDate range filter. This date value is exclusive.
Include only these specific transaction types in the result.
Exclude these specific transaction types from the result. |
urn (String) | Unique reference number from a 3rd party enrolment. |
"brand": "abc123",
"status": "PENDING",
"balance": 1,
"overdueBalance": 1,
"urn": "abc123",
"billingName": "abc123",
"billingSubName": "abc123",
"billingEmail": "abc123",
"billingAddress": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine1": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine2": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine3": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine4": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine5": "abc123",
"billingAddressPostcode": "abc123",
"billingCountryCode": "abc123",
"billingDeliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123",
"splitBillingAddress": ["abc123"],
"address": RichAddressType,
"number": "abc123",
"portfolio": PortfolioType,
"ledgers": [LedgerType],
"metadata": [Metadata],
"canRequestRefund": true,
"requestRefundEligibility": RequestRefundEligibilityType,
"payments": AccountPaymentConnectionTypeConnection,
"repayments": AccountRepaymentConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentPlans": PaymentPlanConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentSchedules": PaymentScheduleConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentForecast": [PaymentForecastType],
"paginatedPaymentForecast": PaymentForecastConnectionTypeConnection,
"referrals": ReferralConnectionTypeConnection,
"referralsCreated": 1,
"rewards": [RewardType],
"activeReferralSchemes": ReferralSchemeTypes,
"transactions": TransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"provisionalTransactions": ProvisionalTransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"annualStatements": AnnualStatementConnectionTypeConnection,
"bills": BillConnectionTypeConnection,
"billingOptions": BillingOptionsType,
"bill": BillInterface,
"directDebitInstructions": DirectDebitInstructionConnectionTypeConnection,
"events": AccountEventConnectionTypeConnection,
"applications": AccountApplicationConnectionTypeConnection,
"accountType": "BUSINESS",
"businessType": "SOLE_TRADER",
"business": BusinessType,
"commsDeliveryPreference": "EMAIL",
"communicationDeliveryPreference": "abc123",
"documentAccessibility": "LARGE_PRINT",
"references": [AccountReferenceType],
"fileAttachments": [AccountFileAttachment],
"paginatedFileAttachments": AccountFileAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection,
"maximumRefund": MaximumRefundType,
"campaigns": [AccountCampaignType],
"isInHardship": true,
"activeHardshipAgreements": [HardshipAgreementType],
"contributionAgreements": [ContributionAgreementType],
"assistanceAgreements": [AssistanceAgreementType],
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"preferredLanguageForComms": "abc123",
"consents": ConsentType
Actions are events created by buttons and other interaction.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
typeName (String) | The name of the action object's type. |
"typeName": "abc123"
A backend screen is the top-level container for mobile UI.
Implemented by
"name": "abc123",
"refreshFrequency": 1,
"screenData": "abc123"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
attachments (BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection) | |
billType (BillTypeEnum) | The type of the bill. |
fromDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered from. |
id (ID) | The ID of the bill. |
issuedDate (Date) | The date the bill was sent to the customer. |
temporaryUrl (String) | Requesting this field generates a temporary URL at which bill is available. This URL will expire after approximately an hour. It is intended for redirection purposes, NOT persistence in any form (e.g. inclusion in emails or the body of a web page). This field can raise an error with errorClass NOT_FOUND if the bill document has not been created/issued yet. This field is deprecated use 'attachments' field instead. Deprecated The 'temporaryUrl' field is deprecated. |
toDate (Date) | The date of the bill is covered to. |
"id": "abc123",
"billType": "STATEMENT",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01",
"temporaryUrl": "abc123",
"issuedDate": "2020-01-01",
"attachments": BillingAttachmentConnectionTypeConnection
Transactions are a record of money being added or subtracted from a ledger
Implemented by
Name | Description |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
id (ID) | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | The date the transaction was posted. |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
title (String) | A user readable string that indicates what this transaction relates to. |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"title": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"
The button interface.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
buttonAction (ActionType!) | The action to perform when the button is pressed. |
buttonStyle (ButtonStyle) | The button style. |
title (String!) | Title text of the button. |
"buttonStyle": "PRIMARY",
"title": "abc123",
"buttonAction": DeeplinkActionType
Implemented by
Name | Description |
account (AccountType) | If known, this is the account that a call is about. For inbound calls, we attempt to identify the account based on the phone number of the incoming call. For outbound calls, the account will be automatically set if the call was initiated from an account page. For all call types, the account can be updated, for example to correct a misidentification of an incoming call. |
id (ID!) | The ID of the call. |
"id": "abc123",
"account": AccountType
Implemented by
"id": "abc123",
"marketName": "abc123",
"externalIdentifier": "abc123"
Implemented by
"id": "abc123",
"fromDate": "2020-01-01",
"toDate": "2020-01-01"
Implemented by
"isUploaded": true,
"isReady": true,
"fetchUrl": "abc123",
"sizeInBytes": 1
The identity of an object.
Implemented by
"id": "abc123",
"typename": "abc123"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
occurredAt (DateTime!) | The time the conversation event occurred. |
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
affectsAccountBalance (Boolean) | Whether this ledger's balance contributes to the account's balance. |
amountOwedByCustomer (Int) | The amount owed from the customer perspective. A positive value implies the customer owes the business, while a negative amount implies the customer is in credit. |
balance (Int) | The current balance on the ledger in minor units of currency. |
creditTransferPermissionsData (CreditTransferPermissionsDataType) | Permissions data for credit transfers involving the given ledger. |
id (ID) | Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
invoices (InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection) | An invoice is a bill that contains individual transactions (i.e. charges, credits, payments, and repayments). These may come from any period of time. |
ledgerType (String) | |
name (String) | The display name of the ledger. |
number (String) | The canonical name of the ledger. |
paymentAdequacy (PaymentAdequacyDetailsType) | |
refundRequests (RefundRequestConnectionTypeConnection) | Refund requests for a given ledger. |
repaymentRequests (RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection) | Repayment requests for a given ledger. |
statements (StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection) | A statement is a billing document that contains all entries on a ledger during a period of time. A customer can understand how their ledger's balance has changed by looking at each statement in series. |
transactions (TransactionConnectionTypeConnection) | Transactions on the given ledger. Arguments
Optional date representing the beginning of the postedDate range filter. This date value is inclusive.
The order in which to return the transactions.
Optional date representing the end of the postedDate range filter. This date value is exclusive.
Include only these specific transaction types in the result. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"ledgerType": "abc123",
"balance": 1,
"amountOwedByCustomer": 1,
"affectsAccountBalance": true,
"statements": StatementBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection,
"invoices": InvoiceBillingDocumentConnectionTypeConnection,
"transactions": TransactionConnectionTypeConnection,
"repaymentRequests": RepaymentRequestConnectionTypeConnection,
"refundRequests": RefundRequestConnectionTypeConnection,
"paymentAdequacy": PaymentAdequacyDetailsType,
"creditTransferPermissionsData": CreditTransferPermissionsDataType
Implemented by
Name | Description |
metaData (MeasurementsMetadataOutput) | This type will return more granular data about the measurement. |
readAt (DateTime!) | |
source (String!) | |
unit (String!) | |
value (Decimal!) |
"source": "abc123",
"metaData": MeasurementsMetadataOutput,
"value": 1.0,
"unit": "abc123",
"readAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
The media interface.
Implemented by
"mediaUrl": "abc123",
"horizontalAlignment": "START"
An object with an ID
Implemented by
Name | Description |
id (ID!) | The ID of the object |
"id": "abc123"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
address (String) | The address of the property, formatted into a single string. |
coordinates (CoordinatesType) | Coordinates for the property, useful for displaying the property on a map. |
embeddedNetwork (EmbeddedNetworkType) | The embedded network this property belongs to, if any. |
id (String) | |
label (String) | An optional label for the property. |
measurements (MeasurementConnection) | Measurements at a property Arguments
Defaults to the far future which will return the most recent readings.
Latest date to return measurements for (inclusive).
Defaults to the far past which will return the oldest readings.
Earliest date to return measurements from.
Timezone to use for grouping. Defaults to Kraken localtime.
Filters for each utility being measured |
occupancyPeriods ([OccupancyPeriodType]) | Time periods during which the property is associated with an account. Useful to display information about house-moves, as performing a move out of a property will set the end date for the occupancy period. |
richAddress (PropertyRichAddressType) | Property rich address. |
splitAddress ([String]) | List of address lines. |
"id": "abc123",
"address": "abc123",
"richAddress": PropertyRichAddressType,
"splitAddress": ["abc123"],
"label": "abc123",
"occupancyPeriods": [OccupancyPeriodType],
"coordinates": CoordinatesType,
"embeddedNetwork": EmbeddedNetworkType,
"measurements": MeasurementConnection
Implemented by
Name | Description |
code (String) | |
combinedPaymentAmount (Int) | The payment amount in cents received by the referrer and the referee combined. |
ledgerId (Int) | The ID of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. |
paymentDate (Date) | |
paymentStatus (String) | |
referredUserJoinDate (DateTime) | |
referredUserName (String) | |
referredUserPaymentAmount (Int) | Payment amount given to the referred account in cents. |
referringUserPaymentAmount (Int) | Payment amount given to the referring account in cents. |
schemeType (ReferralSchemeTypeChoices) | The type of reward scheme. |
"ledgerId": 1,
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"schemeType": "REFERRAL_REWARD",
"referredUserName": "abc123",
"paymentStatus": "abc123",
"referredUserJoinDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"code": "abc123",
"referredUserPaymentAmount": 1,
"referringUserPaymentAmount": 1,
"combinedPaymentAmount": 1
Implemented by
Name | Description |
ledgerId (Int) | The ID of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerNumber (String) | The number of the ledger which the referral is assigned to. |
paymentDate (Date) | |
paymentStatus (ReferralStatusChoices) | The status of the reward payment. |
rewardAmount (Int) | Reward amount given to the account in cents. |
schemeType (ReferralSchemeTypeChoices) | The type of reward scheme. |
"ledgerId": 1,
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"schemeType": "REFERRAL_REWARD",
"rewardAmount": 1,
"paymentStatus": "Pending"
A base implementation of an interface where the user must select an option from a list.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
options ([SmartFlexListItemInterface]) | The options the user can select. |
selectedOptionId (ID) | The ID of the option that has been selected, if any. |
"id": "abc123",
"options": SmartFlexListItemInterface,
"selectedOptionId": "abc123"
Sizes for elements.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
width (ItemSizeType) | The measurement of the element. |
"width": FractionSizeType
Implemented by
"message": "abc123",
"publishedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Some general information about a device.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
alerts ([SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface]) | Active alert message(s) for a device, showing the latest first. |
deviceType (KrakenFlexDeviceTypes!) | The type of device. |
id (ID!) | A UUID that identifies this device registration. Re-registering this device will result in a different ID. |
integrationDeviceId (String) | The third-party integration device ID. |
name (String) | The user-friendly name for the device. |
onboardingWizard (SmartFlexOnboardingWizard) | The current onboarding wizard for a device. |
preferences (SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface) | The device's preference details. |
provider (ProviderChoices!) | The third-party that enables control of this device. |
status (SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface!) | Information about the current status of this device. |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"integrationDeviceId": "abc123",
"status": SmartFlexDeviceStatusInterface,
"alerts": SmartFlexDeviceAlertInterface,
"onboardingWizard": SmartFlexOnboardingWizard,
"preferences": SmartFlexDevicePreferencesInterface
Details about a device's preferences.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
mode (PreferencesModeChoices!) | The device's preference mode. |
schedules ([SmartFlexDevicePreferenceSchedule]) | The schedules of the device's preference. |
targetType (PreferencesTargetType!) | The target type of the preference. |
unit (PreferencesUnitChoices!) | The unit of the preference schedules' min and max values. |
"unit": "CELSIUS",
"mode": "CHARGE",
"schedules": [SmartFlexDevicePreferenceSchedule]
Implemented by
Name | Description |
current (SmartFlexDeviceLifecycleStatus) | The current status of the device. |
currentState (SmartFlexDeviceState) | The current state of this SmartFlex device state machine. |
isSuspended (Boolean) | Whether control of the device is currently disabled. |
"current": "ONBOARDING",
"isSuspended": true,
An interface for a list item in a SmartFlex onboarding step.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this list item. |
"id": "abc123"
An interface for errors that can occur during SmartFlex onboarding.
"message": "abc123"
The next step of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
id (ID) | A unique identifier for this onboarding step. |
"id": "abc123"
Implemented by
Name | Description |
currentBalance (Int) | The current final balance of the ledger in pence. |
id (ID) | Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
ledgerType (String) | |
name (String) | The display name of the ledger. |
number (String) | The canonical name of the ledger. |
paymentAdequacy (PaymentAdequacyDetailsType) |
"id": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"number": "abc123",
"ledgerType": "abc123",
"currentBalance": 1,
"paymentAdequacy": PaymentAdequacyDetailsType
Implemented by
Name | Description |
textAlignment (Alignment) | The text alignment. |
textStyle (TextStyleV1) | The text style, i.e. header, body. |
value (String!) | The text content. |
"value": "abc123",
"textStyle": "TITLE1",
"textAlignment": "START"
Transactions are a record of money being added or subtracted from the overall account balance
Implemented by
Name | Description |
accountNumber (String) | Unique identifier of the account the transaction belongs to. |
amount (Int) | Gross amount including tax (when payable). Refer to the Deprecated The 'amount' field is deprecated. |
amounts (TransactionAmountType) | The net, tax and gross amounts for the transaction. Note: for payments and repayments, only the net amount is returned. |
balanceCarriedForward (Int) | The customer's resulting balance after this transaction has been applied, in the smallest unit of currency. |
billingDocumentIdentifier (ID) | The unique identifier for the most recent billing document linked with the transaction.Note: a transaction may be linked with multiple documents, but this field will only return the identifier for the most recent billing document. |
createdAt (DateTime) | The date time when the transaction is created. |
hasStatement (Boolean) | Returns True if the transaction is linked with a statement. |
id (ID) | |
isAccountCharge (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountCharge' field is deprecated. |
isAccountPayment (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isAccountPayment' field is deprecated. |
isCredit (Boolean) | Deprecated. Deprecated The 'isCredit' field is deprecated. |
isHeld (Boolean) | Whether the statement this transaction is on has been held. A held statement is not sent to a customer automatically, but is instead marked for manual attention by operations staff. Returns False if a statement is not linked with the transaction. |
isIssued (Boolean) | Whether this transaction has been issued on any billing document.Note: Look for the most recently issued transaction instead of looking through all transactions as some accounts may have initial transactions that were not issued.This will return False if the transaction is not associated with any billing documents. |
isReversed (Boolean!) | |
note (String) | Returns the note field value for the transaction, which contains additional info. |
postedDate (Date) | |
reasonCode (String) | Returns the reason. |
statementId (ID) | Returns None if a statement is not linked with the transaction. Deprecated The 'statementId' field is deprecated. |
title (String) |
"id": "abc123",
"postedDate": "2020-01-01",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"amounts": TransactionAmountType,
"balanceCarriedForward": 1,
"isCredit": true,
"isAccountCharge": true,
"isAccountPayment": true,
"isHeld": true,
"isIssued": true,
"title": "abc123",
"billingDocumentIdentifier": "abc123",
"statementId": "abc123",
"isReversed": true,
"hasStatement": true,
"note": "abc123",
"reasonCode": "abc123"