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Customer Migrations Guide: Post Account Import

After an account has successfully been created you might need to import additional data. In this section we’ll walk you through the various endpoints you can use to add information to an imported account in Kraken.

Importing account notes


Use this endpoint to add notes to an account.

Some points to note:

  • A note must contain at least one of the fields body or document_paths.
  • A created_at datetime may optionally be provided. Otherwise, it will default to the current local time.
  • The document_paths refer to the locations in S3 where attached documents are stored. More details on document paths can be found here.
  • An optional is_pinned boolean can be passed in the payload to control whether this note will be pinned to the top of the Kraken account support site page.




The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
201 - Created

If the payload is valid, a 201 Created response will be returned containing a list of the posted notes and their creation status. A new note will only be created if a note on the account with the same body (and created_at, if provided) does not already exist.

[ { "created_at": "2020-01-01T12:00:00Z", "body": "Something very important to import.", "status": "NOTE_CREATION_SUCCESS" }, { "created_at": "2020-02-01T12:00:00Z", "body": "Something else very important to import.", "status": "NOTE_ALREADY_EXISTS" } ]
400 - Bad Request

If there are validation errors, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned, detailing the errors. To resolve the error, refer to the field definitions and validation rules.

404 - Not Found

If an account is not found, then a 404 Not Found response will be returned. To resolve the error, check that the account has been imported (not just staged) and that the import_supplier code and external_account_number are correct.


Example payload
{ "import_supplier": "TENTACLE_ENERGY", "external_account_number": "EXTERNAL-1234", "notes": [ { "body": "Some important pinned note.", "is_pinned": true, "unpin_at": "2020-06-01T12:00:00Z" }, { "created_at": "2020-02-01T12:00:00Z", "body": "Some important note with an attachment.", "document_paths": [ { "document_path": "some/path/to/a/document.pdf" } ] } ] }

Importing financial transactions


Use this endpoint to import financial transactions to an account.

The following optional URL params are available to tweak the behaviour of the API:

  • check_previously_added: boolean flag indicating whether to check if a transaction has already been added. Defaults to true.
  • force_add_to_current_statement: boolean flag. If set to true and the payload contains a transaction that is outside the currently-open statement period, this will modify the transaction date so that it is within the currently-open statement period. This then allows the transaction to be added to the statement instead of throwing an error. A description is added to the transaction to explain this, and a note is pinned to the account. Defaults to true.




The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
201 - Created

If the payload is valid, and there were no errors while importing the transactions, a 201 Created response will be returned containing an object with a list of transactions that were passed in along with their creation statuses. For example:

{ "results": [ { "status": "TRANSACTION_ALREADY_EXISTS", "transaction_data": { "transaction_id": "1", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": "71.00", "type": "PAYMENT", "reason": "GENERAL_CREDIT", "reference": "reference 1", "payment_type": "DEBIT_CARD", "status": "TRANSACTION_IMPORT_SUCCESS" } }, { "status": "TRANSACTION_ADDED_TO_ACCOUNT", "transaction_data": { "transaction_id": "2", "transaction_date": "2019-10-04", "amount": "180.00", "type": "PAYMENT", "reason": "GENERAL_CREDIT", "reference": "reference 2", "payment_type": "DEBIT_CARD" } } ] }

The following statuses are available:

  • TRANSACTION_ADDED_TO_ACCOUNT: the transaction has been added to both the account import data and the account.

  • TRANSACTION_ALREADY_EXISTS: the transaction was added to the account previously, so it has been skipped this time.

400 - Bad Request

If there are validation errors, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned, detailing the errors. To resolve the error, refer to the field definitions and validation rules. The error response contains the following information:

  • The data of the first failing transaction

  • An additional error_detail field with the reason for the failure


For example:

{ "status": "TRANSACTION_IMPORT_ERROR", "error_detail": "Transaction is not within the open statement period.", "transaction_data": { "transaction_id": "1", "transaction_date": "2019-09-28", "amount": "71.00", "type": "PAYMENT", "reason": "GENERAL_CREDIT", "reference": "reference 1", "payment_type": "DEBIT_CARD" } }

To resolve the error refer to the reason detailed in the error_detail field.


Example payload
{ "import_supplier": "TENTACLE_ENERGY", "external_account_number": "EXTERNAL-1234", "transactions": [ { "transaction_id": "1", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": 10.0, "type": "CHARGE", "reason": "IMPORTED_CHARGE", "display_note": "Some customer facing note about the charge.", "note": "Some internal note about the charge." }, { "transaction_id": "2", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": 10.0, "type": "CREDIT", "reason": "IMPORTED_CREDIT", "display_note": "Some customer facing note about the credit.", "note": "Some internal note about the credit." }, { "transaction_id": "3", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": 10.0, "type": "PAYMENT", "reason": "ACCOUNT_CHARGE_PAYMENT", "reference": "payment-reference-1", "payment_type": "DD_REGULAR_COLLECTION", "note": "Some internal note about the payment." }, { "transaction_id": "4", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": 10.0, "type": "REPAYMENT", "reason": "FULL_CREDIT_REFUND", "reference": "repayment-reference-1", "payment_type": "DIRECT_CREDIT", "note": "Some internal note about the repayment." }, { "transaction_id": "5", "transaction_date": "2019-10-01", "amount": 53.24, "type": "SUPPLY_CHARGE", "display_note": "Some customer facing note about the supply charge.", "product_code": "SOME-PRODUCT-CODE-4321", "line_items": [ { "rate_band": "CONSUMPTION_STANDARD", "start_date": "2019-10-01", "end_date": "2019-11-01", "number_of_units": 4.0, "net_amount": 44.0, "price_per_unit": 11.0, "units": [ 4.0, 8.0 ] } ], "tax_items": [ { "amount": 9.24, "tax_type": "VAT", "value_taxed": 44.0, "rate": 0.21, "unit_type": "PROPORTION" } ] } ] }

Importing historical statements


Use this endpoint to import historical PDF statements onto an account. The historical statements payload contains an optional statement_path field that points to a location for the PDF statement in S3. For more information on document path parameters, see document paths section.




The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
201 - Created

If the payload is valid, a 200 OK response will be returned with the validated data as its body.

400 - Bad Request

If there are validation errors, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned, detailing the errors. To resolve the error, refer to the field definitions and validation rules.


Example payload
{ "import_supplier": "TENTACLE_ENERGY", "external_account_number": "EXTERNAL-1234", "statements": [ { "bill_period_from_date": "2022-01-01", "bill_period_to_date": "2022-01-31", "statement_id": "1", "issued_date": "2022-02-02", "number": "1", "gross_amount": 100, "statement_path": "path/to/statement-1.pdf", "supply_type": "ELECTRICITY", "is_annulled": false } ] }

Importing payment instructions


Use this endpoint to create a payment instruction for an account.




The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
201 - Created

If the payload is valid, a 201 Created response will be returned containing the Kraken account number and the reference. For example:

{ "kraken_account_number": "A-C90DC431", "reference": "THIS-IS-A-FAKE-REFERENCE" }
400 - Bad Request

If there are validation errors, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned, detailing the errors. To resolve the error, refer to the field definitions and validation rules.

This error can be returned if we have persistent issues communicating with the upstream payment vendor (we call their API to verify the instruction exists, and retrieve the details to store in Kraken). In this case, the request should not be retried in its current form.

500 - Internal Server Error

If an unexpected error occurs, a 500 Internal Server Error response will be returned.

This error can be returned if we have intermittent issues communicating with the upstream payment vendor (we call their API to verify the instruction exists, and retrieve the details to store in Kraken). In this case, the request should be retried as-is.


Example payload
{ "import_supplier": "TENTACLE_ENERGY", "external_account_number": "EXTERNAL-1234", "vendor": "STRIPE", "reference": "THIS-IS-A-FAKE-REFERENCE", "type": "CARD" }