About Input Objects
Input objects can be described as "composable objects" because they include a set of input fields that define the object.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number to filter for. |
| The category to filter for. |
| The channel to filter for. |
| The customer contact to filter for. |
| The external identifier to filter for. |
| The priority to filter for. |
| The resolution status to filter for. |
| The resolution type to filter for. |
| The supply point identifier to filter for. |
| Tags to filter for. |
| The user ID to filter for. |
"externalIdentifier": "abc123",
"resolutionStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"resolutionType": "AUTOMATIC",
"channel": "abc123",
"priority": "LOW",
"tags": "MOVE_IN",
"category": "ACCOUNT",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"userId": "abc123",
"customerContact": "abc123",
"supplyPointIdentifier": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the quote. |
| A JSON object containing market parameters to store on the purchase. |
| ID of the accepted quote. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"quoteId": "abc123",
"clientParams": {"key": "value"},
"marketParams": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number of the account to update. |
| Billing address details. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"billingAddress": BillingAddressDetailsInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The ledger id for the account. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The ledger number for the account. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
"accountNumber": "abc123"
The input type for the account reference.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The namespace for the reference. |
| The reference value. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"namespace": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Internal account id (not account number). |
| The account number eg. A-FF15AE70. |
| Account Reference. |
| Bills (Shortcut). |
| Account or Billing name. |
| Business name. |
| Business identifier or number. |
| Location (Supply or Billing, full or partial, address or post code). |
| Meter Serial Number. |
| The portfolio number eg. P-A123B456. |
| Statements (Alias for bills). |
| URN Number. |
| The Account User ID (not account number). |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"portfolioNumber": "abc123",
"urn": "abc123",
"user": "abc123",
"account": "abc123",
"bill": "abc123",
"statements": "abc123",
"meterSerialNumber": "abc123",
"location": "abc123",
"billingName": "abc123",
"businessName": "abc123",
"businessNumber": "abc123",
"accountReferences": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The slug of the campaign we want to assign. |
| The date in which the link between the campaing and the account is meant to expire. If null, no specific expiring date will be set. |
| The date in which the link between the campaing and the account is meant to start. If null, no specific start date will be set. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"campaign": "abc123",
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"expiryDate": "2020-01-01"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The customer's postcode. |
| The customer's street. |
| The customer's street number. |
| The customer's street number suffix. |
| The customer's town. |
"street": "abc123",
"streetNumber": "abc123",
"streetNumberSuffix": "abc123",
"postcode": "abc123",
"town": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The new amount for the amended payment. |
| The new date to collect the payment. |
| The ID of the payment to amend. |
| Reason for amending the payment. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"paymentId": 1,
"amount": 1,
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"reason": "abc123"
The input for annulling an order.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Annulment reason. |
| The supply point id of the order. |
"supplyPointId": 1,
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number for the requested repayment. |
| The id of the account repayment to be approved. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"repaymentId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The name of the bucket to assign the conversation to. |
| |
| The relay id of the conversation that will be assigned to the bucket. |
"conversationRelayId": "abc123",
"bucketName": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| Address line 1. |
| Address line 2. |
| Address line 3. |
| Address line 4. |
| Address line 5. |
| Content type of the recording. |
| Duration of the recording in seconds. |
| Size of the file in bytes. |
| UUID of the audio recording. |
| Timestamp of the recorded location. |
| Horizontal accuracy of the location. |
| Latitude of the recorded location. |
| Longitude of the recorded location. |
| List of outcomes for the session. |
| List of uploaded photos. |
| Postal code. |
| S3 bucket where the audio file is stored. |
| S3 key for the audio recording. |
| Sales mode of the session. |
| List of scan values. |
| Start time of the session. |
| End time of the session. |
| Type of the session. |
"id": "500c164d-38c7-4f74-9ac6-be210197e9e4",
"contentType": "abc123",
"duration": "abc123",
"fileSize": 1,
"addressLine1": "abc123",
"addressLine2": "abc123",
"addressLine3": "abc123",
"addressLine4": "abc123",
"addressLine5": "abc123",
"postcode": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"locationAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"locationHorizontalAccuracy": 1,
"locationLatitude": 1.0,
"locationLongitude": 1.0,
"outcomes": OutcomeInput,
"salesMode": "abc123",
"type": "abc123",
"startedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"stoppedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"s3Bucket": "abc123",
"s3Key": "abc123",
"photos": PhotoInput,
"scans": ["abc123"]
Input fields
Name | Description |
| SSO access token for the chosen provider authentication. |
| Provider code from user login used for SSO. |
| SSO token expiry for the provider's authentication (integer in seconds). |
| ID of the device in the external provider system. |
| Full redirect URI (including all query string parameters) from the result of an OAuth 2.0 flow. |
| SSO refresh token for the chosen provider authentication. |
| State from user login used for SSO. |
"accessToken": "abc123",
"authorizationCode": "abc123",
"refreshToken": "abc123",
"expiresIn": 1,
"state": "abc123",
"providerDeviceId": "abc123",
"redirectUri": "abc123"
The input type for awarding Loyalty Points.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| A note about the award. |
| The number of Loyalty Points to award. |
| The reason for the award. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"points": 1,
"reason": "abc123",
"note": "abc123"
Input for a backend action.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the action to perform. |
| List of key-value pairs (strings) to pass as parameters to the mutation. |
"eventId": "abc123",
"params": BackendScreenParamInputType
A key-value pair (both Strings) which is passed in parameters to a backend action.
"key": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
A payment schedule which triggers a payment the balance of a ledger drops below a certain value.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ledger balance (in the minor currency unit) which when passed will trigger a payment to be taken. |
| The target balance (in the minor currency unit) for the ledger; used to calculate the payment amount. Defaults to zero. |
"balanceThreshold": 1,
"targetBalance": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"accountHolder": "abc123",
"iban": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"bankCode": "abc123",
"branchCode": "abc123",
"accountType": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| The minimum state of charge (soc) %. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"minimumSocPercentage": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The target balance (in the minor currency unit) for the ledger; used to calculate the payment amount. Defaults to zero. |
"targetBalance": 1
A payment schedule which triggers a payment when a bill is issued.
Optionally a payment day frequency multiplier can be specified in which case the payment is taken on the first occurrence of the payment day after a bill has been issued.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The multiple of months at which payment are taken. Required when a payment day is chosen, ignored if payment day not set. |
| The day of the month at which to take payment (1-28). If not provided payment is taken whenever a bill is issued. |
"paymentDay": 1,
"frequencyMultiplier": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Administrative area. |
| Billing country. |
| Billing delivery point identifier. |
| Billing dependent locality. |
| Billing locality. |
| Billing postal code. |
| Billing sorting code. |
| Billing street address. |
| Billing structured street address. |
"streetAddress": "abc123",
"structuredStreetAddress": "abc123" | 1 | 1.0 | true | ["abc123"] | AccountType,
"dependentLocality": "abc123",
"locality": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"sortingCode": "abc123",
"deliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123",
"administrativeArea": "abc123",
"country": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number of the item. |
| The end of the call window for the item. |
| The start of the call window for the item. |
| The metadata of the item. |
| The phone number of the item. |
"phoneNumber": "abc123",
"callWindowStart": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"callWindowEnd": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"metadata": {"key": "value"}
The input for cancelling the contract and receive a confirmation email.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Last day of supply of the customer. Has to be at least 30 days in the future. Format should be: '%Y-%m-%d'. |
| Cancellation reason. |
| The supply point id of the contract. |
"supplyPointId": 1,
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"lastDayOfSupply": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input required to cancel a LeaveSupplier journey.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the LeaveSupplier process to cancel. |
| The reason for the cancellation. |
"leaveSupplierProcessId": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The ID of the payment to cancel. |
| Reason for cancelling the payment. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"paymentId": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The id of the request to be cancelled. |
"requestId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard to cancel. |
"wizardId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The DCA agency owning the proceeding. |
| The campaign for the proceeding. |
| Whether to send a notification to the DCA. |
| The reason for stopping. |
| The date where dca proceeding stopped. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"stopReason": "abc123",
"stoppedDate": "2020-01-01",
"notifyDca": true,
"agency": "abc123",
"campaign": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The payment amount (in cents). |
| The type of the payment instruction. |
| The reason a payment is being collected, for internal audit purposes. |
| |
| The ID of the ledger on which to collect the payment. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The number of the ledger on which to collect the payment. |
| The date to attempt to take the payment. Cannot be a date in the past. Payment will be collected on the requested date or as soon as possible after that date. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"paymentDate": "2020-01-01",
"description": "abc123",
"idempotencyKey": "abc123",
"collectionMethod": "BPAY",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The agency. |
| Amount of debt. |
| The campaign. |
| The date where commencement started. |
| If the commencement is white label. |
| The ledger identifier. |
| Notes for the commencement. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"agency": "abc123",
"campaign": "abc123",
"isWhiteLabel": true,
"dateStarted": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"notes": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The entire continuation URI returned by the vendor. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"continuationUri": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number that the device is registered to. |
| External reference in the third-party system to identify the device. |
| Postcode of the property (linked to the account) that the device is registered to. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"externalDeviceIdentifier": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The action that was completed. |
| The identifier the lead. |
| The stage to transition to. |
"leadId": "abc123",
"action": "abc123",
"transitionToStage": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The code of the consent type. |
| The value to update the consent to. |
"code": "abc123",
"value": "ACCEPTED"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The code of the consent type. |
"consentTypeCode": "abc123",
"value": "ACCEPTED"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the associated API exception, if any. |
| Any optional useful context involved in the API call. |
| The correlation id header from the HTTP request. |
| The input data provided to the API, if any. |
| The name of the operation associated with this call. |
| The response returned by the API. |
"correlationId": "abc123",
"operationName": "abc123",
"inputData": {"key": "value"},
"response": {"key": "value"},
"context": {"key": "value"},
"apiExceptionId": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the associated API exception, if any. |
| The event category. |
| Any optional useful context involved in the event. |
| Any useful event description. |
| The event type. |
"eventType": "abc123",
"category": "abc123",
"description": "abc123",
"context": {"key": "value"},
"apiExceptionId": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number associated with the exception, if available. |
| The ID of the user assigned to handle this exception.If no user is provided, no user will be assigned to the exception. |
| Category associated with this exception. Uses the default category if not provided. |
| The API client channel where the exception was triggered from. |
| Contextual information about the exception, if any. |
| The customer contact associated with the exception, if available. |
| External identifier mapping an entity on the client's database. |
| The key date associated with the exception, if available. |
| The ID of an operations team to handle this exception. If no team is provided, no team will be assigned to the exception. |
| The priority. Defaults to LOW if not provided. |
| The resolution status. Defaults to UNASSIGNED if not provided. |
| The resolution type. Defaults to UNASSIGNED if not provided. |
| The supply point identifier associated with the exception, if available. |
| Tags associated with this exception if any. |
| The user ID associated with the exception, if available. |
"externalIdentifier": "abc123",
"resolutionStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"resolutionType": "AUTOMATIC",
"priority": "LOW",
"context": {"key": "value"},
"channel": "abc123",
"assignedUserId": 1,
"operationsTeamId": 1,
"tags": "MOVE_IN",
"category": "ACCOUNT",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"userId": 1,
"customerContact": "abc123",
"supplyPointIdentifier": "abc123",
"keyDate": "2020-01-01"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the associated API exception. |
| The body of the note. |
"body": "abc123",
"apiExceptionId": "abc123"
The input type for the account charge.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The climate change levy amount of the charge to be added. Deprecated The 'cclAmount' field is deprecated. |
| Optional short note about account charge for customer display. |
| The gross amount of the charge to be added. |
| Any extra data that will be associated with account charge. |
| The net amount of the charge to be added. Deprecated The 'netAmount' field is deprecated. |
| Optional short note about account charge for internal use. |
| The reason why the charge is added to the account. This should be a valid charge reason code. |
| The sales tax amount of the charge to be added. Deprecated The 'salesTaxAmount' field is deprecated. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"netAmount": 1,
"grossAmount": 1,
"salesTaxAmount": 1,
"cclAmount": 1,
"metadata": {"key": "value"},
"note": "abc123",
"displayNote": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
The input type for the account credit.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The gross amount of the credit to be created. |
| Any extra data that will be associated with account credit. |
| The net amount of the credit to be created. |
| Optional short note about account credit. |
| The reason why the credit is added to the account. |
| The sales tax amount of the credit to be created. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"netAmount": 1,
"grossAmount": 1,
"salesTaxAmount": 1,
"metadata": {"key": "value"},
"note": "abc123",
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Pin the note to account. |
| The note to add. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"isPinned": true
Input type for updating the payment schedule on a ledger. Requires an account_number
, ledger_number
and one of payment_day
or payment_amount
to be provided.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Number of the account for which to update the schedule. |
| Number of the ledger associated with the current payment schedule. |
| The new fixed payment amount. |
| The new day of the month at which to take payment; ranges from 1 to 28. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDay": 1,
"paymentAmount": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Reminder content. |
| When the reminder is due. |
| The reminder type. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"reminderType": "AD_HOC",
"content": "abc123",
"dueAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| The organisation for whom to create the affiliate link for. |
| Will be validated as follows:
"organisationId": "abc123",
"subdomain": "abc123",
"contactName": "abc123",
"contactEmail": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Is this partner allowed to specify payment methods other than Direct Debit in the import csv or API. |
| Are meter point registrations limited for profile classes 1 and 2 for registrations from csv or API. |
| Allow registration requests with customers without an email address. |
| Allow registration requests with exiting account user emails to add to the portfolio belonging to the account user. |
| Allow performing tariff renewals via API. |
| Allow this partner access to the IVR support API (modify their own IVR handling through third party 'IVR Flow Editor'). |
| The primary contact email for the organisation. |
| Default Account Type. |
| Restrict to field-sales-only products? This is only allowed for the 'field-sales' and 'events' sales channels. |
| |
| Sales Channel. |
| Allow this partner to skip validation that ensures all meter points belong to the same address. |
"name": "abc123",
"contactEmail": "abc123",
"salesChannel": "DEFAULT_SUPPLY",
"defaultAccountType": "BUSINESS",
"canRegisterBusinessMeterPoints": true,
"canRegisterPortfolioAccounts": true,
"canRegisterCustomersWithoutEmailAddress": true,
"skipMeterPointAddressValidation": true,
"allowAlternativePaymentMethods": true,
"canRenewTariffs": true,
"canUseIvrSupportApi": true,
"isFieldSalesOnlyProduct": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The IP Address of the user. |
| The affiliate link for whom to create the session for. |
| Additional query parameters to attach to this session. |
| The quote share that led to this session. |
| The HTTP user agent. |
"linkId": "abc123",
"ipAddress": "abc123",
"userAgent": "abc123",
"queryParams": {"key": "value"},
"quoteShareId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The campaign ID. |
| The items to add. |
"campaignId": "abc123",
"campaignItems": CampaignItemInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The start datetime of the agreement. |
| The end datetime of the agreement, if any. |
| The amount contributed per interval. Note, this is in the smallest domination that the currency supports. e.g. Pence, Cents, Yen, etc. |
| The frequency of contributions. |
| The code of the scheme to contribute to. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"schemeCode": "abc123",
"interval": "MONTHLY",
"amount": 1,
"activeFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"activeTo": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Source ledger number. |
| Target ledger number. |
"sourceLedgerNumber": "abc123",
"targetLedgerNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The number of the account that the event should be created for. |
| The category of the event. |
| An array of content data associated with the event. |
| A human-readable description of the event. |
| The time the event occurred. |
| The subcategory of the event. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"category": "COMMUNICATIONS",
"subcategory": "TELEPHONE",
"description": "abc123",
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"content": ExternalAccountEventContent
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The category of the event. |
| An array of content data associated with the event. |
| A human-readable description of the event. |
| The time the event occurred. |
| The subcategory of the event. |
| The user that the event should be created for. |
"userId": "abc123",
"category": "COMMUNICATIONS",
"subcategory": "TELEPHONE",
"description": "abc123",
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"content": ExternalAccountEventContent
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the quote. |
| A JSON object containing market parameters to store on the quote. |
| Products to get a quote for. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"productsToQuote": ProductToQuoteInput,
"clientParams": {"key": "value"},
"marketParams": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the quote. |
| Customer profile. |
| A JSON object containing market parameters to store on the quote. |
| Products to get a quote for. |
"customerProfile": CustomerProfileInput,
"productsToQuote": ProductToQuoteInput,
"clientParams": {"key": "value"},
"marketParams": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The phone number that the call is from. |
| The phone number that the call is to. |
| The Voice vendor managing the call. |
| The ID of the call in the vendor's system. |
"fromPhoneNumber": "abc123",
"toPhoneNumber": "abc123",
"vendor": "FAKE",
"vendorCallId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| An optional parameter where we can pass the generic message headers if it has one Email channel tries to get the value |
| An arbitrary, unique ID for this message. This must be unique for each message that is supplied using the same organisation; collisions between messages provided by different organisations are tolerated. Stored as vendor_id. |
| |
| When the message occurred in the system of origin. |
| An optional vendor value to denote which system it originated from. If no vendor is passed, we will get the default generic vendor from the setting called INKDEFAULTGENERICMESSAGEAPI_VENDOR. |
"channel": "EMAIL",
"messageId": "abc123",
"newMessage": InkMessageInput,
"vendor": "abc123",
"messageHeaders": {"key": "value"},
"occurredAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The id of the account user. |
| The number of the loyalty card. |
| The scheme of the loyalty card. |
"accountUserId": "abc123",
"scheme": "abc123",
"number": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The brand to associate with this portfolio, if not provided the default brand will be used. |
| Whether collective bills should be issued for the portfolio's accounts. The default value is False. |
| The ID of the operations team to associate with this portfolio.If no team is provided, no team will be assigned to the portfolio. |
"brandCode": "abc123",
"operationsTeamId": "abc123",
"collectiveBilling": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The user to associate with the portfolio. |
| The portfolio to associate the user with. |
| The role to assign to the user. If not provided the default role will be used. |
"portfolioId": "abc123",
"accountUserId": "abc123",
"role": RoleString
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the purchase. |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the purchase. |
| Products being purchased. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"saleItems": ProductToPurchaseInput,
"clientParams": {"key": "value"},
"marketParams": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The address of the supply point that should be quoted. The postalCode is required. |
| The session id of the affiliate. |
| Deprecated The 'city' field is deprecated. |
| Deprecated The 'elecProductCode' field is deprecated. |
| If this is specified, the operation will include electricity products in the quote. At least one of the |
| Deprecated The 'electricityAnnualConsumption' field is deprecated. |
| Deprecated The 'electricityAnnualNighttimeConsumption' field is deprecated. |
| The BDEW-assigned ID of the electricity network operator. If this is specified, the operation will include electricity products in the quote. At least one of electricityNetworkOperatorNumber and gasNetworkOperatorNumber is required. Deprecated The 'electricityNetworkOperator' field is deprecated. |
| If this is specified, the operation will include gas products in the quote. At least one of the |
| Deprecated The 'gasAnnualConsumption' field is deprecated. |
| The BDEW-assigned ID of the gas network operator. If this is specified, the operation will include gas products in the quote. At least one of electricityNetworkOperatorNumber and gasNetworkOperatorNumber is required. Deprecated The 'gasNetworkOperator' field is deprecated. |
| Deprecated The 'gasProductCode' field is deprecated. |
| Restrict the quoted products to those that are allowed to be in the specified onboarding journey. |
| The postcode of the supply point that should be quoted. Deprecated The 'postcode' field is deprecated. |
"electricity": SupplyTypeQuoteInput,
"electricityNetworkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"electricityAnnualConsumption": 1,
"electricityAnnualNighttimeConsumption": 1,
"elecProductCode": "abc123",
"gas": SupplyTypeQuoteInput,
"gasNetworkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"gasAnnualConsumption": 1,
"gasProductCode": "abc123",
"address": RichAddressInput,
"postcode": "abc123",
"city": "abc123",
"journeyType": "abc123",
"qualifyingDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"affiliateSessionId": "abc123"
Required information for creating a referral
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number for the referred account. |
| An email address, link or code, referencing the referring account. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"reference": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Reminder content. |
| When the reminder is due. |
| The reminder type name. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"reminderTypeName": "abc123",
"content": "abc123",
"dueAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Day to fixed bill on if billingperiodlength set. |
| For fixed billing accounts only, the length of their billing period. Can be MONTHLY or QUARTERLY. |
| Month to start billing from if billingperiodlength set to QUARTERLY or the multiplier is > 1. |
| For fixed billing accounts only, the number the period length is to be multiplied by to get the total period length, i.e. for billing every second month, select 2 combined with a billing period length MONTHLY. Can't be > 1 for quarterly billing. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"portfolioNumber": "abc123",
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"billingName": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"landline": "abc123",
"brand": "abc123",
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"billingAddressLine1": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine2": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine3": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine4": "abc123",
"billingAddressLine5": "abc123",
"billingPostcode": "abc123",
"billingRichAddress": "abc123",
"billingPeriodLength": "abc123",
"billingPeriodMultiplier": 1,
"billingPeriodDay": 1,
"billingPeriodMonth": 1,
"isBusinessAccount": true,
"companyName": "abc123",
"companyNumber": "abc123",
"businessType": "abc123",
"password": "abc123",
"passwordUpdateToken": "abc123",
"urn": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Details about the customer.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The customer's date of birth. |
| Account email. |
| Family name. |
| Given name. |
| Account landline number. |
| Account mobile phone number. |
| The customer's communication preferences. |
| The customer's pronouns. |
| The customer's title. |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"title": "abc123",
"pronouns": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"landline": "abc123",
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"preferences": UpdateAccountUserCommsPreferencesInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"answer": "abc123",
"issueResolved": true,
"formId": 1,
"feedbackId": 1,
"accountNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Line 1 of customer's address. |
| Line 2 of customer's address. |
| Line 3 of customer's address. |
| Line 4 of customer's address. |
| Line 5 of customer's address. |
| Customer's email. |
| Customer's family name. |
| Customer's given name. |
| Customer's phone number. |
| Customer's postcode. |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"phoneNumber": "abc123",
"postcode": "abc123",
"addressLine1": "abc123",
"addressLine2": "abc123",
"addressLine3": "abc123",
"addressLine4": "abc123",
"addressLine5": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| The most recently registered device of this type will be de-authenticated. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"deviceType": "BATTERIES"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number associated with the removed AccountReference. |
| The namespace associated with the removed AccountReference. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"namespace": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
"accountNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Device push notification token. |
"token": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Namespace of the detail. |
| Value of the detail. |
"namespace": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Auxiliary device variant id. |
| Unique device variant id. |
"deviceVariantId": "abc123",
"auxDeviceVariantId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| The authentication details required given the chosen provider. |
| The device type specific details required for registering a device. |
| The device type to be registered - batteries, electric vehicles, heat pumps or thermostats. |
| The ID of the property the device belongs to. |
| The provider used to authenticate the device. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"propertyId": 1,
"deviceType": "BATTERIES",
"provider": "DAIKIN",
"deviceDetails": DeviceDetailsInput,
"authentication": AuthenticationInput
Filter measurements by electricity parameters.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| Reading direction is based on the utility generated or consumed by the customer. |
| The frequency of the reading. |
| |
"readingFrequencyType": "RAW_INTERVAL",
"marketSupplyPointId": "abc123",
"deviceId": "abc123",
"readingDirection": "CONSUMPTION",
"registerId": "abc123",
"readingQuality": "ACTUAL"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the Contribution Agreement to end. |
| The future end datetime of the agreement. If not given, terminate now. |
"contributionAgreementId": "abc123",
"endAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the call to enqueue. |
| The priority with which the call should be routed. A higher number corresponds to a higher routing priority. |
| List of routing attribute references to add to the call. For example, 'SKILL.ENERGY'. Each attribute should already have been created in Kraken. |
| A URL that defines the behaviour of the call when it is enqueued and the caller is waiting. If not set, audio configured in Kraken will be played to the caller. The URL must return a response that can be interpreted by the vendor handling the call. For
example, if the call is handled by Twilio, TwiML supported by a |
"callId": "abc123",
"routingAttributes": ["abc123"],
"priority": 1,
"waitingBehaviourUrl": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The Kraken account number. |
| Bank details for setting up a payment instruction as part of the enrollment. |
| Details of an externally created payment instruction to be recorded in Kraken. |
| Details of the payment schedule(s) to be created as part of enrollment. |
| Sales info for this enrollment. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"bankDetails": BankDetailsInput,
"instructionDetails": InstructionDetailsInput,
"paymentSchedule": PaymentScheduleDetailsInput,
"salesInfo": SalesInformationInput
A piece of content associated with an external account event.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The content type of the content. |
| A human-readable description of the content. |
| The value of the content. |
"description": "abc123",
"contentType": "PLAINTEXT",
"value": "abc123"
The input type for sending Fan Club push notifications for discounts.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The list of valid catchment areas. |
| The end time of the likely Fan Club discount. |
| The start time of the likely Fan Club discount. |
"catchments": "abc123",
"startAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"endAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The eligibility status of the customer. |
| Email address for the customer. |
"email": "abc123",
"eligibility": "abc123"
The input type for repudiating previously issued Kraken Tokens and refresh tokens.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Also force third-party applications you have authorized to use your account to reauthenticate. |
"includeThirdParties": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| Form content. |
| Form type. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"content": {"key": "value"}
Input fields to generate a pre-signed upload URL for an affiliates audio recording.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The name of the file to be uploaded. |
"filename": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The channel of the contact. |
| The name of the file. |
"channel": "EMAIL",
"filename": "abc123"
The input for getting the client secret for an embedded new card payment method form.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The type of the new payment instruction. |
| The ledger ID. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| WARNING: Will be mandatory in future versions The number of the ledger. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"instructionType": "BPAY",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
The input for getting the client secret for an embedded new stored payment method form.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The type of the new payment instruction. |
"instructionType": "BPAY"
The input needed for getting the external URL for setting up a payment instruction.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The type of the new payment instruction. |
| The ledger number. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action was cancelled. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action resulted in an error. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action resulted in a failure. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action was completed successfuly. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"instructionType": "BPAY",
"returnUrlSuccess": "abc123",
"returnUrlFailure": "abc123",
"returnUrlError": "abc123",
"returnUrlCancel": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The identifier the lead. |
"leadId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The billing address. |
| Whether the billing address is the same as the delivery address. |
| The IBAN for the electricity agreement. |
| The electricity meter number. |
| The first day of supply for the new Property. |
| The IBAN for the gas agreement. |
| The gas meter number. |
| The last day of supply for the previous property. |
| The new supply address. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"lastDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01",
"firstDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01",
"newSupplyAddress": AddressInputType,
"billingAddress": AddressInputType,
"billingAddressSameAsDeliveryAddress": true,
"electricityMeterNumber": "abc123",
"gasMeterNumber": "abc123",
"electricityIban": "abc123",
"gasIban": "abc123"
Input fields for initiating a hosted standalone payment.
The amount should always be provided in the minor unit of currency (e.g., pence not pounds, cents not dollars, etc.).
A standalone payment can be made against a specific ledger (e.g., a debt ledger) by providing the ledger number (or ledger id, please see deprecated fields).
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The amount to be collected in the minor unit of currency. |
| The method by which the payment is being collected. |
| A description of the purpose of the payment. |
| The id of the specific ledger against which this payment should be applied. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The number of the specific ledger against which this payment should be applied. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action was cancelled. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action resulted in an error. |
| The URL to redirect the user to if the url is not longer valid. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action resulted in a failure. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action was completed but the payment is still being processed. |
| The URL to redirect the user to after the action was completed successfuly. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"description": "abc123",
"collectionMethod": "CARD",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"returnUrlSuccess": "abc123",
"returnUrlPending": "abc123",
"returnUrlFailure": "abc123",
"returnUrlError": "abc123",
"returnUrlCancel": "abc123",
"returnUrlExpired": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Identification of the account that requesting the product switch. |
| ID of the selected quoted product, obtain from quoting that supply point. |
| Suppress Product Switch communications. |
| The date at which the product switch becomes effective. |
| The user for whom to perform the update. This is only needed when using an Organisation role. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"quotedProductId": "abc123",
"switchDate": "2020-01-01",
"userId": "abc123",
"suppressCommunications": true
Input fields for initiating a standalone payment.
The amount should always be provided in the minor unit of currency (e.g., pence not pounds, cents not dollars, etc.).
A standalone payment can be made against a specific ledger (e.g., a debt ledger) by providing the ledger number. Accounts have a default ledger that will be used if not provided.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The amount to be collected in the minor unit of currency. |
| The method by which the payment is being collected. |
| A description of the purpose of the payment. |
| The id of the specific ledger against which this payment should be applied. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The number of the specific ledger against which this payment should be applied. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"amount": 1,
"description": "abc123",
"collectionMethod": "CARD",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
This type is used to create an inbound email.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Message attachments. |
| The carbon copy (cc) email addresses the message was sent to. |
| The email address the message was sent from. |
| The content of the message, as plain text. |
| The S3 bucket in which the original email is stored. |
| The S3 key of the original email. |
| The email subject/title. |
| The email addresses the message was sent to. |
"plainTextContent": "abc123",
"attachments": InkGenericMessageAttachmentInput,
"subject": "abc123",
"fromAddress": Email,
"toAddresses": Email,
"ccAddresses": [Email],
"s3Bucket": "abc123",
"s3Key": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The S3 bucket of the attachment. |
| The S3 key of the attachment. |
"s3Key": "abc123",
"s3Bucket": "abc123"
This type is used to create an generic message.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Message attachments. |
| The identity the message was sent from. |
| The content of the message, as plain text. |
| The identity the message was sent to. |
"plainTextContent": "abc123",
"attachments": InkGenericMessageAttachmentInput,
"fromHandle": "abc123",
"toHandle": "abc123"
An Ink message used as an input.
This is intended to be morally equivalent to a tagged union; exactly one of the properties provided here is expected to be provided.
At current, only the generic message type is provided, because only the generic message type is currently supported as an input type. This is intended to be a backwards-compatible extension point to allow other message input types to be added in the future.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
"generic": InkGenericMessageInput,
"email": InkEmailMessageInput,
"post": InkPostMessageInput
This type is used to create an inbound post.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number that the letter was sent from. |
| Message attachments. |
| Notes on the letter. |
| The content of the message, as plain text. |
"plainTextContent": "abc123",
"attachments": InkGenericMessageAttachmentInput,
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"notes": "abc123"
Input type for instruction details that was created using the embedded process.
This means it was set up in the vendor system, and we only need to store a representation of the instruction in Kraken, but not make any calls to the vendor. This method of instruction creation must always be used for creating card instructions.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The type of the payment instruction. |
| The datetime from which the instruction is vaild. |
| The name of the vendor the payment instruction was set up with. |
| The vendor's reference for this payment instruction. |
"vendorName": "GOCARDLESS",
"instructionType": "BPAY",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"vendorReference": "abc123"
Input for invalidating an arbitrary payment instruction.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| The id of the payment instruction to be invalidated. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"id": "abc123"
Input type for the InvalidatePreSignedToken mutation.
Input fields
Name | Description |
"token": "abc123"
Input type for the InvalidatePreSignedTokensForUser mutation.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The email address of the user whose tokens should be invalidated. |
| The scope of the token to invalidate. If this argument is not specified, all pre-signed tokens issued to the user are invalidated. |
"email": "abc123",
Input type for the InvalidateRefreshToken mutation.
Input fields
Name | Description |
"refreshToken": "abc123"
Input type for the InvalidateRefreshTokensForUser mutation.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The email address of the user whose tokens should be invalidated. |
"email": "abc123"
The input type for signing an account up to Fan Club.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The list of catchments that have exceeded the member cap. |
| The list of valid catchment areas. |
| User's email address. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"catchments": "abc123",
"cappedCatchments": ["abc123"],
"email": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number of the join supplier process (e.g. A-12345678). |
| The JoinSupplierProcess ID. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"joinSupplierProcessId": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The Kraken account number. |
| Future billing address. |
| |
| The requested last day of supply. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"requestedSupplyEndDate": "2020-01-01",
"marketData": LeaveSupplierMarketInputType,
"futureBillingAddress": RichAddressInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| A list of supply points for initiating a leave supplier journey. |
"supplyPointData": _DefaultMarketTerminationInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Country code. |
| Line 1 of address. |
| Line 2 of address. |
| Line 3 of address. |
| Line 4 of address. |
| Line 5 of address. |
| Postal code. |
"line1": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"countryCode": "abc123",
"line2": "abc123",
"line3": "abc123",
"line4": "abc123",
"line5": "abc123"
Link an AccountUser to a LINE account.
Input fields
Name | Description |
"linkToken": "abc123"
The metadata input type for mutations.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| An identifier for the associated object, e.g. account_number for the Account linked object type or email for the Account User linked object type. |
| The key for the metadata. |
| The object that the metadata is associated with. |
| The metadata value which should be a valid JSON string. |
"identifier": "abc123",
"linkedObjectType": "ACCOUNT",
"key": "abc123",
"value": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Lead email. |
| To know if the lead is domestic or business. |
| The product the lead is interested in. |
| Lead name. |
| Lead phone. |
| The source where the lead comes from. |
"source": "abc123",
"phone": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"leadType": "abc123",
"marketName": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| The OCPP authentication details. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"details": "abc123"
The input type for obtaining a Kraken Token (JWT).
Input fields
Name | Description |
| API key of the account user. Use standalone, don't provide a second input field. |
| Email address of the account user. Use with 'password' field. |
| Live secret key of an third-party organization. Use standalone, don't provide a second input field. |
| Password of the account user. Use with 'email' field. |
| Short-lived, temporary key (that's pre-signed). Use standalone, don't provide a second input field. |
| The refresh token that can be used to extend the expiry claim of a Kraken token. Use standalone, don't provide a second input field. |
"email": "abc123",
"password": "abc123",
"APIKey": "abc123",
"organizationSecretKey": "abc123",
"preSignedKey": "abc123",
"refreshToken": "abc123"
The input type for obtaining a long-lived refresh token.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The Kraken Token that will be used to generate the long-lived refresh token. |
"krakenToken": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Outcome category. |
| Optional reason for the outcome. |
| Type of the app session. |
"type": "SALE",
"category": "SUCCESS",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the owner. |
| The type of owner entity. |
"ownerType": "ACCOUNT_USER",
"ownerId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number for which to pause the dunning process. |
| An optional note for the pause. |
| The dunning process path name to pause. |
| The date from which the pause to take effect. |
| The date at which the pause should stop. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"pathName": "abc123",
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"stopDate": "2020-01-01",
"note": "abc123"
Input type for payment schedule details.
This enables us to collect information to create 4 different types of schedules during enrollment: - Payment on receipt of bill - Payment at a fixed day of the month once a receipt of bill has been issued - Payment when a ledger balance drops below a certain value - Payment at regular intervals for a fixed amount
This is intended to be morally equivalent to a "union" input type.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
"regularTriggered": RegularTriggeredScheduleInput,
"billTriggered": BillTriggeredScheduleInput,
"balanceTriggered": BalanceTriggeredScheduleInput,
"billTriggeredBalanceTarget": BillTriggeredBalanceTargetScheduleInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Content type of the photo. |
| Size of the file in bytes. |
| UUID for the photo. |
| S3 bucket where the photo is stored. |
| S3 key for the photo. |
"id": "500c164d-38c7-4f74-9ac6-be210197e9e4",
"contentType": "abc123",
"fileSize": 1,
"s3Bucket": "abc123",
"s3Key": "abc123"
Information about the query/mutation for which one wants to know the possible errors.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Whether to include possible authentication errors. |
| Name of the query/mutation for which to get the possible errors. |
| Type of the query (query or mutation). |
"name": "abc123",
"type": "query",
"authErrors": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Optional short note about the credit, to be displayed to the user. |
| The ID of the ledger where the credit will be posted. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The number of the ledger where the credit will be posted. |
| The net amount of the credit to be posted. Amount should be posted in the smallest unit of currency. |
| Optional short note about the credit, to be displayed to internal systems. |
| The reason why the credit is posted. This should be a valid credit reason code. |
| The tax amount of the credit to be posted. Amount should be posted in the smallest unit of currency. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"netAmount": 1,
"taxAmount": 1,
"displayNote": "abc123",
"note": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The day of the week. |
| The maximum value. |
| The minimum value. |
| Time of day this change should apply. Format: HH:MM. |
"dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
"time": "00:00:00.000Z",
"min": 1.0,
"max": 1.0
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The type of account to create. |
| The billing address. |
| The billing name. |
| The brand of the created account. |
| The chosen payment day. |
| The customer's details. |
| The date of sale, defaults to today if not provided. |
| The preferred supply start date. |
| Sales information. |
| Information of the supply points that the customer is intending to sign up for supply. |
"accountType": "BUSINESS",
"brandCode": "abc123",
"billingName": "abc123",
"billingAddress": LifecycleAddressInput,
"customerDetails": CustomerDetailsInput,
"salesInfo": SalesInformationInput,
"preferredSsd": "2020-01-01",
"dateOfSale": "2020-01-01",
"chosenPaymentDay": 1,
"supplyPointInfoList": PrepareAccountSupplyPointInput
Input that can be provided to prepare account in order to identify previous accounts. This can be either the id of an actual supply point, or its market name and external_identifier. Only one of these should be provided. If both are present we give preference to the object id.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the supply point to be enrolled. |
| The details of the supply point to be enrolled. |
"supplyPointId": "abc123",
"supplyPointInfo": SupplyPointInfoInput
The input for confirming a product switch.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| ID of the quoted product to be switched to. |
"quotedProductId": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Number of units. |
| Price per unit in smallest sub-unit of the currency. Only used if the product accepts arbitrary prices. |
| Products code to purchase. |
"productCode": "abc123",
"numberOfUnits": 1,
"pricePerUnit": 1
Represents a product and the quantity to quote for a customer.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Currency. |
| Number of units. |
| Price per unit in smallest sub-unit of the currency. |
| ID of the product to quote. |
"productId": "abc123",
"numberOfUnits": 1,
"pricePerUnit": 1,
"currency": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The params of the trigger type, as a JSON string. These are defined in the Params class for a trigger type. |
| The code of the trigger type to be published. |
"triggerTypeCode": "abc123",
"params": {"key": "value"}
Information about the complexity of the query.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The operation name of the query to calculate complexity for if more than one is provided. |
| The query to calculate complexity for. |
| Any variables to include for the query. Pagination variables should be included as they will affect the overall weight of the query. |
"query": "abc123",
"variables": {"key": "value"},
"operationName": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account for which the quote was created. |
| Quote code. |
| Recipient information. |
"recipient": Recipient,
"quoteCode": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The number of the account for which readings are submitted. |
| The ID of the meter for which readings are submitted. |
| The date of the reading. |
| A list of readings for the meter. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"readingDate": "2020-01-01",
"readings": RegisterReadingInput,
"meterId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| The authentication details required for the currently authenticated device. |
| The most recently registered device of this type will be re-authenticated. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"authentication": AuthenticationInput,
"deviceType": "BATTERIES"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Email address of the recipient. |
| Family name of the recipient. |
| Given name of the recipient. |
| Mobile number of the recipient. |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123"
The input type for redeeming Loyalty Points.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The number of Loyalty Points to redeem. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"points": 1
Required payload to redeem the benefit for partner reward referral scheme
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number for the referred account. |
| Referral scheme claim code value. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"code": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The amount to be repaid. |
| Unique constraint to prevent duplicate requests. |
| The ID of the payment to refund. |
| Reason for refunding the payment. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"paymentId": "abc123",
"amountInMinorUnit": 1,
"idempotencyKey": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Register a push notification binding. A push notification binding connects an account user to a specific application running on a specific device through a 'registration token' (Android) or 'device token' (iOS). Using this binding we can send push notifications to the account user's devices. |
| The time at which the push notification binding expires. |
| Device push notification token. |
"token": "abc123",
"bundleId": "abc123",
"expiresAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The OBIS code of the register. |
| The value of the reading. |
"value": 1.0,
"registerObisCode": "abc123"
A payment schedule which triggers a payment at regular intervals.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The based unit of frequency at which payments are to be taken. |
| The multiple of the frequency at which payment are taken; should be between 1 and 11. |
| The day of the month/week at which to take payment; ranges from 1 to 28 for 'Monthly'. |
"paymentDay": 1,
"frequency": "WEEKLY",
"frequencyMultiplier": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The name of the campaign to be removed. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"campaignName": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The campaign ID. |
| The IDs of the items to remove. |
"campaignId": "abc123",
"campaignItemIds": "abc123"
Input fields for Repayment Intervention.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The Repayment Intervention reason. |
| The repayment ID. |
"repaymentId": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input type for the RequestPasswordReset mutation.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The email requesting a password reset email. |
"email": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The ID of the billing document to request a printed bill for. |
"billingDocumentId": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number for the requested ledger's account. |
| The amount to be repaid. |
| Unique constraint to prevent duplicate requests. |
| The ledger id from which the repayment will be requested. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The ledger number from which the repayment will be requested. |
| The method by which the money will be transferred to the customer. |
| The reason for the repayment. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"amountInMinorUnit": 1,
"method": "BANK_TRANSFER",
"idempotencyKey": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
"password": "abc123",
"userId": "abc123",
"token": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The new password. |
| The token from the presigned url. |
| A base64 bytestring representing the user's unique id. |
"newPassword": "abc123",
"userId": "abc123",
"token": "abc123"
The arguments required for getting the offered market quote(s) for an account
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The supply type either: 'ELECTRICITY' or 'GAS'. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"supplyType": "ELECTRICITY"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The ID of the agreement to be revoked. |
| The reason for revoking the agreement. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"agreementId": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
The input for revoking a contract.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Cancellation reason. |
| The supply point id of the contract. |
"supplyPointId": 1,
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"reason": "abc123"
A postal address.
This data model is based on the structure used by Google's libaddressinput library—so you can use it, or other libraries that use its data model and reference data, to accept input.
All fields can be blank, except for country
which must
always be supplied.
This type is the input equivalent of RichAddressType
; all
the fields here are semantically equivalent to fields
there, except where documented.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Top-level administrative subdivision, e.g. US state, AU state/territory, IT region, JP prefecture. |
| ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country this address belongs
to, e.g. |
| Identifier used by the local postal service for this address, e.g. AU DPID, GB postcode + Delivery Point Suffix, US Zip-9 + Delivery Point. This is the value that gets encoded in the barcode printed on the envelope by large-volume bulk mail providers. |
| UK dependent localities, or neighbourhoods or boroughs in some other locations. |
| City or town portion of an address, e.g. US city, AU suburb/town, IT comune, UK post town. |
| A personal name. |
| The name of a business or organisation. |
| Postal code (ZIP code in the US). |
| Sorting code, e.g. FR CEDEX code. This field is not used in many countries. |
| At most one of this field and This is a divergence from |
| At most one of this field and
"name": "abc123",
"organization": "abc123",
"streetAddress": "abc123",
"structuredStreetAddress": "abc123" | 1 | 1.0 | true | ["abc123"] | AccountType,
"dependentLocality": "abc123",
"locality": "abc123",
"administrativeArea": "abc123",
"postalCode": "abc123",
"sortingCode": "abc123",
"country": "abc123",
"deliveryPointIdentifier": "abc123"
Information about the sale to associate with the account.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Optional ID of the affiliate session. |
| The referral code used by the customer when signing up. |
| Sales channel. Deprecated The 'salesChannel' field is deprecated. |
| Sales subchannel. Deprecated The 'salesSubchannel' field is deprecated. |
| Unique reference number. |
"affiliateSessionId": "abc123",
"salesChannel": "abc123",
"salesSubchannel": "abc123",
"urn": "abc123",
"referralCode": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Quote code. |
| IDs of the quoted products to be selected. |
"quoteCode": "abc123",
"selectedQuotedProductIds": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the selected option from the list. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding step to complete. |
| The ID of the SmartFlex onboarding wizard. |
"wizardId": "abc123",
"stepId": "abc123",
"selectedOption": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The identifier the lead. |
| If the Lead was won or not. |
"leadId": "abc123",
"outcome": "abc123"
The input type for setting the Loyalty Points user.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The account user receiving the points. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"newLoyaltyPointsUserId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The number of the account. |
| The details with which to set up the instruction (these will be sent to the vendor). |
| The id of the ledger on which the instruction should be created (or "main"). Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| The number of the ledger on which the instruction should be created. |
| The owners of the financial account this instruction represents. |
| The date-time that the instruction is valid from. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"bankDetails": BankDetailsInput,
"owners": OwnerInput
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The email to share the quote with. |
| The quote to share. |
"quoteCode": "abc123",
"email": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The smart control action, i.e. suspend or unsuspend. |
| The ID of the device. |
"deviceId": "abc123",
"action": "SUSPEND"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the device. |
| The mode of the schedule. |
| The schedule with the preference details. |
| The unit of the min and max values in the preferences schedule. |
"deviceId": "abc123",
"mode": "CHARGE",
"unit": "CELSIUS",
"schedules": PreferencesScheduleInput
The input for special cancellation of a contract.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| Requested last day of supply of the customer. |
| The special cancellation reason. |
| The supply point id of the contract. |
"supplyPointId": 1,
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"lastDayOfSupply": "2020-01-01",
"reason": "PRICE_CHANGE"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account to which the device should be registered. |
| The property where the device is located/charged. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"propertyId": 1
The input for storing a new payment instruction created through the embedded process.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The type of the new payment instruction. |
| The ID of the ledger to which the instructions will be linked. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| WARNING: Will be mandatory in future versions The number of the ledger to which the instructions will be linked. |
| The datetime from which the instruction is vaild. |
| The vendor's reference for this payment method. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"instructionType": "BPAY",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"vendorReference": "abc123",
"ledgerId": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The supply points external identifier. |
| The market of the supply point. |
"marketName": "abc123",
"externalIdentifier": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The customer's expected annual consumption in kWh. |
| The customer's expected annual nighttime consumption in kWh. |
| The BDEW-assigned ID of the network operator. |
| Create a quote for this specific product. Don't use this! This is only here for compatibility reasons. Deprecated The 'productCode' field is deprecated. |
"annualConsumption": 1,
"annualNighttimeConsumption": 1,
"networkOperatorNumber": "abc123",
"productCode": "abc123"
Input type for switching an account to a variable payment schedule. Requires an account_number
and ledger_number
to be provided.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Number of the account for which to update the schedule. |
| Number of the ledger associated with the current payment schedule. |
| A note to be added to the payment schedule to explain the change. |
| The date from which the variable payment schedule should start. Defaults to today. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"targetChangeDate": "2020-01-01",
"note": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Datetime when the credit transfer permission is valid. |
| Source ledger number of the credit transfer permission. |
| Target ledger number of the credit transfer permission. |
"sourceLedgerNumber": "abc123",
"targetLedgerNumber": "abc123",
"activeAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The amount ( in lowest unit ) to transfer. If the amount is negative,the effect is reversed (the source ledger's balance increases and the destination ledger's balance decreases). |
| Optional short note about transfer reason. |
| Account's ledger from which the requested amount is debited. |
| Account's ledger to which the requested amount is credited. |
"sourceAccountLedger": AccountLedgerInput,
"targetAccountLedger": AccountLedgerInput,
"amount": 1,
"note": "abc123"
The input type for transferring Loyalty Points.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| The number of Loyalty Points to transfer. |
| The account user receiving the points. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"receivingUserId": "abc123",
"points": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the user assigned to handle this exception.If no user is provided, no user will be assigned to the exception. |
| The new category. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
| The new context. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. This will completely replace the existing context by the new one. |
| The ID of the API Exception that will be updated. |
| The new key date. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
| The ID of an operations team to handle this exception. If no team is provided, no team will be assigned to the exception. |
| The new priority. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
| The new resolution status. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
| The new resolution type. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
| The updated list of tags. If none is provided, the field won't be updated. |
"id": 1,
"resolutionStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"resolutionType": "AUTOMATIC",
"priority": "LOW",
"context": {"key": "value"},
"category": "ACCOUNT",
"tags": "MOVE_IN",
"keyDate": "2020-01-01",
"assignedUserId": 1,
"operationsTeamId": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The ID of the API Exception note being updated. |
| The body of the note. |
"body": "abc123",
"apiExceptionNoteId": "abc123"
Input fields for updating billing email for an account.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number for account. |
| The billingemail which can be up to 512 characters. Use null to unset billingemail. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"billingEmail": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"isOptedInToClientMessages": true,
"isOptedInToOfferMessages": true,
"isOptedInToRecommendedMessages": true,
"isOptedInToUpdateMessages": true,
"isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages": true,
"emailFormat": "TEXT",
"isUsingInvertedEmailColours": true,
"fontSizeMultiplier": 1.0,
"isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations": true,
"isOptedInToSmsMessages": true,
"preferredHoldMusic": "NO_SONG_PREFERRED"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"isOptedInToClientMessages": true,
"isOptedInToOfferMessages": true,
"isOptedInToRecommendedMessages": true,
"isOptedInToUpdateMessages": true,
"isOptedInToThirdPartyMessages": true,
"isOptedInMeterReadingConfirmations": true,
"isOptedInToSmsMessages": true,
"isUsingInvertedEmailColours": true,
"fontSizeMultiplier": 1.0,
"emailFormat": "abc123",
"preferredHoldMusic": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"pronouns": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"landline": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| The id of the affiliate link that is going to be edited. |
| The organisation for whom to update the affiliate link for. |
| Will be validated as follows:
"linkId": "abc123",
"organisationId": "abc123",
"subdomain": "abc123",
"contactName": "abc123",
"contactEmail": "abc123",
"isBusiness": true,
"landingUrl": "abc123",
"trainingStatus": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Is this partner allowed to specify payment methods other than Direct Debit in the import csv or API. |
| Are meter point registrations limited for profile classes 1 and 2 for registrations from csv or API. |
| Allow registration requests with customers without an email address. |
| Allow registration requests with exiting account user emails to add to the portfolio belonging to the account user. |
| Allow performing tariff renewals via API. |
| Allow this partner access to the IVR support API (modify their own IVR handling through third party 'IVR Flow Editor'). |
| The primary contact email for the organisation, used to send notifications about API usage such as authentication and permissions. |
| Default Account Type. |
| Restrict to field-sales-only products? This is only allowed for the 'field-sales' and 'events' sales channels. |
| |
| The organisation that is going to be edited. |
| Sales Channel. |
| Allow this partner to skip validation that ensures all meter points belong to the same address. |
"organisationId": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"contactEmail": "abc123",
"salesChannel": "DEFAULT_SUPPLY",
"defaultAccountType": "BUSINESS",
"canRegisterBusinessMeterPoints": true,
"canRegisterPortfolioAccounts": true,
"canRegisterCustomersWithoutEmailAddress": true,
"skipMeterPointAddressValidation": true,
"allowAlternativePaymentMethods": true,
"canRenewTariffs": true,
"canUseIvrSupportApi": true,
"isFieldSalesOnlyProduct": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| A code that uniquely identifies the account. |
| A code that uniquely identifies the agreement. |
| The reason for the change. |
| The start date of the agreement. |
| The end date of the agreement (exclusive). The agreement will end on midnight of this date, such that the previous day is the last day covered by this agreement. |
"agreementId": "abc123",
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"validFrom": "2020-01-01",
"validTo": "2020-01-01",
"reason": "abc123"
Input type for updating the schedule auto top up amount for for an account. Requires an account_number
, ledger_id
or ledger_number
, and payment_amount
to be provided.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number to update the schedule auto top up amount for. |
| Specifies the ledger ID associated with the current schedule for updates. Deprecated The 'ledgerId' field is deprecated. |
| Specifies the ledger number associated with the current schedule for updates. |
| The new auto-top-up amount for the payment schedule. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"ledgerId": 1,
"ledgerNumber": "abc123",
"paymentAmount": 1
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The reference code for the active flow. |
| The Collection Process Record Number. |
"number": "abc123",
"externalReference": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The Completion details for the Collection Process. |
| The Completion reason for the Collection Process. |
| The Collection Process Record Number. |
"number": "abc123",
"completionReason": "ENDED",
"completionDetails": "abc123"
Input fields for updating comms delivery preferences for an account
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"commsDeliveryPreference": "EMAIL"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The keys and values to be updated. |
| The identifier the lead to update. |
"leadId": "abc123",
"items": _UpdateExtraDetailsItem
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The latest action that was performed. |
| The identifier the lead to update. |
| The stage that the lead should be updated to. |
"leadId": "abc123",
"stage": "abc123",
"latestAction": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Future billing address. |
| The ID of the LeaveSupplier process to update. |
| |
| The requested last day of supply. |
"requestedSupplyEndDate": "2020-01-01",
"marketData": LeaveSupplierMarketInputType,
"futureBillingAddress": RichAddressInput,
"leaveSupplierProcessId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| The message to set the tags on. |
| The tag names to set on the message. |
| The tag code to set on the message. |
| The tag version to set on the message. |
"messageRelayId": "abc123",
"tagNames": "abc123",
"taggerCode": "abc123",
"taggerVersion": "abc123",
"clientMutationId": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| New password. |
| Confirm new password. |
| Old password. |
"oldPassword": "abc123",
"newPassword": "abc123",
"newPasswordConfirmed": "abc123"
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"paymentAmount": 1,
"supplyType": "abc123"
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"paymentDay": 1,
"supplyType": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The account number. |
| A JSON object containing client parameters to store on the purchase. |
| A JSON object containing market parameters to store on the purchase. |
| The purchase ID. |
| Products being purchased. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"purchaseId": "abc123",
"saleItems": ProductToPurchaseInput,
"marketParams": {"key": "value"},
"clientParams": {"key": "value"}
Input fields
Name | Description |
| |
| User details. |
| |
| |
| |
| Because this field is clearable, null and the empty string are treated differently; passing null or omitting the field leaves the value as-is, but explicitly passing an empty string clears this value. |
| Because this field is clearable, null and the empty string are treated differently; passing null or omitting the field leaves the value as-is, but explicitly passing an empty string clears this value. |
| How the user would like us to address them (e.g. 'she/her', 'they/them'). Because this field is clearable, null and the empty string are treated differently; passing null or omitting the field leaves the value as-is, but explicitly passing an empty string clears this value. |
| The user's title. |
| The user for whom to perform the update. This is only needed when using an Organisation role. |
"givenName": "abc123",
"familyName": "abc123",
"pronouns": "abc123",
"email": "abc123",
"mobile": "abc123",
"dateOfBirth": "2020-01-01",
"landline": "abc123",
"userId": "abc123",
"title": "abc123",
"details": DetailsInputType
Filter measurements by the given utility parameters.
Input fields
Name | Description |
"electricityFilters": ElectricityFiltersInput
Input required to validate email address via Kickbox
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Check if an email is already in use. |
| The user's email address. |
"email": "abc123",
"checkUniqueness": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The user's phone number. |
"phoneNumber": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"weekdayTargetTime": "abc123",
"weekdayTargetSoc": 1,
"weekendTargetTime": "abc123",
"weekendTargetSoc": 1,
"targetType": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The number of the account belonging to the user (e.g. A-12345678). |
| The first line of the user's address (this could be the energy supply property address or the billing address on the account). |
| The user's full name. |
| The user's postcode (this could be the postcode of the energy supply property address or of the billing address on the account). |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"fullName": "abc123",
"firstLineOfAddress": "abc123",
"postcode": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The number of the account for which readings are submitted. |
| The supply type that the spin should be registered for. |
| Indication whether the user has accepted the WoF terms and conditions. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"supplyType": "ELECTRICITY",
"termsAccepted": true
Input fields
Name | Description |
| Account number for which to withdraw the dunning process. |
| An optional note for the withdraw. |
| The dunning process path name to withdraw. |
"accountNumber": "abc123",
"pathName": "abc123",
"note": "abc123"
Default input required to initiate a LeaveSupplier journey for a given market. This type should only be used when there are no configured markets while building the LeaveSupplierMarketInputType.
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The market supply point identification number. |
"supplyPointIdentifier": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| The key of the extra detail item to be added or modified. |
| The value to of the extra detail item to be added or modified. |
"key": "abc123",
"value": "abc123"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| MFA enrolment method. |
"mfaMethod": "EMAIL"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| MFA method. |
"mfaMethod": "EMAIL"
Input fields
Name | Description |
| MFA method. |
| Token sent to the user via the MFA method. |
"mfaMethod": "EMAIL",
"token": "abc123"